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Urdu Speakers need to ask some TOUGH QUESTIONS from Pakistan

Thanks, bro....

Karachiites are totally fed up now.

For 15 years - PPP has ruled over us - and brought absolute destruction upon us.

A new fault line in port city is ripe for exploitation.

Pakistan has never been so weaker as it is now...
We in Punjab are no better off either.
MQM rule Karachi for decades. During Muhsarraf era , lots of people ask MQM to abolish quota system in Karachi and they knew Musharraf would do it right away ....but they never did it,,,,an example ... MQM was busier in building shadi hall and money making from port and shipping ...etc .
Urdu speakers saw the writing on the wall in the 80s and 90s and did a runner.

The rest of Pakistan is only waking up to the fact.
No not every one speaks Urdu
My cousins don't speak Urdu neither does 30-40% of population understand read or write Urdu

So either you aren't Pakistanis or you are illiterate if that what you think
Everyone in my family speaks Urdu, and not Punjabi or Sindhi or whatever.

Firstly, I am un Urdu Speaker myself who once used to support MQM in its fledgling time pre mid 1980s but I early on saw its Fascist nature and moved away from MQM--and I was right about that switch as I feel I am right about moving away from Imran (not necessarily, from PTI) about 15 months ago.

On topic: Urdu as national language is not an issue--it never really was. What choices the West Pakistanis had in 1947? Arabic? Turkish? English? Urdu has organically become the lingua franca of Pakistan and that's excellent. There is no point debating that by referring to languages in China or Japan etc.

About Karachi, the issues are of governance and on that score, I believe Jamaat e Islami would have been the best (minus some of their social policies) but now the Mayor of Karachi, who is himself an Urdu Speaker and is a capable administrator, has no excuse because he also represents the party in power in Sindh. I'm willing to give him a chance!

Also, while Urdu Speakers should fight for their 'rights' for a fair share of the govt. jobs, it is in the private sector where they should focus on for improvements. And Urdu Speakers are generally better educated and 'urbane' gives them advantages and indeed they are among the more prosperous communities of Pakistan. What have the Sindhis achieved by getting govt jobs??

PS. Pakistanis are generally ingrates!! The State of Pakistan maybe this or that but still provides them a lot very cheaply! My tuition at the Univ. of Karachi in the 1980s was about $15/Semester. That college education enabled me to come to America and comfortably get TWO Masters from a high ranking Public university. Many faculty members had PhD from UK universities and some even went to America on Fulbright Scholarship. $15/semester!! A friend from the NED University in Karachi also got a degree and got his own Masters in America and is now a very successful Mechanical Engineer in America. That friend's brother has three late-teen/early 20s kids who are getting scholarships and great education in Karachi and yet the brother always complains about Pakistan!! My brother in law in Karachi recently had tinnitus and turned out a benign tumor and he got free/almost-free some kind of laser treatment a few months ago to take care of that. While here in America, despite a good medical/dental insurance, I have paid $4000 in dental bill so far this year!! I am sure the list can be long if we all include our inputs. But I hope you get my point!!

There are positives and negatives. But PDFs constant breast-beating is just a too negative.
Like I said Urdu and English.

English is just for business and education.
Injustice to Karachis starts with the unwritten agreememt between military establishment, sindhi elite, Punjabi bureaucracy to downsize Karachi real population.
Military Establishment has most power, and have never allowed an honest census, and only half of Karachi population gets representation in NA & PA.
Had hope with PTI, but anyone looking for real change gets the martial law treatment PTI is facing.
No one is collecting bhatta anymore - that era ended back in 2016....And still Urdu Speakers are not treated as equal citizens just like before.

You have comprehension issues, dear.....

Answer these questions...

1. Why there has never been Urdu Speaking CM in Sindh?

2. Why there has never been Urdu Speaking Prime minister of Pakistan?

MQM is nothing but a small fish - even got more reduced after Altaf Hussain removal...

Pakistan and Karachi got screwed due to PPP and PML/N - the bigger fish who are playing musical chair around PM house again and again.

Pakistan is just exploiting Karachi by taking huge taxes and keeping Urdu walas out of power structure.

Karachi experienced developments only when Urdu Speakers were at the helm of affairs. (Musharraf / Mustafa Kamal / Naimat-Ullah Khan.

Urdu Speakers want their presence in ALL POWER STRUCTURES and it has no relation with who did what in Karachi at certain times.

Read my thread, again...
Even those CM from Sindh have mostly lived in Karachi. Secondly almost in most cases around 7 to 8 ministers if not more in Sindh Cabinet have been from Karachi. Either from MQM, ANP or PPP or other parties but pure Karachities. Also, in Federal Government there always have been three to four ministers who were from Karachi. And this is the case for past 76 years. And you think they never gotten funds? Dude, like I said you can believe lies spread by your Karachi leaders and blame Punjabi, but thing is it's your own leadership which has let you down not Punjabis. PML N is big thug and a thieve party, but they steal 40 % of funds and invest the rest. Although they invest that 60 % so badly that at least 15 % of that also gets wasted or not utilized as it should be still, they invest 60 %. On the other hand, your leadership steal pretty much everything.

