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Two Face: Kashmiri Muslims and their so called independence movement

What about Balochistan, there also the baloch's are asking fro independent state, what happend to wajristan, FATA , there also people are behaving as independent state.. why is your army going against those separatist..

why not conduct election in Pakistan first.. to the Balochis.. the Real native people of Balochistan and show that world they dont want independent state....

it wont happen for ever , neither any country is forcing you...
Dont ask.. Its out of topic..
Dont know how this article is baseless. Pandits were murdered raped & driven away from their homeland.

I will tell u what is baseless, few kashmiri unemployed muslims dying cuz of some stupid agenda.

kashmir was is & always will be a part of India, few kashmiri muslims dies who cares, let them die.......still we wont give kashmir.

so were kashmiri msulims -driven form thier homes mruder and raped.
and the odd thing is there are 600,000 kashmiri padnit refugees and 1.5 million msulim kashmiri refugees.

more kashmir muslim women have been raped.
more kashmiri civlians have been killed.
kashmiri civialans have faced far more torture, kidnaping and detentions.

whther u like it or not when you compare the numbers akshmiri msuims have suffered more than the panidts - not to jsutfity the pandit sufffering but most definelty to point out that a) kashmir is sjut as much of a homeland for msulim kashmirirs than kashmiri pandits and more msulim kasmiris (2. and a half as many) have been driven out of thier homes as kashmiri pandits and b) kashmiri msulims have suffere more rape, killing and torture than kashmiri pandits.

the only soltuon is to rbing both 1. 5 million kashmiri mulsim refugees back on tp of the 600,000 kashmiri pandit refugees (those that want to reutrn) THEN there will be plebsiticte and theylly pick independence.

paksitan abuses hindus in kashmir and india abuses msulims in kashmir. both are the problem in kashmir.

bring back all the refugees who wsih to reutn and let them decide what they want after all kashmir belongs to the kashmiris- msuim, hindu or sikh or buddhist.
those wanting to return they shud all do so muslim AND hindu. and once all those willing to return ar there let them govern themselves.
i assure you the majority of kashmiri mslims dont hold with terrorsts like laska e toiba. and JFLK makes it clear, veyr clear they want the pandits back.

STOP POSTING ABOUT THE SUFFERING OF PANDITS and then negating the suffering of kashmiri muslims. they have suffered more numerically then the pandits. and they have suffered in exatly the same ways the pandits have jsut by different perps.
STOP POSTING ABOUT THE SUFFERING OF KASHMIRI MUSLIMS and then negating the sffering of kashmiri pandits. tey have suffered more percentage wise then the muslims. and they have suffered in exactlt the sme ways as te msulms jsut by differnt perps.

cant you see both have suffered as much as each other?
and cant you see that those kashmiri msulims that have sufferd are not responisble for the suffering of the pandits.
and those pandits who have suffered do not support the suffering of the mslims?

and cant you see that the majroity of kashmiri msulims arent islamic extremists its only a minority therye not **** either. the majority of them beleive in secualrism, and democracy and arnt fundementalist extremist radical msulism nor do they have liking for these types,

stop tying muslim kahsmiris to these terrorist gorups in ur mind you knwo it is not ture and stop making the kashmiri msulims suffer wfor thigns they have not done or even condone. do u hoenslty thing the majority of akshmiri msulims dont feel too for teh pandits?

both pandits and msulims in kashmir are being murdered, raped, and driven out of thier rightufl homes.
the only difference is WHO's doing the murder, rape and driving out.

and paksitan is backing terrorist miltais in kahsmir BUT SO IS INDIA.
got to UNHCR and type in 'indias ilelgla army isn akshmir.
india sponsors, fudns equips and arms illegal teorist in akshmirs and ahs been doing so for 20 years. there sole purpose is to werak havoc on kashmiri msulims
how is this any differnt form pak baking terrorist militais in kashmir whos soel job is to wreak havoc on kashmiri hindus?

hai ram, ya allah all of you are blind! you either no idnians couruption abuse and illegal teroristm and not pakistan or you knwo pak/'s illegal terrosits and abuse and not idnias.
you either know about kashmiri msulim suffering and not pandits
or you know about kashmiri pandit suffering and ignore muslims.

india is abusing msulims via her army and the sate spnosred terrosit militais.
paksitan is abusing hindus via state spnosered terrorsit militias.
enough of all this. both idnia and pak have lsot their moral claim to ksashmir and youve both caused immense amount of trouble for no reason other than greed.

for teh sake of the kasmiri msulims and their suffering idnnia back off; for the sake of the kashmiri pandits and thier suffering pakistan back off.
which side of the kashmir is better to live ?
i believe if its not indian side then the main reason will be terrorism.
so were kashmiri msulims -driven form thier homes mruder and raped.
and the odd thing is there are 600,000 kashmiri padnit refugees and 1.5 million msulim kashmiri refugees.

source please about these muslim refugees and where they are. when did they become refugees.

got to UNHCR and type in 'indias ilelgla army isn akshmir.
india sponsors, fudns equips and arms illegal teorist in akshmirs and ahs been doing so for 20 years. there sole purpose is to werak havoc on kashmiri msulims

went to the site. put what u mentioned in the search box. voila. nothing about kashmiri muslim refugees. infact most of the top articles are about pakistan. i have no idea why. maybe you can point out the specific articles.
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