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Typhoon, Rafale no match for China’s J-20

Rafale has an on board jammer for self protection, its not the same as the Growler. The EA-18G Growler is an electronic attack aircraft - big difference. The EA-18G is capable of stand-off and escort jamming and suppression of enemy air defense network, the Rafale is NOT an electronic attack fighter.

as wet shirt has already posted in his post that RAFALE is an omni role fighter which has electronic attack capablity as it's secondary role yes EA 18 is specially designed for Electronic attack but that doesnt mean Rafale cant do Escort jamming ,SEAD as this capabilty has been proven in LIBYA .
Well Difference u can say that Spectra EW itself can itself cue it's A-G missile which EA 18 ew pods cant do ,they only jam the radars
as wet shirt has already posted in his post that RAFALE is an omni role fighter which has electronic attack capablity as it's secondary role yes EA 18 is specially designed for Electronic attack but that doesnt mean Rafale cant do Escort jamming ,SEAD as this capabilty has been proven in LIBYA .
Well Difference u can say that Spectra EW itself can itself cue it's A-G missile which EA 18 ew pods cant do ,they only jam the radars
Dr , you might be quite surprised to know that EA18 has capability to hide/ save many aircrafts where as Rafale cant . Growler is generation ahead interms of electronics , radar , situational awareness and sensor suite
J-20 is designed to 'challenge' IAF's Mig-21s``just like god made indians to entertain human beings

No we cannot compare Mig21 to J20 of today. Mig-21 will eat J20 any time. J-20 is baby barely can crawlit has a potential to grow in to monster but as of today it cannot beat a trainer let alone Mighty Cheeta "MIG-21"

I think it would be more appropriate to compare J20 with the Indian HAL Produced Marut and it is highly likely that Marut would beat the PANTS off of J20. Three Cheers for Indian Technology.:yahoo:

True Marut will definetly beat J20. As of today it is a blind fat ugly drag bird with newly grown wings just trying to lean cannot win against any fighter capable of firing weapon.

Rafale was no doubt Good aircraft. But it is very Old now. First flight flew in 1986 and introduced to the world in 2000.
25 year Old airframe and Old history While J20 is new platform and 5th generation.
You can't compare Old man with the Young....
Sorry but this is truth !!

Flawed logic. F22 is also more than 20 yrs old design. J20 is new platform planned to be fifth genration fighter as of today it cannot beat 2nd generation fighter.

the joke of 2012

Rafale compare with J20? :rofl::rofl:

I'm surprised to see some members are doing that. It's jsut waste of bandwidth and time. You cannot compare a mighty predator with newly born puppy whose eyes are still closed. As of today J20 is an aircraft wich can fly (limited) and will take years to become fighter.
as wet shirt has already posted in his post that RAFALE is an omni role fighter which has electronic attack capablity as it's secondary role yes EA 18 is specially designed for Electronic attack but that doesnt mean Rafale cant do Escort jamming ,SEAD as this capabilty has been proven in LIBYA .
Well Difference u can say that Spectra EW itself can itself cue it's A-G missile which EA 18 ew pods cant do ,they only jam the radars


You're confused, self protection jamming is intended to deny a single hostile tracking radar the ability to achieve a lock. This the Rafale can do, escort jamming is the ability to deny all enemy radars the ability to detect, track and lock any aircraft in your formation. The Rafale cannot escort jam in lay person parlance, it cannot electronically protect the air assests it escorts neither can it electronically attack and disable / destroy hostile emitters.
LOL, Indians are trying to make themselves feel better when they are so far behind.

Where is your LCA? :cheesy: Didn't your Indian government just scrap the Kervai engine program?

Don't you it's super stealth.. You can not find out Where is it
This is what Rafale will do to J20
very Idiotic manipulation you have done.

The design of airframe is a different thing and composition of the frame is a different. Rafale uses the composites which have been developed after 2 decades of research. They will not use the same steel. lol

If you are talking about the design of the air frame then, no one can beat the 40 years old Mig 21.
I Thought F16s were the best, still people are using them after 40 years and still its life is 5-8 years with some inner upgrade and its avionics. Mirages and Migs lost its life:D
Dr , you might be quite surprised to know that EA18 has capability to hide/ save many aircrafts where as Rafale cant . Growler is generation ahead interms of electronics , radar , situational awareness and sensor suite
yes i know i am not saying rafale's Electronic jamming is going to be more powerful than EA -18 as it is a specialist EA aircraft It carries 5 external jamming pods (AN/ALQ-218 wideband receivers on the wingtips, and ALQ-99 high and low-band tactical jamming pods )for that special purpose only
but it had known to create some problems in that plane starting from interference with the performance of AESA radar frequent failures along with performance of that plane .

