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Two Face: Kashmiri Muslims and their so called independence movement

kashmir issue has attained a full fledged religious nature, it always was. If the so called kasmiriyat is the issue - why are buddhist and pundits never part of any independence movement? It is solely sunni wahabi segment pushing the idea across segment. Rest of the muslims are being shoved a bitter pill of aligning with pakistan in the name of sanctity of ummah and muslim brotherhood.

The biggest strength of muslims - their faith, has also become their issue to be blackmailed upon. If pakistan wants to attain the position of custodian of kashmiri independence - begin charity at home and remove the clause of any independence movement being illegal in ajk constitution.

We have witnessed result of utilizing religious sentiments to attain political goals in pakistan/ afghanistan. Now this has the potemtial to be the nadir.

Ps: if this is not a religious crusade then what does news of a pastor burning quran in usa has to do with an independence movement? Not just an influence on the movement but gave reason enough to create the biggest rucuss in years.
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"few kashmiri muslims dies who cares"


kind of clashes with your username doesn't it?

llady y u r choojing idillojikal kokoon salaktevly.. pipls dai on fluds at pakastan n kasmir..2 dijaster 1 artpisal n 1 nachural
Homes of Kashmiri Pandits are pillaged and till day they are living in refugee camps. Who am I to give religious flavor to anything.

Ethinic cleansing has been a phenomena prevelant in Kashmir and yet there are people who justify it.

Add to it, some people only and only talk about violence against Muslims that's it. If they are concerned so much about Kashmir, why the brutality on Pandits is not condenmed.

So what Kashmiri's mulsims did to Pandits was right?

These Kashmiri's and specially the one's in Srinagar are fed hatered in the name of religion. Similar to what TTP people do, just that it is directed at Indians.

This is purely and purely religious movement and quit eveident that only and only Muslims and muslim majority of Kashmir are part of it.

It also explains why P.O.K is peaceful because there is no case of directing a religous hatred there, simple as that. People who make life of others miserable because they were Hindus deseve this, simple as that, what you saw is what you are going to reap.
Add to it, some people only and only talk about violence against Muslims that's it. If they are concerned so much about Kashmir, why the brutality on Pandits is not condenmed.

I'm so sick and tired of indians always crying about pandits.

Majority of Kashmiris are Muslims. Kashmir was majority Muslim before partition of 1947 and is majority Muslim today. hindu pandits were always a minority for hundreds of years just like hindus were a minority in the 4 provinces of Pakistan before/after partion and Muslims made the majority.

Is it ok to torture and kill the majority and cry about the minority who are the same faith as you? If so then take the hindu minority in your homes like some hindus who migrated to india from Pakistan in 1947 and some Muslims who migrated to Pakistan from india in 1947. But to speak against the majority of the region, will never help a country which claims to be the largest "democracy" in the world. In a democracy, the majority vote counts.

Thats why you indians dont allow a plebescite in the disputed territory, because you know you'll fail miserably.
1.I'm so sick and tired of indians always crying about pandits.

2.Majority of Kashmiris are Muslims. Kashmir was majority Muslim before partition of 1947 and is majority Muslim today. hindu pandits were always a minority for hundreds of years just like hindus were a minority in the 4 provinces of Pakistan before/after partion and Muslims made the majority.

3.Is it ok to torture and kill the majority and cry about the minority who are the same faith as you? If so then take the hindu minority in your homes like some hindus who migrated to india from Pakistan in 1947 and some Muslims who migrated to Pakistan from india in 1947. But to speak against the majority of the region, will never help a country which claims to be the largest "democracy" in the world. In a democracy, the majority vote counts.

4.Thats why you indians dont allow a plebescite in the disputed territory, because you know you'll fail miserably.

1.I am sick of Pakistani posters with double standards and confused identities/nationalities/ummalities. But then this is a forum for everyone and one needs to bear everyone.

2.There are a lot of muslims in India today and their numbers have increased since independence. The logic that you are trying to provide is exactly what democracy is against. It is not a system where people's religion will decide what the state has to do or which state the people should belong to but it is the will of the people which will decide their fate.

3. Are you saying that IA has been involved in some unfortunate incidents before the 1989? I certainly wouldnt think so and all the data also shows otherwise. Use of violence had been carried out by one sect on a minority in a planned manner. This needs to be condemed at all platforms and channels.

4. The conditions for plebicite dont exist anymore, so for me as an Indian any promise of a plebicite is null and void. Demographics have been changed and minds of people have been changed by systematic brain-washing. As a Hindu I can say that if the current states of Pakistan and India were reversed, even if Pakistan would have been a hindu dominated soceity I would have liked to stay in India because for me my religion is secondary. This is not the case with Kashmir, else I wonder why someone would even think about getting seperated from a nation which has so many oppurtunities for development etc.

Lastly at all places we use Kashmir , it should be replaced with Kashmir valley.
@Omar We care about all the people who belong to Kashmir righteously and call it theirs... but that does not mean that the minority does not have any say... or does it?
There are several places in India where the Muslim population is more than rest other religions.. does that mean that we start segregating the country on this basis every here and there?... our constitution does not allow that... yours does..

And regards to your comments on taking the hindu minority to our homes... same can be said about the people who want to join Pakistan from the valley.
1.I am sick of Pakistani posters with double standards and confused identities/nationalities/ummalities. But then this is a forum for everyone and one needs to bear everyone.

2.There are a lot of muslims in India today and their numbers have increased since independence. The logic that you are trying to provide is exactly what democracy is against. It is not a system where people's religion will decide what the state has to do or which state the people should belong to but it is the will of the people which will decide their fate.

