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Two PAF personnel shot dead in gawadar

lets see if the armed forces will take notice - pounding the hills is not where it's at - creating and sustaining a deep multifaceted intelligence melieu is where it's at - why pound hills when what you really want is to find out who is involved, how are they involved, who are their friends, where is their funding coming from - - and then pounding those who are funding and training and abetting these assassins - decapitation works, where as pounding the hills is just so much tamasha.
Emotions cloud the judgement and desperate need to get rid of problem may make a person to take a hasty decision rather than keeping his mind cool, look at the basic problem and root and approach with multi-faceted plan.

Simple pounding may create more terrorists rather than eliminating them. Unfortunately, this is where our common man fails but luckily military strategists have at least this much sense.
use intelligence sources to find the links those morons have with which organization and once founded bomb the hell out of them

Bombing your own country is never a good idea. Musharraf already paid a price for it..
Gunmen kill three including PAF guards in Pasni: officials

QUETTA: Gunmen shot dead two Pakistan Air Force (PAF) security guards and a shopkeeper in Pasni area of Balochistan province on Monday, officials said.

The three were killed in the Pasni area of Gawadar district, 720 kilometres (447 miles) southwest of the provincial capital Quetta.

“The deceased soldiers were identified as Muhammad Ibrahim and Khurram Shahzad while the local shopkeeper was named as Elahi Bukhsh resident of Awaran district,” local official Abdul Fatah Bhanger told AFP.

Another official said the security personnel came under attack while buying food at a market.

“The security personnel came to Pasni bazaar for purchase of edible items when unknown armed men opened indiscriminate fire on them,” Akbar Hussain Durrani, the home secretary of Balochistan, told AFP.

“After the attack, the gunmen escaped on a motorbike,” he said.

Later, Baloch Liberation Front (BLF), a rebel group, claimed responsibility for the attack.

“Security personnel are our targets, but we did not intend to kill the shopkeeper,” Gwaram Baloch, a BLF spokesman said.

“We have time and again warned the local people to stay away from the security forces because they are on our target,” he added.

Elsewhere, in Lasbela district, some 400 kilometers (248 miles) south of Quetta, two cement factory employees were injured in a hand grenade attack as they travelled home from work on a bus.

Hundreds of people have died in the province since Baloch rebels rose up in 2004 demanding political autonomy and a greater share of profits from the region’s wealth of natural oil, gas and mineral resources.

The area is also plagued by Islamist militancy and sectarian violence.

Gunmen kill three including PAF guards in Pasni: officials | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
Just imagine what a useless armed forces these must be that they are hunted like dogs in their own country - Oh wait the golf courses, the Firenghi guests, the plots and the ever present politics
Were the PAF personal going around in Uniform ? or did they wear civilian clothing...i know that in India you are not supposed to publicly say your in the army..or at-least avoid it or show it of as much as possible...correct me if am wrong...

how did the gunmen come to know they were from PAF ?
Airstrikes on your own people ? Are you kidding me ? One way to solve not only Baluchistan but also KPK is by sealing the Afghan border. It will mean no weapons or cross border violations by men. This whole war could end by itself.

Pakistan tried Twice or thrice to fence the border but afghan officials didnot cooperated...
sealing the border isnot possible...
many families are linked on both sides of border and they have business on both sides you can't seal this border in no time....
Were the PAF personal going around in Uniform ? or did they wear civilian clothing...i know that in India you are not supposed to publicly say your in the army..or at-least avoid it or show it of as much as possible...correct me if am wrong...

how did the gunmen come to know they were from PAF ?

come on..:rofl:
gunsmen were paid to kill these 2 people...
they were provided with photoes and adress and their schedule....
how can a gang people who kill for money can know who is this person??
and if they knew then what??ut's their profession...
I suppose soo they are killped by hired killers of a sort of gang...
now justb the man who provided them source can tell what was matter....
maybe it can be a personal fight....
well what happened was not good....:(
come on..:rofl:gunsmen were paid to kill these 2 people...they were provided with photoes and adress and their schedule....how can a gang people who kill for money can know who is this person??and if they knew then what??ut's their profession...I suppose soo they are killped by hired killers of a sort of gang...now justb the man who provided them source can tell what was matter....maybe it can be a personal fight....well what happened was not good....:(
Thing is you will always have people to fund criminal elements to target innocent for their own design.

The focus should be on limiting and eradicating these guns for hire people. You have to focus on to control the local people from being turned into anti-state for some money.
Now they will cry rape when PAF pounds the hills of Balochistan or Army/FC shoves some mortars and bullts up their rear end.
Now now SC take notice,why dont you?

SC lozzz that a** hole is good for nothing SOB, the only thing CJ is good at is defending corruption & attacking Pak Army.

Terrorism in Balochistan is on the rise because of amount of help they are getting from foreign powers from Afghanistan, we know who they all are.

The only solution for Balochistan is give this province to the Military & they will fix it, even the people of Balochistan province till date are demanding for military to step in & save Balochistan from rented terrorism.
Pakistan tried Twice or thrice to fence the border but afghan officials didnot cooperated...
sealing the border isnot possible...
many families are linked on both sides of border and they have business on both sides you can't seal this border in no time....

So because families are linked and own businesses, the border cannot be policed??or sealed?? or mined?? Is there anything at all that the Pakistanis do not have excuses to not be able to do??
Any statement of responsibility yet? Who did this? Baloch insurgents?
So because families are linked and own businesses, the border cannot be policed??or sealed?? or mined?? Is there anything at all that the Pakistanis do not have excuses to not be able to do??

border can be sealed but first there should be a policy to cut the families and let them on one side....
yeah mining can be done but who will support this??
policed?? nope don't have soo much force....
there are also many Afghan migrants here...
if they once returned to their country them maybe seal option can be considered....
well fencing the border was a good option but the territion is too much long and difficult...
we have to improve our network there and need to improve communication and UAVs network.....
tribal reign has not any policies soo you can't do anything with out their permission on Pak-Afghan border....
we have to focus on development of KPK and tribal areas people.....
once these people are educated and literate they will understood the threat....
they now understand threat but we need more support there.....
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