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Unfazed by US, India to step up ties with Tehran

Unfazed by US?? Yeah...unfazed. Despite repeated requests by India to stop supplying arms to pak,the US supplied tons of equipment...from fighter jets to ships,spec ops training to missiles. Moreover, recently US agreed to upgrade f-16s with $3.5B!! And the want us to follow them in sanctioning Iran...?

Stupod kangressi party wants to maintain votebanks and will let diplomats die.
We will always stand for our friends our relations are not solely guided by economic interets. :smokin:
I really don't care about US, but certainly, India should keep in mind Israel while dealing with Iran. Israeli support to India has been unconditional on all issues. I really don't care about Iran.
I dont know why India is chasing Iran. Something is fishy here and it is not oil. Saudis were offering better deal but India opted for Iran instead. Something is happening behind closed doors I can smell it hmmmm:devil:

I hope you've covered economics in your education. So assuming that, lets see; KSA recently has been catering too a whole array of countries including China and others who toed in line with US sanctions AT THEIR WILL. Which means when there is a higher demand than supply, there is always a rise in prices in short to near term. What KSA might be offering now may not hold true for say coming 3-5 years as more and more Europeans start depending on KSA's oil.

Iran OTOH has been freed from the importing from EU and US (again at their own personal will) which leaves markets for both us and Chinese as well as other Asian countries, wide open. So? What would you choose? Think from a buyer-storekeeper's POV.


Now you're saying other than Oil. Yes. You're aware of our surroundings namely our problems with Pakistan. Due to a devastating blunder done by our so-called first PM, we've ended up with some severe limitations up north. Which means, Iran offers us a massive alternate into Central Asia.

Apart from that, Iran is our commercial partner in the alternate transit corridor program along with Russia and CARs, which would offer alternative to Suez Canal for transportation, earning a sizable revenue for participating countries.

Our ties with Iran are commercially linked apart from some element of strategy.

Our ties with each country is on a bi-lateral basis.

In military: Israel and India (regionally)

In Commerce: Iran and India (regionally).


---------- Post added at 11:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 PM ----------

I really don't care about US, but certainly, India should keep in mind Israel while dealing with Iran. Israeli support to India has been unconditional on all issues. I really don't care about Iran.

None of our deals are harming Israel in any fashion.

- We don't trade dual use technology with Iran
- We don't export any weapons grade fuel to Iran
- We don't sell critical weapons technology that can pose a threat to Israel from Iran.

So how is Israel getting harmed if we buy oil?

OTOH if we don't buy, tomorrow China will get all the hands and manage to take away an important partner from us strategically.

Israel is our military partner and will continue to be so.

I am sure we know how to keep the secrets of both the countries confidential with ourselves.

Chanakya taught us well. ;)
Congrats men and women who has recently grown a new set. I think India should extend her experience in dealing with sanctions. That P5 is a fcuked up group. I wish India would not join it.
Unfazed by US?? Yeah...unfazed. Despite repeated requests by India to stop supplying arms to pak,the US supplied tons of equipment...from fighter jets to ships,spec ops training to missiles. Moreover, recently US agreed to upgrade f-16s with $3.5B!! And the want us to follow them in sanctioning Iran...?


I would say post of the day .... :tup:
hmmm.. I rmeember the road India built in Afganistan, which starts from iran border right?
well I think it will help us securing good business tenders in Iran and Afghanistan
Not hard to figure... Iran is pretty much the only dependable source of oil for India. Russia is not because the Pipes must pass Pakistan or Afghanistan. Saudi and rest of Middle East is America's land. South America has never been dependable. On top of all these, India much compete with China with much less money.

Losing Iran means India would lose its economic steam.
Sometimes I wonder, why are people not after Saudis? Sauds are the biggest promoter/supporter of wahabi terrorism so logically speaking they should be the first ones to be punished before we think about any one else..
None of our deals are harming
Israel in any fashion.
- We don't trade dual use
technology with Iran
- We don't export any
weapons grade fuel to Iran
- We don't sell critical
weapons technology that can
pose a threat to Israel from
So how is Israel getting
harmed if we buy oil?
OTOH if we don't buy,
tomorrow China will get all
the hands and manage to
take away an important
partner from us strategically.
Israel is our military partner
and will continue to be so.
I am sure we know how to
keep the secrets of both the
countries confidential with
Chanakya taught us well.
but how about this
its a human tendency that we don't want our friends to be friends with our enemy. Its obvious that Israel won't like it. though (as you pointed out) we are not helping Iran militarily but we are improving strategic relations with Iran. please note that i'm not anti Iran - its just that i can't forget the help Israel provided at our crucial time of Kargil. my personal view.
Well it is all about 'cards' .. India want to play 'Iran card' in lieu of getting something in return.:tup:

Diplomacy at it's best.:enjoy:
Sometimes I wonder, why are people not after Saudis? Sauds are the biggest promoter/supporter of wahabi terrorism so logically speaking they should be the first ones to be punished before we think about any one else..

only those opposed to them are terrorists.
don't trust these warmonger zionist..i have great respect for jews ...but there is no difference between zionist and islamic terrorist.......i personally know lot of zionist jews and they are racist as par with neo nazi ... my indian brothers please try to understand difference between jews and zionist......zionist has no emotional attachment with indian they are very much focus towords there own zionist aganda
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