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United States, Israel opposed Mandela, supported Apartheid

The Arabs themselves have strong influence
Sorry, to disagree with you friend, they have none...they are as dis-united and disorganized here, than they are in ME...it is sad, since their number is equal or more the one of the american Jews...
,i don't take lessons in national pride from former colonised people.
Probably you need too...And for the Romanian of service like you, to grow a pair...You went from the German stable, to the Soviet septic tank, to the EU garbage land fill...Great accomplishement!

You my fellow are stupid even for bedouin standards

Believe me that our standards of living were a lot better than Romania's and each of the Warsaw pact members, when the French departed and took everything with them in the 60's. Now, Algerian standard of living is a lot better than of the Romanian by many fold...

The last funny things, is a Romanian, who lived, knew, and survived abuse throughout his history ...is a racist and bigot...We have seen it all...
Probably you need too...And for the Romanian of service like you, to grow a pair...You went from the German stable, to the Soviet septic tank, to the EU garbage land fill...Great accomplishement!

lol at the unsuported nonsense you spit when your angry:

Fact 1:ww2-no german occupation,we were german allies
Fact2: Warsaw Pact-Romania was the only country who refused to invade Czechoslovakia in 1968,actively oppose the SU and had independendent political ties with the West.
Fact 3:Yes,it's so horrible being a member of the EU :lol:

Believe me that our standards of living were a lot better than Romania's and each of the Warsaw pact members, when the French departed and took everything with them in the 60's. Now, Algerian standard of living is a lot better than of the Romanian by many fold...

The last funny things, is a Romanian, who lived, knew, and survived abuse throughout his history ...is a racist and bigot...We have seen it all...

Do you remember the last thread where you were spitting the same nonsense about Romania and i gave you links how in the 70's-80's you were begging us for engineers,highschool and university teachers to civilise Algeria ? Or loans and infrastructure works ? You shied away from that thread when links were provided to show how Algeria was quing in alongside Sudan,Congo,etc to ask favours from Ceausescu.Now you have the audacity to write the same crap,you're a piece of work.Do you thing i have the patience to write up all the same informations all over again because an idiot like you is parroting the same nonsense every couple of weeks ?

What better standards of living in Algeria? You still have lower GDP per capita,lower Human Development Index.Your economy is based on gas,nothing else,so in a nutshell you have nothing,once the gas in gone you're back to humping camels.Oh and the PPP GDP of Algeria which showcases the strenght of the economy is much lower than Romania's.

But, hey!,don't let statistics,economic,historical thruths stand in the way of your rants and illussions of grandeur.

Anyway,if you would check up my previous posts you would see that i don't see this through a biggots eye but mainly about pragmatism.Sub saharans were not ready for independence and the proof lies in current affairs.
You really have to dig deep to come up with stupidities like that...Queuing in Ceaucescu's door for help? which kind of help that Romania can really gave at the time...In the cold war you were starving to death, after the cold war you were still starving, and even today , even as a full member of the EU, Romanians can't move freely in EU as the other members. Please save your conneries" for the unknowing...

You still a lowlife bigot!
You really have to dig deep to come up with stupidities like that...Queuing in Ceaucescu's door for help? which kind of help that Romania can really gave at the time...In the cold war you were starving to death, after the cold war you were still starving, and even today , even as a full member of the EU, Romanians can't move freely in EU as the other members. Please save your conneries" for the unknowing...

You still a lowlife bigot!

Allright my bedouin clown ,i'm going to have to bitchslap you again,for the last time,i'm not going to do it again when you're going to spit the same nonsense again in a few months :lol: :

Google translate (i'm not waisting my time translating it myself for you):

