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I'll go even further to say economic security is the PLA's most important near term goal, and recent policies reflect this.

Exactly right. :tup:

I don't know enough facts of the details to say China is currently doing a good or bad job of establishing regional dominance.

Who cares about "regional dominance"?

All I want is for China to be strong enough to protect itself, and strong enough to protect our shipping lanes and our resource routes.

That is already a big goal by itself. Let us reach that point first, no point looking too far ahead into the future.
That all depends on who has the arms superiority.

I'd rather see the Americans or Russians of today have arms superiority than say the Chinese (who have little experience with fighting futile wars, and whose leadership is currently growing more arrogant by the day) or muslim xenophobes.

Ideally, i'd like to see a world in which humans just accept their little differences and not practice wars at all, thereby making arms superiority useless, but alas, this Earth is not a perfect world yet.

You have the right vision but the wrong attitude. You say your want a planet in which humans just accept their difference yet you place your own white race (Americans, Russians) higher in your trust despite the two fighting a deadly Cold War that threatened your Europe into a nuclear Slag. After the Americans prevailed, they became the biggest imperialists and proclaimed Rome-like right to invade any country it chooses. Despite such sorry history of militarism, you believe they are better leaders.

In fact, China, with its foreign policy of noninterference and peaceful rise, should be your ideal candidate for the global leader who "just accept their little differences and not practice wars", unlike the interventionist Americans or the insecure Russians. Sadly, your thinly disguised racism rears its ugly head. Chinese leaders are not arrogant: they are hard-working and humble and a thousand times better than the treatment they receive in the cynical Western media. Muslims are not xenophobes, they are brave people groaning under the yoke of Western Imperialism. Their hatred for the West is a reaction to their powerlessness in the face of your injustice. How many hundreds of billions of dollars in infrastructure destroyed in Iraq? How many Palestinians killed my American supplied weapons?
Arrogant is one way of looking at it, no longer heeding the current world order is another.

Take the time to read over Chinese history, I think you'll be reassured.

I admire your patience, but a guy who can't see past his own bigotry doesn't deserve it.
You must be older and wiser than me. I get your idea, but I don't have the stomach for it.

lol older wiser less temperamental? Are we talking about the same person? You should see my patience level with Indian posters.
Exactly right. :tup:

More evidence of China's economic focus in the new five year plan.

The goal of the 12th Five Year plan is to prevent China’s growth from stalling. In the Opinion, the CPC identifies 10 factors that threaten the continued development of the Chinese economy:

Resource constraints: energy and raw materials.
Mismatch in investment and imbalance in consumption.
Income disparity.
Weakness in capacity for domestic innovation.
Production structure is not rational: too much heavy industry, not enough service.
Agriculture foundation is thin and weak.
Urban/rural development is not coordinated.
Employment system is imbalanced.
Social contradictions are progressively more apparent.
Obstacles to scientific development continue to exist and are difficult to remove.

Note the number one concern. The PLA's role is to facilitate this.
Sorry I have no patience for white supremacists. Their IQ asymptotically approaches 0 and I'm surprised they can even feed themselves without outside intervention.
Sorry I have no patience for white supremacists. Their IQ asymptotically approaches 0 and I'm surprised they can even feed themselves without outside intervention.

If you think these people are white supremacists, you clearly haven't met a white supremacist. These opinions are run of the mill.
Note the number one concern. The PLA's role is to facilitate this.

Absolutely. The world simply does not have enough resources to sustain the entire developing world becoming developed.

I think there is a lot of potential in hydropower, wind/nuclear etc. though.

And if push comes to shove, China has enough domestic coal reserves to last a few hundred years at least. Worst case scenario.
Absolutely. The world simply does not have enough resources to sustain the entire developing world becoming developed.

I think there is a lot of potential in hydropower, wind/nuclear etc. though.

And if push comes to shove, China has enough domestic coal reserves to last a few hundred years at least.

Ugghh Coal is the fuel of last resort, part of the what the next five plan is going to be is gradually taking ourselves off of coal.

Absolutely. The world simply does not have enough resources to sustain the entire developing world becoming developed.

I think there is a lot of potential in hydropower, wind/nuclear etc. though.

And if push comes to shove, China has enough domestic coal reserves to last a few hundred years at least. Worst case scenario.

Wind is highly inefficient. When we have low cost photovoltaics, we can simply have integrated photovoltaics and build parts of building walls from them. This also reduces the need for transmission lines and ensures even rural villages can have electricity. I have high confidence in China becoming the next center of resource innovation and destroying the petrodollar.
settle down guys you can always counter it with your "carrier killer" missiles.
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