BTW united states has started development for NGJ : next generation jammer for replacing ALQ -99 which is truly ahead of ALQ-99 .I have posted a thread on it. u can see

Reagarding gen ahead factor to Rafale i think it has a better AESA radar ,& more powerful jamming suite thats it nothing else

but what rafale has better avionics ,sensor fusion & ofcourse better COTS processor many more there i would restrict it to these


1) FSO : capable of detecting IR detection of targets from 130km
Seeker gets on track

2) RECO NG:for strategic & tactical reconaissance


3)DAMOCLES LASER DESIGNATION POD:for laser designation of target




5) 5th gen system core



Avionics Magazine :: Serious Squall

6) last but not the least SPECTRA


well i know it's capabilty would always be inferior to EA 18 growler but one thing it can do which EA 18 growler's (AN/ALQ-218 wideband receivers on the wingtips, and ALQ-99 high and low-band tactical jamming pods ) cant do that is cueing AAM & AGM
with the help of EW suite only .

rest many other factor can be made but not required here

You're confused, self protection jamming is intended to deny a single hostile tracking radar the ability to achieve a lock. This the Rafale can do, escort jamming is the ability to deny all enemy radars the ability to detect, track and lock any aircraft in your formation. The Rafale cannot escort jam in lay person parlance, it cannot electronically protect the air assests it escorts neither can it electronically attack and disable / destroy hostile emitters.
yes madam you are right i was wrong about escort jamming my mistake i apologise :D
but rafale has done DEAD/SEAD role quite effectively in LIBYA thats i am quite sure & if u want i can post the link for u
yes madam you are right i was wrong about escort jamming my mistake i apologise :D
but rafale has done DEAD/SEAD role quite effectively in LIBYA thats i am quite sure & if u want i can post the link for u

Not exactly... if the strike formation has all rafales, I don't think we will need Growlers to hide them ? :D
Then add all the SPECTRA and Passive detection etc thing in the mix.. we have an unbeatable battle winner :D
What a flawed comparison. The mighty indian BSF with AK47 can shoot down J20. It took china
30 years to develop such low quality plane with a floop engine programme recently discarded by
CCP. Supa pawa Indians are buying rafale for possible martian invasion. :angry:
Dassault Rafale is the best jetfighter.... i have even seen rafale lockin on F-22 and Eurofighter Typhoon many times.... There is a thread on it.... The reason Dassualt Rafale not getting buyers is evil british. They bribed most of the nation and tried its best to bribe india and put pressure.... Dassualt rafale will give india edge in asia. Even will put india ahead of Russia in technology.... Infact most of stuffs in FGFA will be from Rafale.... My most favorite pic of rafale is this
@death by chocolate why word death in your user ID? You know what we wish we get it one day?.... Your username is negative.... Try to use positive user name for better result in your life....
For me, J20 is something like this.............

Inside is different from what it looks from outside.

Only chinese know what is its actual capabilities.

What a flawed comparison. The mighty indian BSF with AK47 can shoot down J20. It took china
30 years to develop such low quality plane with a floop engine programme recently discarded by
CCP. Supa pawa Indians are buying rafale for possible martian invasion. :angry:

This Supa pawa is feeding millions of Bangladeshis. Just imagine the scene, if India does same with your ppl living illegally in India, what Myanmar is doing with you guys.
What a flawed comparison. The mighty indian BSF with AK47 can shoot down J20. It took china
30 years to develop such low quality plane with a floop engine programme recently discarded by
CCP. Supa pawa Indians are buying rafale for possible martian invasion. :angry:

You are ignorant are what ??
Chinese only display when they succeed unlike open democracy. There are lot of projects which are failures in China also.
There are reports which claim Ships with leaks and Submarines which are cannot swim in shallow waters from China.
Mighty BSF is what making the kashmir mercenaries piss off in Kashmir.

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