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I am saying that I find it a huge waste of money and time, to try to achieve hegemony in a region or in the world.
The USA can keep the job of the "global policeman". Honestly, I don't see how anyone could possibly see that role as appealing. You spend billions and billions of dollars, and the people just end up hating you anyway.
That's simply a euphemism for being the dominant power. If China gains regional hegemony, then it is in effect the regional policeman. How it uses such role/ status would be up to it. China has traditionally been a more insular, and inward-looking society. I would prefer to keep it that way.
A fine opinion of which I tend to broadly agree for its less recent history.

I could take your word on that, but then who knows?
Politics is a messy game. Nobody knows for sure, what the other side will do in a given scenario.
Of course
Personally I don't believe that the USA will blockade us, for a large number of reasons. But it always pays to be prepared.
A fair view held by both sides imo. Neither thinks the other will seriously escalate tensions on the numerous tense issues, especially Taiwan. But it still pays to be prepared. That preparedness then validates the fears of the other.
A fair view held by both sides imo. Neither thinks the other will seriously escalate tensions on the numerous tense issues, especially Taiwan. But it still pays to be prepared. That preparedness then validates the fears of the other.

I agree completely. :tup:
USN is the biggest pirate ever. Why is it sailing nuclear powered ships with nuclear weapons onboard close to major population centers? The aggressive actions of the USN is the greatest threat to peace in East Asia.

The US hasn't looked for a war with China? Well, no, you just invaded 2 of our neighbors and got kicked right back out again, of course, after you've unleashed chemical weapons still killing people today. Thanks but no thanks, the US is worse than Iraq under Saddam Hussein. At least Saddam's chemical weapons only killed 5000, 400,000 people in Vietnam died to US chemical weapons.

When your Wall Street regime collapses, we can see how many files are unlocked and show the true extent of US's barbarism. How many starved to death in the Great Depression, how many killed and maimed by US chemical weapons, how many butchered by the CIA, how many democratic governments overthrown, how many leaders assassinated, how many plots to destabilize other countries, how many false flag attacks, how much paid to propaganda posters, how many billions flowing from the 3rd world to US's treasury...

3- Because we had the nuclear missiles aimed at Beijing the whole time right? We don't need to sail Carriers carrying nuclear missiles near Beijing to vaporize it, you're being oversensitive and the exercises were directed at North Korea in response to their sinking of a South Korean vessel killing dozens of sailors.

2- This year isn't 1953 or 1973, its 2011, and neither war were directed at China, nor had China as any sort of objective (well, until China involved itself in the first war). I'm not even going to get into your views on the wars, they are irrelevant to my point.
3- You sound like a product of the cold war from the other side!

I could come up with a similar list of percieved CCP crimes, utterly ignoring any positive aspects of the CCP like you have the US, but what's the point? Unless you're hoping for war between the US and China or for a catastrophic collapse of government resulting in the death of millions of Americans what's the point of your hate?
Wow, I just noticed how stunningly off topic that last post was. If I may say this is an amazing advancement in the FEL program. I hope to see some videos of actual testing at some point, but I won't hold my breath. Perhaps the X-37b is large enough to house one of these lasers?:P
ok, i'm not exactly sure what you mean by that, please elaborate a bit.

The PLA's primary role is to support economic growth and economic policies. This means securing unblockadable trade routes (by anyone including the US), regional stability, and generally do what it can to keep the world a place where peaceful commerce can take place.
Protect shipping lanes and resource routes from whom? Pirates? The US certainly isn't looking for a war with China, and if China isn't looking for the same then there should be no fear of US blockades. What threat is there to China's trading routes if there is no expectation of war with the US?

Protect shipping lanes and resource routes from the US of course. As of now the US can effectively blockade China, that option exists for the US, this is unacceptable to China even if peaceful relations prevail. In fact by phrasing it as you did, there is an implicit threat in what you said, ie China should behave as America would like it to, that if we deem you to be unpeaceful and uncooperative and we have the option of military intimidation and threat of a blockade.

You probably honestly believe that this view is morally right and that such position is America's God given right.
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