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Unarmed Afghan civilians murdered by British special forces (SAS & SBS)

Politicians of the Western countries don't care about atrocities commited by their troops.

Thousands of innocent Muslim lives are being ruined by these democratic scums.

In Germany there is an " Annual Day of the open Doors" in the last Sunday of August---anyone can enter and the Chancellor is there

I went there and met with Angela Merkel two times.....

After watching the video and reading articles about NATO atrocities in Afghanistan, sometimes I feel sorry that I didn't use the moment to punch Merkel in the face for sending murderous German troops to Afghanistan.....

(but in August there is always a next "Day fo the open doors" of course....)
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I think that this phenomenon can be broken down into two separate types. The first group are those Afghans who are equally opposed to both our interference historically but more opposed to the American occupation, these folks had been sidelined. Speaking about it in the west in these terms would get you branded as a taliban sympathiser etc. Then other group are those that are as you describe, those who apply the double standard to us, while it seems they don't think too badly of American occupation. These latter are the NA types who benefited from it.
Yes I think you've hit the nail on the head there.
@H. Dawary @Agha Sher Afghan brothers, what are your thoughts about societal changes taking place in Afghanistan today?

How will this impact ties between Pakistan and Afghanistan brotherly countries?

The main issue is the Durand line... Once a new government comes into place, then there will be proper discussions about it.
I think that this phenomenon can be broken down into two separate types. The first group are those Afghans who are equally opposed to both our interference historically but more opposed to the American occupation, these folks had been sidelined. Speaking about it in the west in these terms would get you branded as a taliban sympathiser etc. Then other group are those that are as you describe, those who apply the double standard to us, while it seems they don't think too badly of American occupation. These latter are the NA types who benefited from it.

First group, namely Afghan Pukhtoons see Pakistan as their historical ally, and India, Iran as historic enemies.

The latter group, namely Kabul and NA remnants, see Iran as their historical ally, and India as a useful tool to use against Pakistan, who they see as an enemy.

Those divisions were magnified by Americans, Russians, Iranians, and Indians.

Now we are seeing non-Pukhtoons joining Taliban too, so Afghanistan is heading for a national government under Taliban auspices.
The main issue is the Durand line... Once a new government comes into place, then there will be proper discussions about it.

Can be solved temporarily by recognition by the Taliban, which is very likely.

I can see a situation where peace and stability returns to the region and that merger of the two countries can become a reality, as we discussed in it in 1999.
George Bush laughed and joke about not find WMD in Iraq. Fallujah birth defect similar to agent orange in Vietnam. I think comes down racism that whites have no empathy for noNwhite people.

No other race have killed so many people other race than white people. Anglo American military are genocidal maniac when fighting in other countries. The solider who killed a whole village in My Lai served no time. The value that western society put on nonwhite lives is cheaper than their dog. So don’t ever fall for their human right bs
Good! The bastards deserve every bit of it. While these scums were busy burning Pakistani offices and invoking old conflicts of Durand line, the foreign occupational forces were killing them in their own home. Where is that scum army chief who had ordered Afghan special forces lol and airforce to be on high alert?
I sincerely hope more of these fuckets are killed like this so they understand their aukaat in the real world.
Often some Afghans complain at how Pakistan and Pakistanis are their enemies but they fail to confront those people who mass murder their civilians. What is happening to innocent unarmed Afghan civilians is ABSOLUTELY disgusting. What are the Afghans going to do about the following outrage:


No trolling, but please explain what the options are for the Afghans in combating the above atrocities being committed against their innocent and unarmed people

Vahan tau asylum lena hai na.
Good! The bastards deserve every bit of it. While these scums were busy burning Pakistani offices and invoking old conflicts of Durand line, the foreign occupational forces were killing them in their own home. Where is that scum army chief who had ordered Afghan special forces lol and airforce to be on high alert?
I sincerely hope more of these fuckets are killed like this so they understand their aukaat in the real world.

Taliban can do that job very well, if only given a bit of support and intel by us.
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