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Let's pretend an annoying troll didn't just derail the forum and let's go back to what we were talking about before.
Or what will happen? :rolleyes:

:Edit: Deleted, didn't read all of convo that spawned the rant. Nonetheless I stand by the fact that getting angry over the internet is useless, and that BelowFreezing is all too quick to bring race into the picture himself.
Who cares about "regional dominance"?

I think the Chinese leadership does.

All I want is for China to be strong enough to protect itself, and strong enough to protect our shipping lanes and our resource routes.

That is already a big goal by itself. Let us reach that point first, no point looking too far ahead into the future.

That's nice. But military and economic goals tend to intermingle.
That's nice. But military and economic goals tend to intermingle.

Really many members of the US intelligence community (non political and nonpartisan ones) have mentioned that the PLA's goals seem mainly to be in support of economic policy.
I think the Chinese leadership does.

According to the official statements from the Chinese leadership, China does not seek regional hegemony. Whether or not you believe that, is up to you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

That's nice. But military and economic goals tend to intermingle.

I wouldn't say that it is "nice". Personally, I would say that it is 100% self-interest.

Over-extending ourselves is bad business, bad economics, bad politics, etc. China benefits enormously from the current economic status quo, best to just continue on this path.
You have the right vision but the wrong attitude. You say your want a planet in which humans just accept their difference yet you place your own white race (Americans, Russians) higher in your trust despite the two fighting a deadly Cold War that threatened your Europe into a nuclear Slag. After the Americans prevailed, they became the biggest imperialists and proclaimed Rome-like right to invade any country it chooses. Despite such sorry history of militarism, you believe they are better leaders.

In fact, China, with its foreign policy of noninterference and peaceful rise, should be your ideal candidate for the global leader who "just accept their little differences and not practice wars", unlike the interventionist Americans or the insecure Russians. Sadly, your thinly disguised racism rears its ugly head. Chinese leaders are not arrogant: they are hard-working and humble and a thousand times better than the treatment they receive in the cynical Western media. Muslims are not xenophobes, they are brave people groaning under the yoke of Western Imperialism. Their hatred for the West is a reaction to their powerlessness in the face of your injustice. How many hundreds of billions of dollars in infrastructure destroyed in Iraq? How many Palestinians killed my American supplied weapons?

Well, it's my opinion that any 1 country that wants to hold global power and partially succeeds at that will grow very arrogant in short order.

I supported the invasion of Afghanistan to take care of a real terrorist problem, and I supported the invasion of Iraq to get rid of a brutal dictator and open a 2nd front on alQuada, but I did not like at all how the Iraq aftermath was handled. I learned after the fact that the generals had asked for 500k troops for Iraq and got only 150k or so. Less soldiers, more problems. Nor do i like any of the abuses of military power by the west, and i oppose those in front of my NATO leaders and their supportbase. I doubt i could criticize the Chinese leadership for any of it's policies in the same fashion.

When in 2007 the Americans were well underway in their media to hype up a pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear program, i was one of the people who voiced serious opposition to the idea of attacking Iran prematurely. I made my case at an undisclosed republican forum, had to press that case, got my account banned in the end over insults (that were flowing back and forth), but the main point is: No attack on Iran happened. The Americans got the message that they were militariliy overstretched and couldn't handle the aftermath.

And I doubt China would let terror training camps continue to exist if those muslim "freedomfighters" (whom i call xenophobes) had picked China as the source of all Evil. They just happened to pick the USA and it's allies, i'm still not sure why exactly. Could be that we had more interaction with them as we buy their oil, or even (as they've stated) the fact that we support Israel's right to exist.

And just because i'd like the west to hold the arms superiority, because we have more experience (good and bad) with global dominance and global warfare, doesn't mean i'm racist. You support China, I support NATO. It's as simple as supporting the home team.
How about we stop the bickering over whose better?

Then i won't have to start about how in China you can't voice opposition to government plans/actions, something i deem very worrisome.
According to the official statements from the Chinese leadership, China does not seek regional hegemony. Whether or not you believe that, is up to you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I wouldn't say that it is "nice". Personally, I would say that it is 100% self-interest.

Over-extending ourselves is bad business, bad economics, bad politics, etc. China benefits enormously from the current economic status quo, best to just continue on this path.

Well, i don't know the Chinese or it's leadership very well. I've been dealing with Muslims and Republicans mostly.

