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U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

That means that either the Chinese radars weren't able to see the USAF bombers, or the PLAAF has a very poor response time, which is it? o_O
Isn't B-52 to a Shaquille O' Neal of military jets :o:
This time the Chinese bit more than they can chew and have made utter fools of themselves :o:
Here are the crucial differences...

Defying China, U.S. bombers and Japanese planes fly through new air zone| Reuters

"The new Chinese rules mean aircraft have to report flight plans to China, maintain radio contact and reply promptly to identification inquiries and bear clear markings of their nationality and registration.

Other countries including the United States, Japan and South Korea have similar zones but only require aircraft to file flight plans and identify themselves if those planes intend to pass through national airspace."

Spin all you want. The only thing it will do is make you dizzy.

except in practice, all aircraft regardless of whether or not they intend to pass US national airspace, are asked to identify themselves, give flight plans, etc etc.
of course no military would do this, the Russians, when they fly into the US ADIZ, is not going to give the US their plans or respond to identification demands. according to the formal rules the US should be leaving those Russian planes alone, as they do not intend to enter actual US national airspace, and yet in practice they are tailed by american fighters if they stay more than a few minutes or venture too far into the zone

now on topic of the US flight itself.

This particular flight is nothing out of the ordinary, the media(and certain ppl) are spinning this as though the US has somehow called china's bluff, and/or that the PLA has somehow backed down.

they have not, and ill explain why.

ADIZ does not prevent other people from flying into the airspace(russia enters the US ADIZ all the time, and chinese planes enter japan's ADIZ all the time as well), therefore there was no bluff. ALL that it means is that if you do enter without giving flight plan, ID etc. you will be watched and there will be a response. what that response is, is completely depended on the situation. for instance, the Russian bombers are often tailed by american fighters, in this particular case the american bombers were only monitored, as they only overflew the outer parts of the ADIZ and the PLA has identified them, they determined that monitoring was all that was necessary. China says monitored U.S. bombers' flight through airspace zone| Reuters

japan can enter the airspace too, anyone can, theres no rules against this, but like the Americans, the chinese will take action you if you ventured too far in or stayed too long.

furthermore i believe(this part is purely my opinion, feel free to disagree), that the US preempted japan into a first flight into the zone, for a good reason. Americans flying around is one thing, the Japanese doing so would be another thing. a Japanese overflight would carry with it much more "baggage"(political and domestic). it would force the PLA to act even if it was not strictly necessary, by getting the initial "shock" out of the way(everything has a first and the first is the most news worthy), any subsequent Japanese flights would have much less "baggage" and without the "baggage" the chance of a confrontation leading to war lessens. and americans gain, by appearing to stand with japan and strengthening its alliance, china is okay with it because this is in fact completely normal, japan gains by not having to make the move itself and it appears to have full american backing.

As i have stated before, china was leaving japan in a tough position, even though japan and the US calls the chinese ADIZ disruptive and having no effect, the fact is, the ADIZ is completely normal, US and japan have unilaterally set their own as have many countries.

japan has promised to down any chinese drones over disputed airspace, so what happens if theres a drone over diaoyu islands and japan send a pair of f-15s to down them, but they have to enter the chinese ADIZ and therefore they will be tailed by chinese fighters( the islands are closer to chinese airbases than japanese ones). do they fire the first shot in a tense game of chicken and thereby allowing the Chinese fighters to retaliate because the japanese fired first? and Abe is forced to send the planes because he has to, due to all his rhetoric. with the US flight, he now doesnt have to act thereby preventing either a massive loss of face.credibility for japan/Abe if they didnt go try the Chinese zone, or, if he did act, a possible shooting war.
Forget the US humiliating us. It's us that is humiliating the US overtaking them economically and making relationships all around the world.

Just this week we blocked the US demands to cut tariffs for IT products. They cried about that. We told them to cry harder :lol:

Your real friends is Pakistan and north korea.And cant rely pakistan very much because money is their lord.So that if US offer more money ,they go behind them.
Your real friends is Pakistan and north korea.And cant rely pakistan very much because money is their lord.So that if

We operate solo. We don't need Pakistan or North Korea to fight out battles like you needed the Soviets/Russians to fight Pakistan.
They didn't even enter into our ADIZ, US also wants to humiliate China, but they can't achieve it right now.

.[/quote]We operate solo. We don't need Pakistan or North Korea to fight out battles like you needed the Soviets/Russians to fight Pakistan.[/quote]

what ,then what is base of this thread?
We need Soviets/Russia in 1971 because US intervene and send their 7th fleet to bay of bengal.Even china is also prepared to attack India .We have our own limit we cant take US,UK and China simultaneously at that time.If china can take entire US ,Japan and NATO forces,why you guys stay in bay when 2 B-52 flow over your new so called ADIZ?,why you cant send fighters to escort them out of your area like yanks do?.
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Truth? Do I deny that I am a Vietnamese-American? People here know that looooooong before you guys showed your racist selves here.

