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Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

From MP.net:


Firing his AK
To be honest, neither the west nor Russia are saints/innocent in this conflict. Both of them are indirectly/directly involve in the turmoil we are witnessing. Its the innocent people of Ukraine, just like those in Syria who will suffer and pay the price. Once Foreign powers intervene in your country, you cant be said to be independent anymore, it becomes more like a proxy/geopolitical war. you are just the battlefield. I pity Ukraine, its such a nice/beautiful country and most of all with beautiful girls(have encountered some.:D;).lol).
On a serious note, what the our governments in the west did in Ukraine by financing and supporting the coup against an elected government was illegitimate/wrong(if democracy/election isn't necessary anymore and can be changed by some radical youths protesting then we should adopt a 1 party system like China or Singapore. lol), and what Russia did thereafter was even more wrong by taking advantage to annex part of the country(Crimea), and what it is still doing today by infiltrating and trying to cause trouble/turmoil so it can intervene is still wrong. two wrongs don't make a right.
The problem with this forum is that i have noticed that people on here are too biased against one side, either with Russia-China camp or the west, and the sub categories of those who don't know who to choose because they like/want the west support against China, but don't want to align with Russia since it will alienate the west and vice versa,. Its kind of a tricky game. But i just wish we could leave some of our unconditional bias for once and call a spade a spade, even if that spade is your country or a country you support, you can still denounce their actions and not always try to blindly support them just because you are allies/friends etc. That's what discussions/forums are for. It should be constructive and sincere i think. :azn:
I will denounce what my country or any western government does that i think is wrong be it their hypocrisy or hegemony.:agree:
You last screen name was' jackoffsback', you were banned yesterday and you created a new profile today. And you are NOT American. Names and flags. HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!:rofl:

That is correct. I make no effort to hide that. On the contrary im amused by mods who think they can censor the internet. Its laughable to say the least. It literally takes about 3 seconds to switch ips.

As far as my flags. Unfortunately i am American. Not something im particularly proud of at the moment. But you can think im pakistani bagladeshi chinese russian romanian whatever floats your boat. Just dont call me a fascist or a wahabi and were good.

Were on opposing sides of the fence. Lets wait and see who wins.
OMG, Ukraine is EXPLODING.

Will PUTIN invade Eastern ad southern Ukraine in next day or two ?

@vostok @senheiser

If things get worse. Russia will act. So far they aren't doing anything.if Russia wanted it could take over ukraine in a span of 72 hours. 70% of the military would switch sides within the first 24 hours. They are more loyal to ukrainian citizens and are only awaiting an opening to break free from the junta. The rest are a mixed bag of neo Nazis given uniforms, blackwater mercenaries, poles and a few Ukrainians. They will either be killed or surrender, if not they will be hanging from nooses for killing Ukrainian civilians. They know that.

Ukraine has no money to fund a war. And their military equipment is old and not well maintained. I doubt they'd have the fuel or bullets to even last a week.

Russia is giving the fascists enough rope to hang themselves. And the idiots don't even realize it.
OMG, Ukraine is EXPLODING.

Will PUTIN invade Eastern ad southern Ukraine in next day or two ?

@vostok @senheiser
I do not know. It is almost impossible to calculate Putin moves. Maybe the order to attack is ready. Maybe there will be no such an order at all, and Russia will only help with volunteers, cossacks, afgan-veterans and weapons.
Russia should move in and finish this once and for all .. West backed Neo Nazis and Mercs are responsible for the violence..
There is nothing brave about burning people alive because they do not do not support a fake puppet government that toppled a democratically elected government with violence. Lets also drop the propaganda, they were Ukrainians.

I still find it disgusting that no western leaders have condemned this. Obama and the rest of the state department had the time to condemn a fake anti semitic letter but are quiet about this. Western leaders should be ashamed of themselves.
Agree ! West are typically double standard.

There is nothing brave about burning people alive because they do not do not support a fake puppet government that toppled a democratically elected government with violence. Lets also drop the propaganda, they were Ukrainians.

I still find it disgusting that no western leaders have condemned this. Obama and the rest of the state department had the time to condemn a fake anti semitic letter but are quiet about this. Western leaders should be ashamed of themselves.

Why should they condemn a fight against terrorism?
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