Let say tomorrow Pakistan discovers oil, gold, diamonds, Lithium and few other minerals and Pakistan gets 2000 billion dollars each year from that. Karachi budget increases 100 times than then the current Karachi budget. And at least 10 ministers from Karachi I can assure you Karachi would be still this crap and it won't be Punjabis robbing you but your own leaders who would be taking that money to other countries.​

Injustice to Karachis starts with the unwritten agreememt between military establishment, sindhi elite, Punjabi bureaucracy to downsize Karachi real population.
Military Establishment has most power, and have never allowed an honest census, and only half of Karachi population gets representation in NA & PA.
Had hope with PTI, but anyone looking for real change gets the martial law treatment PTI is facing.
Nobody is downsizing Karachi population. Karachi population was never the size which was being claimed by MQM. Whole world knew that it was a big fat lie. Dude Karachi with 16 million has turned crap if it would be 30 million would have really faced taste of hell than.
Nothing will end grievances of Urdu Speakers except fair share in all power structures of Pakistan.

We want our fair share in power structure - for our sake and for sake of Pakistan.

The solution to the problems of Karachi doesn't lie in Karachi...It lies somewhere in Isb/Pindi.

Once Muhajirs get their due share in power structure - we would be able to guard, develop and prosper...We are done with being side show...

Muhajirs have been deceived and fooled by Pakistan - big time.
Wasn't General Mushraff urdu speaker, he was the COAS for a decade.

People of Karachi need to unite and create their own political party, which wants more rights, development, education but instead they have been voting for Mqm who have been in bed with the establishment and PPP. There is no other choice but to unite and fight for your rights. Mqm is again playing the mohajir card and people are falling for it.
migrate where, the greener pastures of Up and Bihar from where they come from?
They came from all over the India. So keep the general knowledge given by your elders to yourself.
Wasn't General Mushraff urdu speaker, he was the COAS for a decade.

People of Karachi need to unite and create their own political party, which wants more rights, development, education but instead they have been voting for Mqm who have been in bed with the establishment and PPP. There is no other choice but to unite and fight for your rights. Mqm is again playing the mohajir card and people are falling for it.

Imma be honest, Urdu-speaking people aren't much in number as they were before. Increasing migration from interior Sindh and Pashtunkhwa and to add, Urdu-speaking people tend to be more educated than the rest of Pakistanis so they can leave Pakistan more easily as they have more white-collar skills. MQM won't see a return as it was in 2007 or 90s.

The only way Karachi will ever thrive is to just make it a separate province. Too much blackmail and hostage taking going on in the financial capital of the country that it is becoming an obstacle for growth.
MQM has enjoyed power for past three decades. What they have done for Karachi. Yes 18th amendment has proven to be poison for Karachi but even before that Karachi own leadership has let Karachi down. It wasn't Punjabis fighting in Karachi. It was MQM vs PPP vs JI vs Sunni Tehreek vs ANP which were full of Urdu Speaking, Sindhis, Pathaans. Your own leadership has failed you not Punjabis or anyone else. Karachi gets enough budget, if properly used Karachi can be turned into best city, ask your bhatta khor leaders
Right now Karachi biggest problem is that PPP zardari wadera corruption mafia...
English is for the superior ruling elite class to enslave the slaves speaking in native tongues. It is also used by the wannabes.
Internet and social media expanded use of English. America leads the world.
That was tried in East Pakistan and it led to the creation of Bangladesh.

Urdu should be the lingua franca between the different groups in Pakistan, no need to erase any language.

Your MQM sold itself out to PPP.

Karachi can be saved if it is a separate province.
I totally agree regarding Urdu be lingua franca but I think Punjabi Pushtu Baluchi Kashmiri Balti etc should also be made national languages along with Urdu and Sindhi.

Yes MQM usually sold itself to the highest bidder disregarding the people of Karachi.

Constitution has a proper way of creating a province. Yes there should be more provinces, Hazarah, Makran, Lasbela, South Pashtunistan, North Pashtunistan, Karachi, Bahawalpur, South, Central and North Punjab. But these should only be carved out through the constitutional means only.

Right now Karachi biggest problem is that PPP zardari wadera corruption mafia...
Karachi is a great city. I being a Lahori, loves Karachi and its people. Problem with Karachi is its ownership. No one takes it. People of Karachi will blame PPP but will vote for those who betrayed them. In my view solution for Karachi is that it votes for Jamat I Islami. JI people are not sold out, they have never been and they have proved they did well for the people of Karachi.
Urdu should be the only language acceptable in Pakistan.

English is just for education and business.
As an Urdu speaker and a karachist, فک اف
Hehehe.. Lol at Aligarh boys.. Kahi ke nahi rahe ...
There are more urdu speakers in Punjab than Karachi, and former are doing pretty good for themselves there. Serious misreading of the situation, not surprising when viewing the world through gobar tinted hindutva glasses...

I don't like how the thread had been hijacked by some of the members overlooking that the people of Karachi are in a miserable state.

The tough questions should be:

1) Is there a pact between PPP and powerful quarters that no SJC ever takes a suomoto on the performance of PPP. This itself alone will give the answers.

Where does the budget goes that PPP has been getting since last 15 years.

Why there are more potholes then the roads itself.

Why the street crimes are on a rise?

The list goes on and with it the misery too.

When the traffic police fines you just so he has to collect money on the orders of a higher up, and not because the person has violated a traffic rule, you get to understand we've become a miserable nation.
Yes, PPP is sepoys' A team and they've been given a free reign to run/ruin Karachi for sepoys fear an empowered urdu speaking community more than any other entity in Pakistan. Henceforth, a minority Sindhi ethnic group has been enabled, patronized and supported to subjugate the majority population of Karachi and Sindh to ensure forever sepoy rule in these parts.
As an Urdu speaker and a karachist, فک اف
Same to you...

Karachi & it's people only hope One MQM, right now PPP mafia busy in destroying every single corner of Karachi City & smashing all the rights of Karachi people...
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