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US $ 1 billion project to rebuild India and world's oldest uni

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It should become a joint project of all Dharmic countries. We should have Sri Lanka, Japan, Thailand, China, Indonesia, Combodia, Vietnam.....

Any Dharmic country that is interested in restoring the great university and reviving the Dharmic greatness...
I think it already is. Chinese gov and given $5 or $50 million for the university. and a other college which teaches Buddhist history , Indian history and Pali is already thr in nalanda. College have so many students from Burma ,Bangladesh and srilanka.
Here have a beer :cheers: and chillax. The news of this university being rebuilt seems to bother you. Relax. Someday, who knows...your kid could be a graduate at that university :cheers:

Sorry u keep yr goodies to yrself.

The OP claimed that it was the oldest university n i told that taxila university is oldest.
Sorry u keep yr goodies to yrself.

The OP claimed that it was the oldest university n i told that taxila university is oldest.

Well perhaps Taxila is the oldest university. Who knows? We weren't around then. Would you agree that the rebuilding of this university is good news for South Asia ?
LOL Kiddo If u dont know Muslim history then dont even bother to comment on our ancestors.

Yr Aryas r came From CA n ME.
ME is a place from where world's first civilization had emerged.

The name is taxila not what your claiming of.
This place is Pakistani n part of the Civilization of Pakistan that is not appreciated in yr country as it tries to buy eveything in SA by changing the historical facts.

This is the reality live with it.
@mods @nuclearpak . Even after ur warnig why this guy is still trolling busy in discussing taxila? or ur rules are not for Pakistani members?
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Me think we should also spend another one billion dollars to keep it safe from Muslim invaders. Couple of batteries of S400 and squadron of MkI is atleast needed.:lol:
LOL Kiddo If u dont know Muslim history then dont even bother to comment on our ancestors.

Yr Aryas r came From CA n ME.
ME is a place from where world's first civilization had emerged.

The name is taxila not what your claiming of.
This place is Pakistani n part of the Civilization of Pakistan that is not appreciated in yr country as it tries to buy eveything in SA by changing the historical facts.

This is the reality live with it.

Go and build a university in ME for your self and live there :lol:
Me think we should also spend another one billion dollars to keep it safe from Muslim invaders. Couple of batteries of S400 and squadron of MkI is atleast needed.

Lol. Who knows. Perhaps a Mumbai style drama maybe attempted on the university once it is complete :D
I can get back with stuff you won't appreciate. ;)

For your own safety, let me restrain myself.

It was a great university which the primitive barbaric fi.lthy uncivilized nomadic illiterate invaders destroyed and killed the students and faculty in the worst possible manner.

That fil.th is now rotting in hell and the university is going to stand tall again.

Another defeat to the barbaric uncivilized primitives in the end.

Dharma and righteousness with win in the end.


If u didn't want the response then you shouldn't have started name calling to begin with.rest of your cowardly response has already been answered.

I guess by destroying this primitive building who knows how many life's the Turk general did actually saved. How many untouchables he freed from inside this building enslaved by barbarians who didn't hesitate to burn a living breathing human being cause the husband has died.
LOL Kiddo If u dont know Muslim history then dont even bother to comment on our ancestors.

Yr Aryas r came From CA n ME.ME is a place from where world's first civilization had emerged.

This is the reality live with it.

I googled CA and ME and google says it's a karaoke bar in San Antonio. Are you certain that is the origin of the aryas ? :undecided:

If u didn't want the response then you shouldn't have started name calling to begin with.rest of your cowardly response has already been answered.

I guess by destroying this primitive building who knows how many life's the Turk general did actually saved. How many untouchables he freed from inside this building enslaved by barbarians who didn't hesitate to burn a living breathing human being cause the husband has died.

Yup true indeed. Somewhat similar to how the Yanks are liberating the enslaved opressed Islamic women from their caveman husbands in Muslim states which they are invading ? Or how they are liberating the caveman from his own primitive mindset by bombing the hell out of Muslim nations? Now do you agree with me that your arguments sound stupid ?
I think it already is. Chinese gov and given $5 or $50 million for the university. and a other college which teaches Buddhist history , Indian history and Pali is already thr in nalanda. College have so many students from Burma ,Bangladesh and srilanka.

Slight divert but on the subject of Pali..

Wagner opera to revive language of Buddha

An opera written by composer Jonathan Harvey about Richard Wagner is to be partly performed in Pali, the ancient language spoken by Buddha.

Welsh National Opera (WNO) director David Pountney said the ancient Asian language was the most appropriate for the production, titled Wagner Dream.

In the show, a dying Wagner reflects on his own unfinished Buddhist opera.

The original English text for the Buddhist characters has been translated by academics into Pali.

The British composer, who died in 2012, was keen for this to happen to "enhance and clarify the cultural dialogue" of the opera, Pountney said. Wagner's part is sung in German.

"[Wagner Dream] brings together a giant of the Western musical tradition, Richard Wagner, with ideas and narrative elements from the Buddhist tradition," Pountney said.

"We felt that the impact of this cultural dialogue would be enhanced by letting each of these two worlds speak in its own language rather than being confused by both being rendered in a third language, English."

'Amusing challenges'

The Pali parts were translated by Professor Richard Gombrich, president of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, who said the task "brought some amusing challenges".

"In some places we had to split the musical notes in order for them to fit," he explained.

Changes were also made to reflect the fact that pubs and tea - referenced in the English text - did not exist in ancient India.

"I also felt obliged to insert, very briefly, some real Buddhist doctrine when the Buddha himself is speaking," he added.

Wagner Dream will be staged at Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff, on 6-7 June, with a performance in Birmingham on 12 June.

BBC News - Wagner opera to revive language of Buddha
Me think we should also spend another one billion dollars to keep it safe from Muslim invaders. Couple of batteries of S400 and squadron of MkI is atleast needed.:lol:

How bout spending few billions on poor so they can afford a meal a day first then worry about rest of the world Mr SUPA powa:omghaha:

I googled CA and ME and google says it's a karaoke bar in San Antonio. Are you certain that is the origin of the aryas ? :undecided:

Yup true indeed. Somewhat similar to how the Yanks are liberating the enslaved oppressed Islamic women from their caveman husbands in Muslim states which they are invading ? Or how they are liberating the caveman from his own primitive mindset by bombing the hell out of Muslim nations? Now do you agree with me that your arguments sound stupid ?

L O L How is what yanks are doing for oil and control of resources as a super power has any thing to do with what i said and is mandated by your religion.
L O L How is what yanks are doing for oil and control of resources as a super power has any thing to do with what i said and is mandated by your religion.

And do you believe that the invaders of North India were missionaries out to spread the word of the Islamic gospel? They were no different from any other invaders..out to pillage and loot. Now the crap you posted about my religion is unworthy of response since you and I both know that is not what is mandated in my religion. I ignore crap about Islam and you should likewise ignore crap about Hinduism. The topic is about the rebuilding of this university. Let's stick to it
We should bring in the world class teachers and also avoid any kind of political interference in that university.. Hope it have some unique sylabuses to learn!! :)
Guys this is a part of the initiatives that GOI took to attract ASEAN and Other Bhuddist nations like Srilanka. India improves relations with them as well as we will also get tourism revenue. :cheers:

Hope the projects are completed well within time schedule and are fruitful to us.
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