This is a military oriented forum. You guys think that you can just show up here and talk smack about China and get away with it. Lo and behold, it shocked the sh1t out of you that there are real military veterans here from all branches of the military and at least one of them have real combat experience (US Army). What do you have? Nothing but hot air. You guys made claims that defied experience, common sense, and even the laws of physics, then you found all your arguments challenged and even debunked to severe public humiliation. That is why my origin is so important to you. You need something to insult, as personal as possible, to make up for your own humiliation about your arrogance and ignorance at the hands of those who have real experience versus your hot air.

So do continue the way you are. This is a publicly accessible forum. All can see the real China via the way how her people are raised.

Lol if I remember correctly, some Chinese member here did call me a floor mopper (I think that were the exact word)

Lol why are you still arguing with those troll when it's only them who's making a struggling, everybody knows but them. If I were you, let them drunk in their self satisfaction lol
They humiliate you, you must react otherwise it will be the shame:agree:
What the members here don't understand including the Chinese ones is that its never about what China does but what China is. China first and foremost is a economic, political, diplomatic and potentially military and strategic challenger to the US. Secondly China is ideological challenge to the US and the West because China doesn't follow the "democratic root" that has been proscribe by the West and fear that it may one day become a alternative narrative and model for the rest of the developing world.

If we compare what China is doing and what the US is doing for a second.

The US is invading countries based on lies, has killed thousands of people with cross border drone strikes and has inplaced economic sanctions against the people's from Cuba to Iran causing the people there untold hardships.

China has mearely some territorial dispute with some of its neighbours. And no bloodsed so far. Those claims dates back centuries. If any one here thinks that all those claims just comes out of thin air from the Communists then you have to know that Taiwan also claim those area's as well. Taiwan is led by the KMT the government in China before the founding of the PRC in 1949. So China's claims to those territories predates the existence of the modern state.

China has been engaged in cyber espionage of political, economic, military, technological in nature. But so does every other country.

The US does that as well however the US is the only country in the world that spies on private citizens abroad. The US spying effort in the world puts the Chinese one to shame.
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1 thing is clear no 1 can stop usa
If we compare what China is doing and what the US is doing for a second.

The US is invading countries based on lies, has killed thousands of people with cross border drone strikes and has inplaced economic sanctions against the people's from Cuba to Iran causing the people there untold hardships.

China has territorial mea dispute with some of its neighbours.

No, in this case, China is using bullying and force to change status quo with their smaller neighbors. This is pushing them to go to US for help. US intentions here are immaterial, most countries around china are welcoming a US role. Thats failure of China's diplomacy and their middle kingdom syndrome.

Thats not the answer of my question.

Even kids wont believe the timing of B-52 was planned earlier.
And we all know why did that happen.
USA is strong enough to accept that, it was intentional protest for what Chinese is doing is wrong.
Why say it was part of long planned exercise unless by long you mean few hours.

A protest would imply taking cognizance.
China's biggest mistake is trying to provoke a conflict in the air.Chinese pilots and copy flankers are shooting turkeys for raptors aand USA pilots and even japanese pilots on modified f-15s with AMRAAMS.
Bunch of retards here. First learn what ADIZ means. It's never claimed as one country's air zone.

I think China has achieved its strategic goal. I am pretty sure the Chinese government has predicted such scenario before it declared this ADIZ. Also it's quite childish for the U.S. to immediately play such an act. What did the U.S. expect? Waiting for China to shoot down the planes and escalate into wars?
I am just very confused and I am sure there are smarter people working for each government's think tanks.

Why do you guys think would China shoot down unarmed B-52's??

The way I see it is, China will continue to warn Aerial Vehicles in that area to identify themselves and to register complaints with countries that do not comply. This will go on for a few years and China will play the innocent card while it will make the others look bad for not respecting the ADIZ.

One day, when everything has worked out to plan, China will challenge aerial vehicles, force them to land or shoot them down and will claim that they have had enough of the nonsense. I don't think any country of the world, including the US, is in any position to go to war with China.
No, in this case, China is using bullying and force to change status quo with their smaller neighbors. This is pushing them to go to US for help. US intentions here are immaterial, most countries around china are welcoming a US role. Thats failure of China's diplomacy and their middle kingdom syndrome.

You didn't quote me in full i also said:

If any one here thinks that all those claims just comes out of thin air from the Communists then you have to know that Taiwan also claim those area's as well. Taiwan is led by the KMT the government in China before the founding of the PRC in 1949. So China's claims to those territories predates the existence of the modern state.

