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U.S. War with China “Inevitable,” Author Glain Says

Democracy is good only for literate societies not for illiterate socities where religion, cast and regional interests affect true democracy... Sometimes it seems Communism is good but again it will make you salve by taking all your rights..

So let it work as it is working and try to revolutionise things...

Despotic rule cannot be an alternative to democratic rule. Nowhere it is written that democracy is good for only literate society. Matter of fact, in a society who usurp the rights of ordinary people are all highly educated. At present if a despot serves the interest of the US then it is argued that the despot's people do not deserve democracy. What is going on in Syria and Bahrain only validates this observation. So, the argument that some societies do not deserve democracy is truly a devilish propaganda.
Another arms race?

The problem is that how U.S. would like to pay for that??? Remember, last time, it bankrupted U.S.S.R. for the arms race. However, this time, U.S. is right at the edge of bankrupt even before the race starts.

Outside of the market madness, the biggest global news this week might be China sending its first aircraft carrier to sea.
The launch was not unexpected and China sought to downplay its significance, saying "it will not pose a threat to other countries."
Still, "it is the most potent symbol yet of China's desire to develop the power both to deny U.S. naval access to Asian waters and to protect its global economic interests, including shipping lanes," The WSJ reports.
Like many others, Stephen Glain, author of State vs. Defense, believes the U.S. and China are, indeed, on a collision course. "Absent a good faith attempt to negotiate this thicket of disputes between China and Taiwan and the Philippines and Brunei and others, I think it's inevitable," he says. "The Chinese are not going to back down."
Just as America adopted the Monroe Doctrine to project power in the Western Hemisphere, the Chinese believe they have a right to their own sphere of influence in the Asia-Pacific region. "China is after all a 3000-year old country; Asia has been throughout most of that history Sino-centric," he says.
But to those who believe the U.S. and its allies must "bottle up" China, Glain says "there's nothing in those 3000 years of Chinese history" to suggest China's intentions are to militarily dominate the region. "On the contrary, they've always remained close to their own territory," he notes. "They have always been the Middle Kingdom between heaven and earth."
However, Glain fears the U.S. and its allies might provoke China into a war that might otherwise be avoidable. "Arms races tend to develop their own immutable momentum," he says, noting the Pentagon is embarking on an "enormous military buildup" in the region.
In his new book, Glain laments the rise of the "military industrial complex" President Eisenhower warned about 50 years ago, suggesting defense contractors and their patrons in Congress and the Pentagon have an undue influence on U.S. foreign policy. American hubris is also playing a role in the march to war, he says.
"Without an admission by the U.S. of its limitations, both fiscal and militarily…I think some kind of conflict between the U.S. and China is inevitable, probably in our lifetime," he says.

U.S. War with China
Yeah rightly said... now slavery has the new name that is Communism...

:lol: Communism gives people enough to eat, something that I can't say for India.

International wheat production statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian wheat production: 40% less grain for 30% less people.

Rice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian rice production: 50% less grain.

As for other foodstuffs:

List of top international rankings by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's a gigantic list of China.

"Largest rice consumer, 135 million metric tons per year"
Compare that with our rice output.

Indians are dying of corruption, not of hunger. Hunger is merely a symptom of corruption. Your capitalist system and your politicians have made you slaves of Wall Street and London.
:lol: Communism gives people enough to eat, something that I can't say for India.

International wheat production statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian wheat production: 40% less grain for 30% less people.

Rice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian rice production: 50% less grain.

As for other foodstuffs:

List of top international rankings by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's a gigantic list of China.

"Largest rice consumer, 135 million metric tons per year"
Compare that with our rice output.

Indians are dying of corruption, not of hunger. Hunger is merely a symptom of corruption. Your capitalist system and your politicians have made you slaves of Wall Street and London.

Thanks for so ill-informed post... Now sleep tight with the FAKE feeling of Winning War Against US...
They can not even fight with Vietanm or India how can they think fight with US.. They can fight with US only in Internet Forums... and they can win too..
China have diffrent way of war, they will threaten you and waiting for your mistake days after days,and slowly swalow you like a Termite eating wood .

WHen you realize you're losing in the war, you're already enslaved by CHina investors , so their Army just come and finish the last job is occupying your country. And when you lose your land , 95% you never can take it back.

To be honest War with CHina is very long and tired.
China have diffrent way of war, they will threaten you and waiting for your mistake days after days,and slowly swalow you like a Termite eating wood .

WHen you realize you're losing in the war, you're already enslaved by CHina investors , so they Army jsut come and finish the last job is occupying your country. And when you lose your land , 95% you never can take it back.

To be honest War with CHina is very long and tired.

Ha Ha sorry but I couldn't stop myself burst into laugh... so u are saying they fight like Termite not like a Dragon.. Then Pesticides are enough to contain them...
Ha Ha sorry but I couldn't stop myself burst into laugh... so u are saying they fight like Termite not like a Dragon.. Then Pesticides are enough to contain them...

Hehe, Drafon is the mix of many kind of animal such as snake, fish,lion etc, so CHina will act as a Snake and Lion with small country, and will act like Termite with the strong countries.

It's very tired to play game with the Mixed animal :cheesy:, we call the way of CHina making war is: "silkworms eat mulberry leave "
China have diffrent way of war, they will threaten you and waiting for your mistake days after days,and slowly swalow you like a Termite eating wood .

WHen you realize you're losing in the war, you're already enslaved by CHina investors , so their Army just come and finish the last job is occupying your country. And when you lose your land , 95% you never can take it back.

To be honest War with CHina is very long and tired.

Yep, there's no hope for Vietnam, so stay in the US and don't go back lol.
Yep, there's no hope for Vietnam, so stay in the US and don't go back lol.
Hehe, we know your way of war, so of course we have the coutermeasure also.

Why we have to boost up the National spirit ??bcz it's the anti-China's way of war. But It seem USA still not boost up their national spirit like what their did after "Pearl Habour"attack, or may be CHina just simply give USA no chance to boost it up.

We have to admit: China have some advantage against USA now.
War between USA and China, the winner will be the war itself.
USA is a superpower because of its global alliance and not just military might. War were fought not on hardware alone but on command, military intelligence, tactics, infrastructure, and economy. If war were fought on hardware alone the USSR would have taken over Asia and Europe due to its nuclear defense and offense over US. The US would have claim victory over Vietnam, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. US corporates invested heavily in China ( building, factories, etc. ) If war will occur, corporations will face huge losses in infrastructures, and cheap labors. The economy of both countries may collapse, sending both countries into a depression.
War between USA and China, the winner will be the war itself.
USA is a superpower because of its global alliance and not just military might. War were fought not on hardware alone but on command, military intelligence, tactics, infrastructure, and economy. If war were fought on hardware alone the USSR would have taken over Asia and Europe due to its nuclear defense and offense over US. The US would have claim victory over Vietnam, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. US corporates invested heavily in China ( building, factories, etc. ) If war will occur, corporations will face huge losses in infrastructures, and cheap labors. The economy of both countries may collapse, sending both countries into a depression.
They can fight in the Cold war, not Arms race but Economy race, who win will be the Boss to rule the Worlds.
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