you are just blind buddy.
U.K queen has the absolute power and among her official powers are:
the power to dissolve parliament and the power to appoint the prime minister. She can also dismiss any government.
about their biased parliament:
"The unfair and disproportionate voting system is another major flaw of the British elections. The current voting system in Britain (First Past the Post) is clearly primitive, dating back to the medieval age. Such a system guarantees that the top two parties always keep the majority of the parliament seats, heavily discriminating against other parties. It technically results in forming a House with many under-represented parties."
and about their army, at least think why they are called Royal ....
PressTV-Unelected figure holds key to UK votes
PressTV-‘UK Queen’s power not solely symbolic’
her monarch isn't just in the U.K and it's extended to Canada and Australia too.
our type of system and constitution is chosen by direct vote of people, what about U.K queen?
PressTV-To even ‘imagine’ toppling Queen illegal
it's true that leader chooses the half of the guardian council, and they approve the expert assembly candidates but, this doesn't apply to the first time that Assembly chose him.
secondly the role of guardian council is approving, yet before they approve the candidate, he must be a well known and respected cleric in his town and that's why they are called expert, and if they have such a quality then disapproving them is like a suicide for the guardian council.