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Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

" The russians saddle up slowly but ride fast " Otto Von Bismark

A read German, not some wannabe fascist immigrant trying to prove himself to his new masters, would know these words well and take heed.

The game hasn't even started. The Nato fascists know they've stolen something that's not theirs. They know they will have to give it back. None of them are willing to fight for it. They can barely muster conscripts. And their propaganda ceased working years ago.

When the hunt starts in earnest, it will be over in a matter of hours. Keep gloating my little fascists. The reckoning is just around the corner.
" The russians saddle up slowly but ride fast " Otto Von Bismark

A read German, not some wannabe fascist immigrant trying to prove himself to his new masters, would know these words well and take heed.

The game hasn't even started. The Nato fascists know they've stolen something that's not theirs. They know they will have to give it back. None of them are willing to fight for it. They can barely muster conscripts. And their propaganda ceased working years ago.

When the hunt starts in earnest, it will be over in a matter of hours. Keep gloating my little fascists. The reckoning is just around the corner.

weren't you banned yesterday?
" The russians saddle up slowly but ride fast " Otto Von Bismark

A read German, not some wannabe fascist immigrant trying to prove himself to his new masters, would know these words well and take heed.

The game hasn't even started. The Nato fascists know they've stolen something that's not theirs. They know they will have to give it back. None of them are willing to fight for it. They can barely muster conscripts. And their propaganda ceased working years ago.

When the hunt starts in earnest, it will be over in a matter of hours. Keep gloating my little fascists. The reckoning is just around the corner.

Hi, are you going to fight the Nazis in Ukraine? I mean, personally? You seem brave over the internet, it would be a shame if you don;t go to help your Russian brothers in Ukraine.
You are right.It could even be russian agents,they are known as world class provocateurs who will not hesitate in killing their own to reach certain goals.

Shelling of Mainila - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fat guy with AK in pro russian camp...peaceful protestors my azz...

maidan style


I like 'Ukies **** Russians Up' better but I'm willing to go with yours.:rofl:

P.S. I'm part Ukrainian so I can use 'Ukie'.:enjoy:

Russians shouldn't play with matches.:flame:

thanks for exposing Americans true nature, laughing at people dying and spitting on their corpses. Nazi

Shame on you for such hateful and downright sick posts. Those people were Ukrainian, get it through your thick skull. They were anti government protesters that were attacked and fled into the building form the mob that attacked them.

just report him like i did
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Hi, are you going to fight the Nazis in Ukraine? I mean, personally? You seem brave over the internet, it would be a shame if you don;t go to help your Russian brothers in Ukraine.

I can't speak of the person you're currently talking too, but PDF in general has more than its fair share of chest thumping keyboard warriors.
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Hi, are you going to fight the Nazis in Ukraine? I mean, personally? You seem brave over the internet, it would be a shame if you don;t go to help your Russian brothers in Ukraine.

Don't you love how they support loonatics,invaders who want to break a country up ? Ofcourse,if some of us just wish that Ukraine doesn't get invaded or annexed by a foreign power,they suddenly find their sensitive side :"OMG,fascists,Hitler wannabees,NATO slaves!"....LMFAO,Russkie propaganda seems straight out of the 40's,it's exactly what my grandpa was hearing!

Russia invades Crimea-----"OMG kill the fascists!"...Err what ?

Russians armed to their teeth storm buildings in Eastern Ukraine,kill pro Ukr politicians ..."We did because of the Nazis!"...wait a minute......
Hi, are you going to fight the Nazis in Ukraine? I mean, personally? You seem brave over the internet, it would be a shame if you don;t go to help your Russian brothers in Ukraine.

Russians and Ukrainians are one people. Brothers will not fight brothers. The Nato trash will be taken out. Russia doesn't need conscripts for this. It will all happen very quickly when it starts.

Now let me ask you what you say to your nato rat cohorts when they come online and threaten pro russians with being burned alive, when they come online to gloats about human beings being burned alive and calling them BBQ?