As i've said earlier, by all means China, go be a regional leader. Lead with kindness.

Just don't start thinking you can dominate large parts of the rest of the world.

You're about to take over as the world's largest economy, don't fall into the trap of arrogance.
Exactly right. :tup:

Who cares about "regional dominance"?

All I want is for China to be strong enough to protect itself, and strong enough to protect our shipping lanes and our resource routes.That is already a big goal by itself. Let us reach that point first, no point looking too far ahead into the future.

Protect shipping lanes and resource routes from whom? Pirates? The US certainly isn't looking for a war with China, and if China isn't looking for the same then there should be no fear of US blockades. What threat is there to China's trading routes if there is no expectation of war with the US?

What of China claiming the South China Sea? is that considered protecting shipping lanes and resource routes?

To me, what you say is a verbose way of saying you want China to be regionally dominant at least.

accidental quick reply, don't mind it.
As i've said earlier, by all means China, go be a regional leader. Lead with kindness.

Just don't start thinking you can dominate large parts of the rest of the world.

You're about to take over as the world's largest economy, don't fall into the trap of arrogance.

It's good advice.

Speaking for myself though, I would prefer that China does not become a "regional leader" of any sort. I would prefer that China just keeps to itself, and follows a policy of non-interference.

And I doubt China would let terror training camps continue to exist if those muslim "freedomfighters" (whom i call xenophobes) had picked China as the source of all Evil. They just happened to pick the USA and it's allies, i'm still not sure why exactly. Could be that we had more interaction with them as we buy their oil, or even (as they've stated) the fact that we support Israel's right to exist.

Interesting hypothetical. China comes down very hard on any sort of extremism/terrorism within its own borders. Time will tell, what the Chinese leadership will do, if faced with some sort of 9/11-type crisis that originates from outside the country, in today's world.
Protect shipping lanes and resource routes from whom? Pirates? The US certainly isn't looking for a war with China, and if China isn't looking for the same then there should be no fear of US blockades. What threat is there to China's trading routes if there is no expectation of war with the US?

What of China claiming the South China Sea? is that considered protecting shipping lanes and resource routes?

To me, what you say is a verbose way of saying you want China to be regionally dominant at least.

I am saying that I find it a huge waste of money and time, to try to achieve hegemony in a region or in the world.

The USA can keep the job of the "global policeman". Honestly, I don't see how anyone could possibly see that role as appealing. You spend billions and billions of dollars, and the people just end up hating you anyway.

China has traditionally been a more insular, and inward-looking society. I would prefer to keep it that way.
The US certainly isn't looking for a war with China, and if China isn't looking for the same then there should be no fear of US blockades.

I could take your word on that, but then who knows?

Politics is a messy game. Nobody knows for sure, what the other side will do in a given scenario.

Personally I don't believe that the USA will blockade us, for a large number of reasons. But it always pays to be prepared.
Protect shipping lanes and resource routes from whom? Pirates? The US certainly isn't looking for a war with China, and if China isn't looking for the same then there should be no fear of US blockades. What threat is there to China's trading routes if there is no expectation of war with the US?

What of China claiming the South China Sea? is that considered protecting shipping lanes and resource routes?

To me, what you say is a verbose way of saying you want China to be regionally dominant at least.

accidental quick reply, don't mind it.

USN is the biggest pirate ever. Why is it sailing nuclear powered ships with nuclear weapons onboard close to major population centers? The aggressive actions of the USN is the greatest threat to peace in East Asia.

The US hasn't looked for a war with China? Well, no, you just invaded 2 of our neighbors and got kicked right back out again, of course, after you've unleashed chemical weapons still killing people today. Thanks but no thanks, the US is worse than Iraq under Saddam Hussein. At least Saddam's chemical weapons only killed 5000, 400,000 people in Vietnam died to US chemical weapons.

When your Wall Street regime collapses, we can see how many files are unlocked and show the true extent of US's barbarism. How many starved to death in the Great Depression, how many killed and maimed by US chemical weapons, how many butchered by the CIA, how many democratic governments overthrown, how many leaders assassinated, how many plots to destabilize other countries, how many false flag attacks, how much paid to propaganda posters, how many billions flowing from the 3rd world to US's treasury...
Really many members of the US intelligence community (non political and nonpartisan ones) have mentioned that the PLA's goals seem mainly to be in support of economic policy.

ok, i'm not exactly sure what you mean by that, please elaborate a bit.
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