Between 11 to 16 March 1972 , Ceausescu visited Algeria. Bucharest leader wanted to import cheap oil , which to pay in exchange for cars " Dacia " SUVs " ARO " and tractors.
The first country visited by Ceausescu in 1972 spring tour was Algeria. North African state obtained its independence in 1962 after a difficult war guerrilla National Liberation Front with the French colonial authorities ( 1954-1962 ) . In June 1965 , Defence Minister Houari Boumedienne took power by installing a system of one-party socialist origins . Boumédiènne sought to collaborate with the communist states , while their relations with the capitalist world corrupted due to post- nationalization in the oil- coloniale.Consultanţă
Romania established diplomatic relations with Algeria on 20 March 1962. Embassy in Algiers was opened a year later, in March 1963. North African state has not opened an office in Bucharest , using the Algerian ambassador in Belgrade. But economic relations work. By agreement of March 29, 1968 , Romania has credited Algeria 30 million currency , representing exports of industrial products .
Algerians needed advice and investment, especially in mining and oil extraction . In 1968 , Romania has delivered four drilling rigs to exploit the rich deposits of oil . Algerian government was pleased with the Romanian products and decided to extend the cooperation by sending specialists in oilfield . The first team of 35 advisers arrived in 1968. They were tender with leading positions in oil companies , to replace American and French . In 1969 , the Algerians asked for 70 specialists.
Market for automotive
Ceausescu decided that the first stop of the tour African Algeria. The export plan year 1972 Algeria had contracted goods worth $ 22.8 million , export prospects 200 cars " Dacia 1300 " , 200 jeeps " ARO " 200 tractors , totaling 30 million USD currency .
Romania is involved in mining projects in the country. Romanian geologists Prospect copper resources , radioactive ore , salt and marble. Algerians wanted collaboration in construction , requiring 10 specialists for new buildings in the capital and participation in the construction of four brick factories . For dam cant KSOB asked 65 engineers. Thank intake Romanians petrochemical complex at Skikda , Algerians wanted development cooperation and infrastructure projects, such as expansion of railway and road network .
Ceauşescu 's project on joint ventures
With all the excitement of big government in Algiers had no funds. But Romania deliver industrial credit , receiving in exchange materials . Ceauşescu 's project for Africa was a program of economic development by setting up joint ventures for the exploitation of their natural resources (primarily oil ) , which would have led to the recovery of Romanian investments . Joint ventures will one solution is mutually beneficial , contrary to colonial exploitation of African resources .
Ceausescu landed in Algiers on March 11, 1972 . The official talks were scheduled for the day . On March 13, the Romanian delegation traveled to the city of Constantine to visit the plant and yard tractors university. This was followed by a visit to the petrochemical complex at Skikda . On March 14 Ceausescu Hassi Messaoud was taken to the city where he inspected Romanian probe of base oil " Repal " . March 15 was reserved for relaxation with a visit to the ethnographic museum in Algiers. After meeting Algerian President Houari Boumedienne private Ceausescu went to Central African Republic .
Ceausescu , " teacher" socialist organization of society
On March 12, 1972 , Ceausescu was president Houari Boumedienne guest . It welcomed as a " brother " in the struggle against imperialism , reminding her sufferings because of the French, driven out of the country. For " reconstruction for the people " need the support of Ceausescu, in the spirit of strengthening socialism in the world. Avoiding any reference to the French operation , Ceausescu provided economic support in rebuilding post- colonial .
He kept his exposé Boumédiènne and socialist political economy applied in Romania where , he said, was introduced collective leadership .
Israel - " the 52nd U.S. state "
Algerian head of state was more concerned to draw Ceausescu discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict . According to Boumédiènne , Israel was " the 52nd U.S. state ," whose policies affect the interests of the Arab peoples . Hebrew State has been a large American military base in the Middle East , the solution to resolve disputes is the emergence of a Palestinian state , he opined .
With a moderate speech , Ceausescu also rejected the interpretation, maintaining line statements throughout his visit to Africa. Argued that Romania did not participate in the debate in 1948 on the foundation of Israel therefore had no responsibility. But international relations were based on pragmatism. Israeli state was a reality and that solutions must be found to satisfy both the Hebrew and the Palestinians . He reminded that Romania Boumédiènne and advocate for Israel's withdrawal from occupied territories , a position confirmed by official documents. In the spirit of Romanian doctrine , the Palestinian people have the right to decide their own fate , like all nations emerging from colonialism .
Target trade - $ 100 million
At the end of the discussion, Nicolae Ceausescu and expressed confidence that the visit to Algeria could boost economic relations , aiming for until 1975 to reach $ 100 million . Houari Boumedienne approved , parafând agreements establishing joint ventures and industrial trade

Ceauşescu, în căutarea petrolului algerian - Istorie și Cultură.ro

In the school year 1971/1972 already studying in Romania 181 students and PhD (Central Africa - 11 Algeria - 20, Congo - 43 Egypt - 14 Sudan - 76 Tanzania - 5, Zaire - 8, Zambia - 4 ). And Romania has supported the development of education in African countries. University of Bangui received equipment and materials worth over £ 580,000 for faculties of medicine and geology laboratories. In Algeria were sent 25 high school teachers and 21 professors. Egypt has asked experts in the fields of medicine and Egyptology. Once there, Romanian specialists complained that wages in African schools was tight to maintain