Do you believe cowardice and inhumanity are better traits to project online?

My little fascists in training. Telling you that God and the Devil have a special place in hell for people who burn people alive and then laugh about it isn't a threat or bravery.Its a statement of fact.

You will be judged for your inhumanity in this world and the next.


Lunatics who break a country up?

American founding forefathers broke up the British empire. They were called separatists and terrorists by the crown. They must have been lunatics

Nato broke up Serbia. Definitely lunatics,

Iraq and Libya are effectively broken up. Nato again must be lunatics.

Kiev junta is burning alive its own people. Calling them separatists and terrorists. Ask the British how well this tactic worked on American revolutionaries.

You're a poor uneducated fascist. You either have no life and look live on this forum or you simply get paid to post uneducated propaganda.

Thank you. Come again.

Don't you love how they support loonatics,invaders who want to break a country up ? Ofcourse,if some of us just wish that Ukraine doesn't get invaded or annexed by a foreign power,they suddenly find their sensitive side :"OMG,fascists,Hitler wannabees,NATO slaves!"....LMFAO,Russkie propaganda seems straight out of the 40's,it's exactly what my grandpa was hearing!

Russia invades Crimea-----"OMG kill the fascists!"...Err what ?

Russians armed to their teeth storm buildings in Eastern Ukraine,kill pro Ukr politicians ..."We did because of the Nazis!"...wait a minute......
Identified victims at the moment
1. Andrei Biryukov , born in 1978 - Gunshot wound,
2 . Brozhevsky Andrew, born in 1987 - Falling from the upper floors ,
3 . Bulakh Victor , 1956 - Falling from the upper floors ,
4 . Varenikina Anna , born in 1955 - Smothered in smoke
5 . Egorsky Nicholas, born in 1976 - Gunshot wound,
6. Zhulkov Alexander , born in 1968 - Gunshot wound,
7. Anatoliy Kalin , born in 1976 - Falling from the upper floors ,
8. Vyacheslav Markin , born in 1969 , deputy of the regional council - died in hospital from wounds
9. Sergey Mishin , born in 1986 - Died in the fire ,
10 . Negaturov Vadim , 1959 , Odessa poet - was burned in the fire;
11. Nikitenko Maxim , born in 1982 - Falling from the upper floors ,
12. Gennady Petrov , born 1985 - Gunshot wound,
13. Sadovnichii Alexander , 1954 - Burned in the fire.
Nazis finished off those who got out of fire by kicking and iron rods. And those who climbed on the roof trying to escape, were aimed fired.
Odessites started to take revenge to local Nazi collaborators. Already have the first killed.
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Don't you love how they support loonatics,invaders who want to break a country up ? Ofcourse,if some of us just wish that Ukraine doesn't get invaded or annexed by a foreign power,they suddenly find their sensitive side :"OMG,fascists,Hitler wannabees,NATO slaves!"....LMFAO,Russkie propaganda seems straight out of the 40's,it's exactly what my grandpa was hearing!

Russia invades Crimea-----"OMG kill the fascists!"...Err what ?

Russians armed to their teeth storm buildings in Eastern Ukraine,kill pro Ukr politicians ..."We did because of the Nazis!"...wait a minute......

The 2 rubles/day propaganda team is in full swing

Russians and Ukrainians are one people. Brothers will not fight brothers. The Nato trash will be taken out. Russia doesn't need conscripts for this. It will all happen very quickly when it starts.

Now let me ask you what you say to your nato rat cohorts when they come online and threaten pro russians with being burned alive, when they come online to gloats about human beings being burned alive and calling them BBQ?


They are fighting right now, as we speak, and if I heard right, Ukrainians were the ones chanting "jump b.itch, jump to Russia" yesterday in Odessa. No NATO to be seen anywhere around..
The 2 rubles/day propaganda team is in full swing

They are fighting right now, as we speak, and if I heaAll Ukrainians were the ones chanting "jump b.itch, jump to Russia" yesterday in Odessa. No NATO to be seen anywhere around..

