The nato cheerleader and the paid nato propagandists are desperately trying to dehumanize the protestors. But all you need to do is watch the thousands of videos of thousands of ordinary protestors making human chains around Kiev junta military units. Old men old women normal every day Ukrainians. Yes there are some elements that are more organized and are using weapons but obviously they aren't the majority.
At the same time these liars forget to mention the fully armed Right Sector terrorists who set fire to all of Kiev and overthrew the elected government in a very bloody and violent coup
That is okay for these heartless fascists in training. Its okay because the kiev neo Nazis killed in the name of nato. So that is justified. Any and everybody else will be named terrorists.
Cheap western propaganda and double standards. Nato is desperate, their whole economy and monetary structures are falling apart. They are slowly becoming irrelevant as Russia and China rise.
They won't take Ukraine. Even if Russia doesn't help the south eastern Ukrainians won't live under neo Nazi yolk. Especially when these neo Nazis are nothing but nato puppets.
Nato wants to sacrifice Ukrainian blood on the alter of their god of death and destruction thinking that it will prolong their empire. It won't. It is only showing the world what bloodthirsty cowards these animals are. The world doesn't buy the propaganda. Just look at all the forums and comments sections in all the main news sections. The vast majority of the world sees and knows what's going on. The slaughter of the Kiev juntas opposition.
All the bloodthirsty cowards on this website who call murdered human being burnt alive BBQ, are only showing their own inhumanity. Unfortunately for them the world has a funny rule. What goes around comes around. And god will make them eat their words. Let them make fun of murdered people, let them try to dehumanize them by calling them russian or terrorists or separatists.
These people are uneducated scum. They don't know that the American forefathers. Our founders were called Terrorists and Separatists by the British empire. And the British empire used that excuse to wage war on its own people. In the end the American " separatists and terrorists " won. We won and that is why America today exists because of our brave forefathers who decided to shake off the yolk of British tyranny.
The same is happening in ukraine and these brave men are forging a new country. And they will win, the nato empire will lose. They cannot win, all these deaths only make their resolve greater, their unity tighter.
Let these cowards and animals laugh and call the dead names. They will pay and the righteous will win.
De mortuis nil nisi bonum.