RepublicaAfrica Centrală, la picioarele lui Ceauşescu | adevarul.ro

Oh yes,and this country "who had/has nothing" built alone one of the biggest oil rafinaries in the arab world:
Capacity: 125 000 bpd
Location: Syria
Operator: Banias Refinery Company

Built by Industrial Export of Romania, this plant came on stream in late 1980 after an official inauguration in August 1979. The refinery units include CDU, VDU, catalytic cracker and hydrotreater. It produces mainly gasoline, diesel, VGO and fuel oil. In 1994, a catalytic cracking unit and 25 000 b/d hydrotreater came on stream."

GDP per capita:
Romania=9000$(nominal)-16500$ PPP
Algeria=5700$(nominal) -7500$ PPP......and this with Algeria having billions in free money from gas/oil :warning2:



Now,be gone,and don't bother me with your stupidity ever again bedouin.
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I actually do agree with you.

However the reference I gave was co-related to the Saudi-American Lobby.
Sorry, to disagree with you friend, they have none...they are as dis-united and disorganized here, than they are in ME...it is sad, since their number is equal or more the one of the american Jews...
It's surprising to see that even the US mainstream media is now picking up on the subject of Israel's friendship with South Africa, and its multiple aspects: military, nuclear and propagandistic. The Israeli leader that made the friendship with the apartheid regime deeper is that Israel's president dove, the good leftist, the peace-feeler, the Nobel Peace Prize winner - Shmon Peres, whom, as it turns out, was a very good friend of Johannes Vorster, a Nazi sympathizer whose Peres believed was, like Israel, under undue scrutinity by the global community.

Anyway, the link - which makes reference to a bunch of state documents proving the existence of the friendship and its obscene depths:

Israeli leader who mourned Mandela's death helped white regime get missiles - Investigations
[quote="flamer84, post: 5018092, member: 145300"[/quote]
OK, svetlana..
...A lot of Romanian expat lived in my area, when I was a little kid, as well as others from the Varsaw pact. The only one that acted like they had something, was the Yugoslav...The rest, were really in a sad shape...
If you ask your parents and grand parents, that Algerian Products, from wine to tractors to trucks that they used were made in Algeria...After the fall of ceaucescu, those tractors that your citizen were using as a public transportation, were made by us...
Like, I said, you were poor then, you are still poor now...Those figures of the PPP , you gave mean shi@t and are misleading. Most of the Romanian do not make that kind of money...While Algeria, they do...even if her PPP is lower than what the EU , show for Romania....
According to those figures, Spain is well ahead, but in reality the Spain economy is in a shithole...

To bitch slap me, you have to have something to do it with...With what I know, you all lack in that area too...All the countries, yours included are looking are looking for young studs south of the Mediterranean sea...So don't be shocked if the next generation of Romanian are overwhelmingly Muslims polyglots![/quote]
[quote="flamer84, post: 5018092, member: 145300"
OK, svetlana..
...A lot of Romanian expat lived in my area, when I was a little kid, as well as others from the Varsaw pact. The only one that acted like they had something, was the Yugoslav...The rest, were really in a sad shape...
If you ask your parents and grand parents, that Algerian Products, from wine to tractors to trucks that they used were made in Algeria...After the fall of ceaucescu, those tractors that your citizen were using as a public transportation, were made by us...
Like, I said, you were poor then, you are still poor now...Those figures of the PPP , you gave mean shi@t and are misleading. Most of the Romanian do not make that kind of money...While Algeria, they do...even if her PPP is lower than what the EU , show for Romania....
According to those figures, Spain is well ahead, but in reality the Spain economy is in a shithole...

To bitch slap me, you have to have something to do it with...With what I know, you all lack in that area too...All the countries, yours included are looking are looking for young studs south of the Mediterranean sea...So don't be shocked if the next generation of Romanian are overwhelmingly Muslims polyglots!