Too much of a coward to answer the question. I see. Cheap nato propaganda in full swing. Too bad only fascists still believe your lies. Please continue. All youre doing is exposing your own true nature.
Western Ukrainians, the Right Sector crowd are mostly Galicians, the Lvov crowd are mostly poles. They are hardly ethnic Ukrainians.

That is why they can commit war crimes. They care nothing about Ukrainian people. They only care about their blind hate for True Ukrainians and Russians.


This is exactly true. I'm going to be sending Airbus excerpts of Marcus' comments on the Ukrainians who were burned alive just so his employers know what kind of shit they are employing. I doubt they want to be associated with psychopaths like that. I am currently cataloging everything.

Intelligent people with basic human decency and morality would never laugh at people being burned alive. Decent human beings don't derive pleasure from the pain of others. Only the sick and demented do.

German people are good people at heart. They already saw the rise of one fascist junta. I doubt they want another one.

Don't read the news articles our system media is spewing out like someone who suffers chronic diarrhoea, read the comments of the articles and you'll see that most Germans don't buy the crap.

Here are two sites compilling all the lies that our supposed "free" media is spewing:
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Why should they condemn a fight against terrorism?

What are you saying, that it is okay to burn people alive and shoot the survivors? That is what Nazis did; this is despicable and Europe as well as Kiev and the US administration should feel ashamed for saying nothing and supporting this. War criminals. If it was the anti government protesters that did this to pro Kiev protesters the west would go berzerk.

I'm not sure what kind of "democracy" you live in but you are not a terrorist for protesting the government. The anti government protesters were attacked first and ran for safety in the building, most were not armed and chose not to fight. Even if they were "terrorists" which most were regular people, no normal society would allow or support this, of course the EU, US and Kiev governments are not normal.
10:53 GMT:
A New York Times correspondent has spent a week with the Slavyansk self-defense forces, and stated that the militia has Ukrainian weapons – the same that the Ukrainian special forces and army have - and there are no Russians among the self-defense forces.

Who was calling these murdered Ukrainians BBQ?

Turchynov and yatsenyuk feel the noose tightening. They can never go back after what they have done to Ukraine and its people. All at the behest of their nato paymasters.

I doubt either will live very long. Either Russia or the Ukrainians themselves will kills these sadistic traitors.

I hope they burn in hell for the evil they have done.
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Western Ukrainians, the Right Sector crowd are mostly Galicians, the Lvov crowd are mostly poles. They are hardly ethnic Ukrainians.

That is why they can commit war crimes. They care nothing about Ukrainian people. They only care about their blind hate for True Ukrainians and Russians.


This is exactly true. I'm going to be sending Airbus excerpts of Marcus' comments on the Ukrainians who were burned alive just so his employers know what kind of shit they are employing. I doubt they want to be associated with psychopaths like that. I am currently cataloging everything.

Intelligent people with basic human decency and morality would never laugh at people being burned alive. Decent human beings don't derive pleasure from the pain of others. Only the sick and demented do.

German people are good people at heart. They already saw the rise of one fascist junta. I doubt they want another one.

where did i laugh about dead people? I said evry loss of live is tragic. So dont spin it that way.

What are you saying, that it is okay to burn people alive and shoot the survivors? That is what Nazis did; this is despicable and Europe as well as Kiev and the US administration should feel ashamed for saying nothing and supporting this. War criminals. If it was the anti government protesters that did this to pro Kiev protesters the west would go berzerk.

I'm not sure what kind of "democracy" you live in but you are not a terrorist for protesting the government. The anti government protesters were attacked first and ran for safety in the building, most were not armed and chose not to fight. Even if they were "terrorists" which most were regular people, no normal society would allow or support this, of course the EU, US and Kiev governments are not normal.

i saw in news that the " protestors" did shot with AK 47 on pro ukrainian protestors. This caused this outbreak of violence. What we see there is civil war. Both, USA and Eu said this violence is unacceptable and did condemn this. What else do you expect?
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