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US agencies confirm presence of Chinese troops along LoC

Don't know bothways. We were just pissing off the dreamers and fan boys and were receiving the entertainment in return. Thanks for admitting our contribution. :)

Call me anything to hide the frustration. Events in Pakistan tend to favour my line of thought more than yours.

BTW why the flags have been changed ?

Gounder...........barking louder then the crowd doesn't make you right...........comments are clear...........why did the Indian intelligence not pick this up for 6 years..........Chinese forces have been in Azad Kashmir since 2005 helping since the earthquake has hit.......whats seems to be the problem with you in this...........you spoke earlier about being happy with where the borders are........so Pakistan and China can do as they wish within their borders.....why do you care

Quote me one post where I said China should not be there in PaK. :wave:

And I stand by what I said - Pakistan is free to do anything in its Kashmir as we are free to do in ours.
To be very honest......It is an internal affair of Pakistan wheather they invite China or America...Yes..what India can do is to Prepare itself for any circumstances that may arise in the long term....
save that for Gounder, the one who called for the "un-doing of Pakistan" (wet dreamers)

Comprehension is not the strong point of you boys, aint it ?

I said ,"Good. now that you have chosen your home as Pakistan be happy where you are and don't covet others land. Who knows that might ultimately be the undoing of a nation called Pakistan."

One reason why you lost Bangladesh was because of the philosophy of "Defence of East lies in West" and undertaking Operation Chengiz Khan. If not for Kashmir, we would have never interefered in East Pakistan and would have let you sort the issue yourselves.

The whole point being, dont covet our land. Just like you lost half your country you might loose other parts also if you tried to do that. Be happy within your borders and we are happy within ours.
then why did you join this forum? to talk lies just like the rest of us?:devil:

For some time pass and interest in Indian defence. :smokin:

which "economic" growth? The slumdog economic growth or the fantasy shining india shupaar powaar growth?? lol, and we all know how much balls you indians have (2002 and 2008).

Wish Pakistan atleast had the slumdog growth of 9% per annum and doesn't need IMF/WB for sustaining its economy nor does it need the Gulf kings to supply Fuel at deferred rates.

As I said, we did not attack you because the native Pakistanis are doing a fine job themselves. Why bother to attack a nation and unify you people ?

see if you want to make a mockery and joke of the suicide bombings in my country in which thousands of innocent civilians and security personnel lost their lives than don't expect me to sit idle!

Is that supposed to be a threat ?:tongue:
Call me anything to hide the frustration. Events in Pakistan tend to favour my line of thought more than yours.

BTW why the flags have been changed ?

What frustration??? It was you who was coming with thing like undoing of Pakistan or true Indians etc etc. Frustration looks to be on your side buddy. Anyways we all know that you were just pissed off by the response of Pakistani and Chinese members here and started ridiculing yourself. What ever your line of thought is one thing is sure you can be a good source of entertainment in the future also.;)

And my profile, my flags. Am I supposed to give you the reason??? Definitely NO. :)
What frustration??? It was you who was coming with thing like undoing of Pakistan or true Indians etc etc. Frustration looks to be on your side buddy. Anyways we all know that you were just pissed off by the response of Pakistani and Chinese members here and started ridiculing yourself. What ever your line of thought is one thing is sure you can be a good source of entertainment in the future also.;)

Good thing is you did not understand the context of both. I tried explaining it but either you people did not understand or do not want to understand which I cannot help. As for entertainment as I said it is a two way street. Also good to know I bring smiles to some Pakistanis in their dark hours.

And my profile, my flags. Am I supposed to give you the reason??? Definitely NO. :)

Well no need. I know the reason and that is perhaps the best example of self-ridiculing.
hay tu phir hay .......... do you have any problem with it ...... its our land ....... we can call anyone we can invite anyone ......... what usa is doing there in kuwait .............. because kuwait called usa invited usa ......... so did we ............ mind your own business ........
MamamiyyyyyyyyaaaAAAaaAAaAaaaaAAaaaaaa... Bhooooooooooooootttt... :rofl:
And my profile, my flags. Am I supposed to give you the reason??? Definitely NO. :)

Indeed absolute correct.

Merely from a technical stand point I am reminded of ships flying flags of convenience and none can question this.

In the cases of such ships, they fly flags of convenience for a variety of reasons; some legitimate and mostly illegitimate.
We happi that our brotherz Chinese r in our land helping us...and the whole West is jealous of our friendship...they cant even sleep at night...:woot:
Till 2007, Pakistan's GDP growth was 7%. But political instability and war on terror were bad for economy.
Hope economy will recover again.

You maybe right, but what matters is what is the present situation and not what it could be.

One must understand that political instability, the WOT or own people killing each other, while maybe legitimate reasons, still remains the errors the country is wantonly encouraging themselves.

So, that is the fault of those who are opting to go downhill and is their own folly and nobody else's.
We happi that our brotherz Chinese r in our land helping us...and the whole West is jealous of our friendship...they cant even sleep at night...:woot:

Well, if you parcel out land like the Shaksgam Valley, it would be downright dog in the manger attitude if the Chinese did not help.

Imagine handing over a room of your house free to a neighbour and then he does not help you out in your time of crisis!

Maybe the West is surprised that Pakistan is cutting its nose to spite the face.

Also check chinese history. Brotherz Chinese come and then they take it over quoting many stories to legitimise their occupation.

Good chaps, actually.
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