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US Army begins relief missions in Swat Valley .Chinook in action

The US has sent aid, always, while the Arab imperial masters never do (mulling over inspection teams to find the scale of disasters is called doing nothing). While the Arab-ized crowd in Pakistan continue to worship Sheikh sahiban, the infidels are always the ones who send aid.

Thank you US for the aid. Prefab bridges and MREs are really helpful.

I guess they did after all:

At the very outset, he thanked the Saudi government for providing $100 million worth of relief supplies for the victims, but renewed his call for more support.
Saudi Arabia, he said, sent a second planeload of relief supplies on Thursday to Pakistan.

Envoy seeks more aid for flood-hit Pakistan - Arab News
Tomato/Tomatooo... Who cares Solomon? Let me check the starving couple.. Do they care at this point? Guess what! NO!
My goodness! Here I click on a thread expecting to read about helicopters and all I did was offer an observation about the aid they provided, based on personal experience! Why get into a fit about it?
Saudi Arabia, he said, sent a second planeload of relief supplies on Thursday to Pakistan.
The Saudis also have floating desalinization plants. (India has them too.) I wonder if these can be towed to Pakistan and put to good use.
What is the condition necessary for food to be Kosher, BTW throughout my trip to europe and US i was told that theres no problem in eating that BTW this whole Krsher/Halal stuff is useless, people are dyin.. !!!
My goodness! Here I click on a thread expecting to read about helicopters and all I did was offer an observation about the aid they provided, based on personal experience! Why get into a fit about it?

Who quoted my MRE Snap and started a rant about Kosher Vs Halal. Please solomon.. Please! Not in this thread too... You are starting to build a reputation...
What is the condition necessary for food to be Kosher, BTW throughout my trip to europe and US i was told that theres no problem in eating that BTW this whole Krsher/Halal stuff is useless, people are dyin.. !!!
Although the details of kashrut are extensive, the laws all derive from a few fairly simple, straightforward rules:

1. Certain animals may not be eaten at all. This restriction includes the flesh, organs, eggs and milk of the forbidden animals.
2. Of the animals that may be eaten, the birds and mammals must be killed in accordance with Jewish law.
3. All blood must be drained from meat and poultry or broiled out of it before it is eaten.
4. Certain parts of permitted animals may not be eaten.
5. Fruits and vegetables are permitted, but must be inspected for bugs (which cannot be eaten)
6. Meat (the flesh of birds and mammals) cannot be eaten with dairy. Fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and grains can be eaten with either meat or dairy. (According to some views, fish may not be eaten with meat).
7. Utensils (including pots and pans and other cooking surfaces) that have come into contact with meat may not be used with dairy, and vice versa. Utensils that have come into contact with non-kosher food may not be used with kosher food. This applies only where the contact occurred while the food was hot.
8. Grape products made by non-Jews may not be eaten.
9. There are a few other rules that are not universal.

Judaism 101: Kashrut: Jewish Dietary Laws


Pakistan Defence is or rather was a serious defence forum. Start posting relevant material or go post these lunatic theories somewhere else amongst fellow idiots.


Pakistan Defence is or rather was a serious defence forum. Start posting relevant material or go post these lunatic theories somewhere else amongst fellow idiots.

true indeed....

it is realy madness debating on this pointless topic, specially considering no prove have been put up that the food had some probles.

the point to ponder is :
Our men are facing a difficult time and the US are trying to help us out"
thanks to them and thats all....

WASHINGTON: The United States has pledged an initial 10 million dollars of aid to flood-hit Pakistan and is sending helicopters, boats, bridges, water units and other supplies, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Sunday.

A US Air Force C-130H delivered international assistance to Pakistan in response to catastrophic monsoon flooding


WASHINGTON — The United States is rushing helicopters, boats, bridges, water units and other supplies to flood-hit Pakistan as part of an initial 10-million-dollar aid pledge, the government said Sunday.

"The Pakistani people are friends and partners, and the United States is standing with them as the tragic human toll mounts from flooding in northwest Pakistan," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement.

More than 1,100 people have been killed by monsoon rains, flash floods and landslides in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and at least another 47 have died in Pakistani-administered Kashmir, officials say.

Up to one million people have been affected, according to the United Nations, with thousands of homes and vast areas of farmland destroyed in a region of Pakistan reeling from years of extremist bloodshed.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have lost loved ones or have been displaced from their homes -- and we are taking action to help," said Clinton. "Our embassy in Islamabad is coordinating closely with Pakistani authorities to support rescue and relief efforts
You are correct, we must ensure the meat is Halal. However, you are relying on hearsay, so you cannot definitively say the meat is Haram. Let me see if I can find out where the meat is coming from (I would welcome the help of anyone in the US).

In time of need even horse is OK, so need of worried about to eat harm or Halal at time of need
U.S. Air Force, Army Help With Pakistan Flood Relief

Read More U.S. Air Force, Army Help With Pakistan Flood Relief | Danger Room | Wired.com

As if northern Pakistan hasn’t suffered enough during the rise of the Pakistani Taliban over the last several years, the mass flooding that began late last week provided a new level of devastation. UNICEF estimates that 3.2 million Pakistanis have been displaced or otherwise affected. As many as 1500 people have died. Over 25,000 are stranded and in need of help. And on Sunday, the U.S. Air Force got to work providing some of that aid.

Taking off from Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan, a C-130 from the 455th Expeditionary Air Wing delivered 8,000 halal meals to Islamabad on Sunday. A C-17 from the 385th Expeditionary Air Group stocked with another 44,000 meals arrived soon after. (Full disclosure: the Air Force’s Air Mobility Command is helping me get to Afghanistan, where I’ll check out some of its missions there.) The planes represent the first wave of a $10 million U.S. effort to help with flood relief.

Since Sunday, according to the International Security Assistance Force, the NATO command in Afghanistan, the U.S. has delivered 189,000 halal meals in total. Another 200,000 are scheduled to be delivered within the next 24 hours. That’s a start, but according to the United Nations, 1.8 million people in Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province, the area formerly known as the Northwest Frontier Province and the hardest hit by the flood, are in need of food assistance.

Food aid won’t be all that’s needed. The United Nations is warning of waterborne diseases like diarrhea further afflicting flood victims, so the World Health Organization is dispensing needed medicines. And the U.S. embassy in Pakistan lists some other U.S. assets on hand or soon-to-be-on-hand to assist: four Zodiac inflatable power boats, two water filtration units and 12 pre-fabricated steel bridges to replace washed out overpasses in Peshawar and Kurram.

The Army’s set to help as well. On Wednesday, six Chinook and Blackhawk helicopters from the 101st Airborne Division are scheduled to leave from Ghazi Airbase, carrying about 100 U.S. military personnel. It won’t be the first time U.S. military personnel will have arrived on the ground in Pakistan, despite strong local sensibilities against a U.S. presence in Pakistan.

Whether the U.S. assistance will mitigate extremely negative Pakistani perceptions of the U.S. remains to be seen. A five-year $7.5 billion aid effort announced last year didn’t stop Pakistanis from awarding the U.S. a 17 percent approval rating in a poll Pew released last week. Neither did millions in U.S. aid after the Pakistani earthquake of 2008 that killed at least 200 people. In the meantime, the U.S. military is simply helping out.


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