3. Are you saying that IA has been involved in some unfortunate incidents before the 1989? I certainly wouldnt think so and all the data also shows otherwise. Use of violence had been carried out by one sect on a minority in a planned manner. This needs to be condemed at all platforms and channels.

4. The conditions for plebicite dont exist anymore, so for me as an Indian any promise of a plebicite is null and void. Demographics have been changed and minds of people have been changed by systematic brain-washing. As a Hindu I can say that if the current states of Pakistan and India were reversed, even if Pakistan would have been a hindu dominated soceity I would have liked to stay in India because for me my religion is secondary. This is not the case with Kashmir, else I wonder why someone would even think about getting seperated from a nation which has so many oppurtunities for development etc.

Lastly at all places we use Kashmir , it should be replaced with Kashmir valley.

Excellent post:tup:

In my opinion, the blatant double standards of Pakistanis are exposed by their unwillingness to support the rights of Muslim minorities being repressed by their own allies.

They care two hoots about Kashmiris, it is all gas.
wait, so not Pak pdf members have found evidence of Kashmiri Buddhists, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus and Jews who want independence?

Okay, that just seems like a different kind of separatist movement. Try to read up about Quebec (from canada), and Kosovo.

@ there r a lot of Muslims in Kashmir guise! they should totally not be part of India!!

Well, that's just silly. There are a lot of Jews in New York, so New York should be part of Israel? There are a lot of Punjabi's in Vancouver, so they should be part of Punjab?

SOmething called diversity. Look it up.

From the looks of things, the Muslims in Pakistan don't have it so good compared to those in other nations.
Indians are constantly trying to cash in on the "Islamic villain" by painting the perfectly moderate, urban and educated people of Kashmir into an Islamic movement.

Kashmiri separatists have time and again said, their movement includes all Kashmiris, Hindu, Muslim, atheist. Its a secular movement, a resulting Independent Kashmir would be a secular nation.

Indians can cry wolf all they want, the truth is there to see for anyone who wants to.
Indians are constantly trying to cash in on the "Islamic villain" by painting the perfectly moderate, urban and educated people of Kashmir into an Islamic movement.

Kashmiri separatists have time and again said, their movement includes all Kashmiris, Hindu, Muslim, atheist. Its a secular movement, a resulting Independent Kashmir would be a secular nation.
Indians can cry wolf all they want, the truth is there to see for anyone who wants to.

Wish if saying was all matters TTP also says a lot of stuff, I believe Kashmiri's specially of Srinagar and Sopore are pretty much driven by religion.

I have seen these guys on Bukha Dutt Show. What they were telling to others were if you agree with us or behave as we told you are welcome, so much for secularism and being moderate.

They never tried, cared for people of Jammu and Kashmir.

They created rukus when Hindu temple was given temporary land for worship during few months of year.
Indians are constantly trying to cash in on the "Islamic villain" by painting the perfectly moderate, urban and educated people of Kashmir into an Islamic movement.

Kashmiri separatists have time and again said, their movement includes all Kashmiris, Hindu, Muslim, atheist. Its a secular movement, a resulting Independent Kashmir would be a secular nation.

Indians can cry wolf all they want, the truth is there to see for anyone who wants to.

Kashmir can only be secular if it says with India. If it were to merge with Pakistan it would have to become islamic like pak occupied Kashmir. So if you like Kashmir to stay secular its only chance is with India, unless Pakistan gives up its Islamic identity and becomes a secular state, are you ready to do that for sake of the Kashmiris??
You are not an american or british. :devil:

---------- Post added at 03:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 PM ----------

Since when did you start speaking on behalf of others? :woot:
This guy is nothing but a poser.

England da chunda, tay Amrika day thalay, Tay hun pakistan dee balle balle.

Not a single post of him contributing towards england nor USA. All day he's obsessing about pakistan. :cheesy:
What about Balochistan, there also the baloch's are asking fro independent state, what happend to wajristan, FATA , there also people are behaving as independent state.. why is your army going against those separatist..

why not conduct election in Pakistan first.. to the Balochis.. the Real native people of Balochistan and show that world they dont want independent state....

it wont happen for ever , neither any country is forcing you...
Indians are constantly trying to cash in on the "Islamic villain" by painting the perfectly moderate, urban and educated people of Kashmir into an Islamic movement.

Kashmiri separatists have time and again said, their movement includes all Kashmiris, Hindu, Muslim, atheist. Its a secular movement, a resulting Independent Kashmir would be a secular nation.

Indians can cry wolf all they want, the truth is there to see for anyone who wants to.

No on the contrary there is no greater proof that this movement is only fuelled by religious intolerance and supremacy than the location of the protests.

Every (and I mean every) protest takes place invariably in the Valley and none happens in Jammu or Ladakh where Hindus and Buddhists are there in large numbers respectively.

Even the Shias in Kargil take pride in being Indians.

And Geelani has time and again said that this movement is a Islamist movement and that Sharia will be imposed in the Valley once they get independence and Islam is the destination for the Valley.

So any claim of Secularism in the Valley is a sham considering that the Pandits were ethinically cleanded by these same separatists and now Sikhs are also being threatened.

Islam guiding force of Kashmiris struggle: Geelani

NewAgeIslam.com: Islam and Politics; Separation Anxiety: Geelani should re-read Islam?

An Open Letter to Syed Ali Shah Geelani kashmir-Truth about Kashmir

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : Kashmir's new Islamist movement

I can provide you many more speeches from the same man (Geelani) about his position of Islam in the valley if you want.
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