You are as pitiful as the middle eastern arab you at the charity line, a country that just contributed 5 billions to the IMF, How much did the great exclusively white ( although the great majority of you are brown as pecan) or should I say how much the the Romanian are indebted to the IMF?
A willie is a term we refer to the white supremacist, We a dick and two strong balls to satisfy any woman or men...Algerians swear by their dicks and their mustache...but what do you know lowlife , you have none of those...With mine, I can whip you from Bucharest to Moscow and back, and I still have enough energy to rub your sore body , and cracked @ss , beside being berbers we are Mediterraneans, And in the Med a dick is like currency...and we plainty of it...
Why don't you check with a Romanian, since by your many senseless replies, there were so many that they taught in our high schools, developed our oil field, equipped us with thousands if not millions of tractors, and not to forget the legendary 40 hp jeep for our army...certainly you could find someone to corroborate the caca coming out of your fissured rectum...
And don't create a false pseudo like your Arab friends..