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Unfortunately, Russia is not as clever as China

Romanian girls seem more beautiful than Russian girls :) @flamer84 your opinion?

I think they are both beautiful in their own way ! :)

At any rate the charm of the 'outer' beauty dies out after a few months but kindness, care & all the attributes of a good heart shine through for the rest of one's life - that is real beauty & one which is worth more than all the beautiful faces in the world combined ! :)

So...not ALL the people think we're beggars,lol

Oh come on no one - at least no one sane - thinks that Romanians are beggars - Its an old country with a cherished history, traditions & culture and wonderful people along with it ! :)
I think they are both beautiful in their own way ! :)

At any rate the charm of the 'outer' beauty dies out after a few months but kindness, care & all the attributes of a good heart shine through for the rest of one's life - that is real beauty & one which is worth more than all the beautiful faces in the world combined ! :)

WOW, such a deep answer man. You touched my heart :cry:

Russia has many beautiful girls to,can't deny them that.In fact all Estern European countries thrive when it comes to beautiful women.:tup::dance3:

So...not ALL the people think we're beggars,lol

I had no idea Romanians have such a negative reputation in the UK. Here, I knew one Romanian girl and she was hot but a bit slutty. I guess that's not really exclusive to Romanians though :lol:
No one uses PPP to measure size of economy. LOL.
Its partially true,When we compare per capita income we take PPP into account but when we compare GDP as a whole then nominal GDP's should be compared.
But there is a fallacy in this.Countries who are self sufficient in technology and food production then there PPP GDP figures should be compare and not nominal figures.

@senheiser Does Russia and Brazil fullfills the above two conditions?? If yes then there PPP sho;uld be compared.

Then India is world's 3rd biggest economy- even bigger than Japan. The difference between Brazil and Russia is still insignificant btw.
Yeah India is at 3rd position but since we are still not self sufficient in all defence technology and other critical techs India's nominl GDP should be compared and we are currently at 10 position.
we know that china is king of war planing but russkies are masters of art of war- “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”::devil:
I really don't care that how they are considered in the UK,not my problem really and that doesn't make me hate the British as I completely understand their frustration when they're swamped by Romanian gypsies or even 100% ethnic Romanian criminals.This is a sad reality ,our scum have assaulted the West .Unfortunately,good honest Romanians suffer discrimination because of this but i know who I am,and ,in the end,as i've said many times...if you don't like a country,if you think they're racists,don't go there and be done with it instead of complaining.

That being said,it's still funny to see you take a jest at Romanians as your high horse is actually a midget poney.The real problem is not Bangladesh,Romania or their citizens but you as a person.

Well, you are resorting to the classic tactic of targeting the person and not the messenger and I don't get at all upset at your rants as I find them amusing and funny at the end of the day. You at least provide some entertainment with your rants against Russia unlike others.

Anyway, at the end of the day Romanians and Eastern Europeans were sold a lie of Western economic and military superiority lasting till at least the end of their lifetimes and if you are under 50, then you will probably live to see the new world of multi-polarity but with China more powerful than any other state.
Well, you are resorting to the classic tactic of targeting the person and not the messenger and I don't get at all upset at your rants as I find them amusing and funny at the end of the day. You at least provide some entertainment with your rants against Russia unlike others.

Anyway, at the end of the day Romanians and Eastern Europeans were sold a lie of Western economic and military superiority lasting till at least the end of their lifetimes and if you are under 50, then you will probably live to see the new world of multi-polarity but with China more powerful than any other state.

Why have you become a cheerleader for the Chinese? How will the rise of China benefit your poor country?
Why have you become a cheerleader for the Chinese? How will the rise of China benefit your poor country?

Put in your analysis first of how the emergence of China will change the world and then I will tell you my thoughts, and what makes you think that I am selfish enough to just care about Bangladesh?
Put in your analysis first of how the emergence of China will change the world and then I will tell you my thoughts, and what makes you think that I am selfish enough to just care about Bangladesh?

The Chinese have no qualms about supporting ruthless dictators in Africa or bullying their neighbours. They seem to be on a mission to prove themselves. In other words, China has a massive complex. You can see it in their arrogance and racism. China will never be a benevolent power IMO. They will be the mirror image of the US, except even worse because they can't even treat their own citizens right. In short, I don't trust China or Russia.
The Chinese have no qualms about supporting ruthless dictators in Africa or bullying their neighbours. They seem to be on a mission to prove themselves. In other words, China has a massive complex. You can see it in their arrogance and racism. China will never be a benevolent power IMO. They will be the mirror image of the US, except even worse because they can't even treat their own citizens right. In short, I don't trust China or Russia.