:lol::lol: Yet again no link,proofs,just butthurt rage :lol:

Well,as you can see in my links(you have no proofs,as usual) we were giving you tractors.We were just importing cheap oil from you...like Algeria today:

Algeria-Export petroleum, natural gas, and petroleum products 97%!!!....fine diversified economy you have there son :agree:

The export plan year 1972 Algeria had contracted goods worth $ 22.8 million , export prospects 200 cars " Dacia 1300 " , 200 jeeps " ARO " 200 tractors ,

Romania Export goodsmachinery and equipment, metals and metal products, textiles and footwear, chemicals, agricultural products, minerals and fuels :agree:

Unemployement:Algeria:10.2% !!
Romania :6.5% :enjoy:

As for the rest of your ramblings what can i say ? The romanian engineers were so incompetent that your leaders asked for more,as they did with geologists,teachers(what kind of country asks for highschool teachers ? lol-Algeria o_O ),etc.They were so lousy that they've built the largest oil rafinery in Syria.Sry,i've showed you clearly that you were out there with the rest of the africans,begging for machines,experts,we only took resources from you,like it's done with 3rd world countries world wide),never tractors=we made,still make those on our own for decades,before WW2 .Maybe someday you'll back your claims with proofs,i doubt it though.

It's fun trashing you though,me, with links,numbers,you with wild claims.Keep it on son.:cheers:

Oh,btw you berbers are still under qualified even today,your refinaries are manned by expats...Visit Ploiesti refinary(oil) and gas extractions refinaries in Romania,all workers,engineers are romanians,speaks volume about advancement of these countries,does it ?
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Yes,the exception that comfirms the rule,Botswana.So,you give an example of a country with 2 million population,what about the rest ? Btw,in Botswana 40 % of the income comes from the mineral industry.

Would S. Africa be what it is today if the white minority wouldn't have ruled until 1990 ? NO .Did living standards ,HDI fell after the blacks took over ? YES.

What about Zimbabwe ? What happenned to the "bread basket of Africa" after the blacks chased the white farmers away ? Care to comment on that my friend ? All you do is scream racism,why can't you have a logical debate ?

Your ignorance makes your posts laughable. The white government only had 3 million whites to take care of. The blacks then were left to their own devices which included the white government creating "Bantustans" which were useless barren pieces of territory where the blacks were confined to. The current black government has 50 million South Africans to take care of. Obviously the HDI index will fall since the butter has to be spread over a wider slice of bread. So shut up about something you know nothing about.

:lol::lol: Yet again no link,proofs,just butthurt rage :lol:
I think, it is yours that is bleeding...The only thing that came from Romania , is Dacia for government employees, later replaced by Volkswagen Passat from Brasil...They were no jeeps no tractors...But Algeria provided you with tractors Sonacome and the reknown Sonacome trucks...Back then you were a basket case and you still to this day...We have oil, gas, uranium, iron ore, diamond, and gold ore...We are blessed and we are not going to apologize for it...In the coming January, we are going to enter space race by lunching our third satellite Alsat 3 from Hammaguir base...with a locally developed space launcher. So Romanian, you have some catching on to do...

Lu sur Al Manar

Le lancement du troisième satellite algérien ALSAT 3 pourrait intervenir au mois de janvier 2014 depuis le site de lancement de Hammaguir (dépendant d’Al-Abadla), à 120 kilomètres au Sud-Ouest de Béchar (Sud-Ouest de l’Algérie). Un lanceur spatial algérien est en cours de préparation finale.
@Ceylal -Look son,there is no "if" we gave.I provided links...we gave you! End of story.We took resources from you,or better said you paid in resources like the other africans.

Pls provide links for your tractor fantasies,like i did.There's nothing to apologise for resources but the fact that that's the only thing you got.Again,end of story.

Our satellite work is in the EU frame,or students in universities (Goliat satellite),be free to research it like other projects as Turnu Magurele Laser,also financed by the EU and manned by romanian and european scientists:

ELI : European Project > Extreme Light Infrastructure

For the last time:Provide links for what you say like i did.You just can't make stuff up and say it happenned.For God's sake you've requested even highschool,university teachers and we gave them to you,on credit ! Be grateful and have a little shame.One shouldn't bite the hand that fed him.;)

Roman (vehicle manufacturer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rocar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Universal (UTB) - Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki - The classic vehicle and machinery wiki

Just this plant exported from Romania tractors in 115 countries since 1946!! and you're giving me BS about algerian tractors and buses.Get a grip and provide proofs,it's the 20th time i'm asking for proofs dude!!

And about your resources,yes you're blessed but stupid,with all those billions in free money you should have a 30-40000 $ GDP per capita.I can only dream where we would be with those free money.The fact that even with billions showering from the sky and you can't surpass us yet again speaks volumes about how incompetent you are.
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