And what status quo are you talking about ? Did the Philippines ever completely own the Spratly islands ? Did Vietnam ? The Philippines didn't even claim the Scarborough Shoal untill 1978! And China is bullying how ? Did China threaten to invade ? Blockade ? Sanctioned anyone ? Did they send in the PLAN ? There are often multiple parties claiming these territories and China is just one of them. What is so different between what China is doing and the other claimants ?

read here:

President Ferdinand Marcos, by virtue of the Presidential Decree No. 1596 issued on June 11, 1978 asserted that islands designated as the Kalayaan Island Group and comprising most of the Spratly Islands are subject to the sovereignty of the Philippines, and by virtue of the Presidential Decree No. 1599 issued on June 11, 1978 claimed an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) up to 200 nautical miles (370 km) from the baselines from which their territorial sea is measured. In 2009, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo enacted the Philippine Baselines Law of 2009 (RA 9522). The new law classified the Kalayaan Island Group and the Scarborough Shoal as a regime of islands under the Republic of the Philippines. The 2012 Scarborough Stand-off between PROC and RP has led the latter to seriously consider upgrading its maritime patrol and areal reconnaisance capability by acquiring Hamilton Class Cutters from the U.S. and negotiating for purchase of 12 fighter jets from South Korea for its small squadron.

Scarborough Shoal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't think US involvement in the region is immaterial. If you like to know, a lot of the countries in the backyard of the US welcomes Chinese activities there including military cooperation is that a failure of US diplomacy ?
except in practice, all aircraft regardless of whether or not they intend to pass US national airspace, are asked to identify themselves, give flight plans, etc etc.
of course no military would do this, the Russians, when they fly into the US ADIZ, is not going to give the US their plans or respond to identification demands. according to the formal rules the US should be leaving those Russian planes alone, as they do not intend to enter actual US national airspace, and yet in practice they are tailed by american fighters if they stay more than a few minutes or venture too far into the zone
Flight plans are usually filed 24 hrs in advanced with established commercial corridors are already well known with habitual flight numbers. So when the Soviets/Russians penetrate Alaskan ADIZ they would not be filing any flight plans, and of course we are well within intercept and escort procedures. If we are not alert, they would be free to penetrate national airspace. Free as in being non-escorted, not free as in given permission.

now on topic of the US flight itself.

This particular flight is nothing out of the ordinary, the media(and certain ppl) are spinning this as though the US has somehow called china's bluff, and/or that the PLA has somehow backed down.
We do not control what the media say. Whatever beef you have with the media, take it up with them.

ADIZ does not prevent other people from flying into the airspace(russia enters the US ADIZ all the time, and chinese planes enter japan's ADIZ all the time as well), therefore there was no bluff. ALL that it means is that if you do enter without giving flight plan, ID etc. you will be watched and there will be a response. what that response is, is completely depended on the situation. for instance, the Russian bombers are often tailed by american fighters, in this particular case the american bombers were only monitored, as they only overflew the outer parts of the ADIZ and the PLA has identified them, they determined that monitoring was all that was necessary. China says monitored U.S. bombers' flight through airspace zone| Reuters

japan can enter the airspace too, anyone can, theres no rules against this, but like the Americans, the chinese will take action you if you ventured too far in or stayed too long.

furthermore i believe(this part is purely my opinion, feel free to disagree), that the US preempted japan into a first flight into the zone, for a good reason. Americans flying around is one thing, the Japanese doing so would be another thing. a Japanese overflight would carry with it much more "baggage"(political and domestic). it would force the PLA to act even if it was not strictly necessary, by getting the initial "shock" out of the way(everything has a first and the first is the most news worthy), any subsequent Japanese flights would have much less "baggage" and without the "baggage" the chance of a confrontation leading to war lessens. and americans gain, by appearing to stand with japan and strengthening its alliance, china is okay with it because this is in fact completely normal, japan gains by not having to make the move itself and it appears to have full american backing.

As i have stated before, china was leaving japan in a tough position, even though japan and the US calls the chinese ADIZ disruptive and having no effect, the fact is, the ADIZ is completely normal, US and japan have unilaterally set their own as have many countries.

japan has promised to down any chinese drones over disputed airspace, so what happens if theres a drone over diaoyu islands and japan send a pair of f-15s to down them, but they have to enter the chinese ADIZ and therefore they will be tailed by chinese fighters( the islands are closer to chinese airbases than japanese ones). do they fire the first shot in a tense game of chicken and thereby allowing the Chinese fighters to retaliate because the japanese fired first? and Abe is forced to send the planes because he has to, due to all his rhetoric. with the US flight, he now doesnt have to act thereby preventing either a massive loss of face.credibility for japan/Abe if they didnt go try the Chinese zone, or, if he did act, a possible shooting war.
You obviously did not understand the Reuters news article, so I will try again...

1- If the intention is to enter national airspace, assuming peaceful intent, then a flight plan must be file at least 24 hrs in advance. Then as the aircraft enter the ADIZ and responded appropriately, he will be allowed entrance into national airspace.

2- If the intention is NOT to enter national airspace but the journey require passage thru an ADIZ, the only thing required is appropriate response and national colors. The aircraft will be monitored to ensure that what was claimed in the response will match.

The Chinese rules for this new ADIZ is that all passages must have filed flight plans REGARDLESS if the intent is passage thru the ADIZ or entering Chinese national airspace.

The Chinese rules stands contrary to accepted courtesies. Yes, there is nothing to say that China cannot make such a demand, but this is a such radical departure from accepted INTERNATIONAL courtesies that just about every neighbor of China took offense at it.
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