Well, Once China becomes a peer to the United States(around 2030), the world for the first time in many centuries will no longer be economically and militarily controlled by the Western Powers.

How will this change things?

Countries will be able to set their foreign policy as they see fit and will not have to become a puppet of the US like Korea and Taiwan in order to industrialise.

Technology like civilian airliners and computer chips will be available from the Chinese and this will drive down the high prices that the US and EU now charges.

The United States will have to stop messing in the Middle-East as the Chinese will likely make it clear to them that Asia is their own backyard and there will be a chance of peace and prosperity in that region at last.

In short, much more of humanity will enjoy greater peace, freedom and living standards with another superpower in the world.
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Its partially true,When we compare per capita income we take PPP into account but when we compare GDP as a whole then nominal GDP's should be compared.
But there is a fallacy in this.Countries who are self sufficient in technology and food production then there PPP GDP figures should be compare and not nominal figures.

@senheiser Does Russia and Brazil fullfills the above two conditions?? If yes then there PPP sho;uld be compared.

Yeah India is at 3rd position but since we are still not self sufficient in all defence technology and other critical techs India's nominl GDP should be compared and we are currently at 10 position.
Only thing we are not self sufficient is Gold & Oil . Look at our annual imports.


and because of this to conserve forex reserve we have to under value Rupee with respect to dollar which reduces Nominal GDP. We can Industralize rapidly though if we follow economy of scale same manner in which China did.
Ofcourse not.But the Ukraine scenario showed an unreliable partner in Russia.What Russia has done was unthinkable in today's Europe and nobody here wants to rely on them in the future.

Honestly it baffles me how so many don't understand the gravity of the Russian action.In 2014 they've invaded a sovereign European country and anexed a part of its territory.If the gravity of this eludes you,it doesn't do the same for European countries,US and others.Business as usual with Russia is not on the table anymore.

Europe is weak. Get over it. End of your European Unity dream. You are not united. Euro wont make you die for each other. If you are such a good european, go and free Crimea for your ukrainian Brothers. Sacrifice your life on the altar of european freedom. :lol:
The United States will have to stop messing in the Middle-East as the Chinese will likely make it clear to them that Asia is their own backyard and there will be a chance of peace and prosperity in that region at last.

Well, USA is anyway reducing it's footprint in the ME as it's dependence on ME energy has reduced significantly.

Whether that is good for the region is something we have to see. It may even result in increase in tensions and sectarian fights which were put under a lid.

And China won't care much about the ME if it's energy needs are not compromised. I don't see China fighting other peoples' battles for a very long time.

In short, much more of humanity will enjoy greater peace, freedom and living standards with another superpower in the world.

Was it the case during the cold war?

Anyway, I have nothing against a multi polar world and in fact In want India to be a pole in that multi polar world at some point of time.

Just that a bipolar world will not necessarily be a more peaceful one.
Well, USA is anyway reducing it's footprint in the ME as it's dependence on ME energy has reduced significantly.

Whether that is good for the region is something we have to see. It may even result in increase in tensions and sectarian fights which were put under a lid.

And China won't care much about the ME if it's energy needs are not compromised. I don't see China fighting other peoples' battles for a very long time.

Was it the case during the cold war?

Anyway, I have nothing against a multi polar world and in fact In want India to be a pole in that multi polar world at some point of time.

Just that a bipolar world will not necessarily be a more peaceful one.

Dude China is likely to implement it's own version of Monroe Doctrine once it reaches its full development.
It is not a case of fighting others battle but a power of its size will not want any foreign power in what it would consider its home turf. India like other Asian countries will learn to live under Chinese supremacy in Asia.

Soviet Union never had the technological or economic might of the West. China will likely attain this and that is the major difference here.
Dude China is likely to implement it's own version of Monroe Doctrine once it reaches its full development.
It is not a case of fighting others battle but a power of its size will not want any foreign power in what it would consider its home turf. India like other Asian countries will learn to live under Chinese supremacy in Asia.

Soviet Union never had the technological or economic might of the West. China will likely attain this and that is the major difference here.

Your assumptions. Don't make it real.

USA had no rivals in the Americas. China will never have such unadulterated power in Asia.

Anyway, ME (or even South Asia) will not be China's home turf in any case. Only East Asia (or may be South East Asia) can be the supposed home turf.
Your assumptions. Don't make it real.

USA had no rivals in the Americas. China will never have such unadulterated power in Asia.

Anyway, ME (or even South Asia) will not be China's home turf in any case. Only East Asia (or may be South East Asia) can be the supposed home turf.

Wait till 2040 and see 1.4 billion Chinese dominate the whole of Asia.

They will be supported by many Muslim countries.
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