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An average Pakistan has a toilet to **** in aswell. We do acknowledge the fame your slums are getting over the years but it doesnt mean you should be perfectly happy about it.

troll what you want. doesnt change the fact that even the slum dwellers are 20 times more valuable than the average pakistani
paksitani muslims killed millions of bangla muslims. indian hindus saved bangla muslims from more killing and gave shelter to 30 mil bangla living illegally in india today.
why are Pakistani muslims such terrorists I don't know
troll what you want. doesnt change the fact that even the slum dwellers are 20 times more valuable than the average pakistani

You're most welcome. You can make a difference if you spend less time admiring your slums and prostitutes and more time doing something positive for your country. Like guarding the shores of your GDP oriented slum city. To prevent some bunch of row boat terrorists who went unnoticed beneath the nose of your blue water navy.

paksitani muslims killed millions of bangla muslims. indian hindus saved bangla muslims from more killing and gave shelter to 30 mil bangla living illegally in india today.
why are Pakistani muslims such terrorists I don't know

Because you have more posts and less brain cells. Thats why pakistani muslims killing everyone. You understand this?
You're most welcome. You can make a difference if you spend less time admiring your slums and prostitutes and more time doing something positive for your country. Like guarding the shores of your GDP oriented slum city. To prevent some bunch of row boat terrorists who went unnoticed beneath the nose of your blue water navy.

Because you have more posts and less brain cells. Thats why pakistani muslims killing everyone. You understand this?

so please tell me what I should do to ensure that 20 million Pakistanis are not sucide bombers?
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