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Two explosions hit Istanbul's Atatürk Airport, 36 dead 140 injured reported

Why should we shed blood for the Islam....Let's bath in the other guys' blood.

Whose blood?
Hmm I get what you are trying to say..
But I did not condone the attack.. And I don't have anything against the Turkish people. I just have reservations about Turkish foreign policy in Syria.. A stable Syria is better for Turkey's security..

Had Turkey not actively supported the destabilization of Syria they won't have to be in this situation today.. Just like how Pakistan allowed the radical Sunni jihadist from all over the world to operate in their tribal belt to counter the Soviets in Afghanistan and ended up radicalising their own population which eventually led to increase in terrorism and sectarian killings in Pakistan..
I can clearly see a connection between Turkey and Pakistan in this regard..

Yes, There you go again, had this country not done this , this wouldnt happen and bla bla bla. Its the exact same excuse ISIS gives for carrying out its attack in Europe, Libya, Tunisia, Syria etc they say the same thing you said to justify their attacks. Lol

Ok what has countries like Tunisia, Libya done to Isis ? Lol What has Egypt ever done to them ? What has lebanon done to them?. The hell, im sure you will also say Russia have only itself to blame(policies in chechnya and caucuses) for terror attacks on its soil by Islamic radicals isnt it ? hmmmm....no you wont since Russia is still a big brother to India. :D Similarly China is to blame for its policies in Xijiang reason islamc extremists carry out attacks against civilians there every tear isnt it ? i wont even mention India who is in a far more precarious state with several islamic extrelists groups and militants/separatists carrying out attack on a monthly basis. etc etc etc. .......
These attacks can all by explain by government policies which encourages fanatics to target and kill civilians isnt it ? :D
be careful about making such invaid comments just to satisfy your agenda.
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Deeply Grieved at the Loss of so many precious lives.

I hope Turkey will come up with solid measures to protect its citizens.

Deeply Grieved at the Loss of so many precious lives.

I hope Turkey will come up with solid measures to protect its citizens.
Our resident trolls are here as always. You should have taken care of them first. Really funny how they are advising Turkey what to do!

Turkey and Pakistan have committed one cardinal sin in addition to what you have mentioned. Standing up or at least trying to do so for themselves. Most of their recent history both Pakistan and Turkey remained faithful allies of greater powers. But they wiggled way too much for their liking. Pakistan's cardinal sin is to develop nuclear weapons. Turkey dared to become self sufficient economically and take pride in their roots once more. Turkey started become assertive, enforcing its sovereignty and grow as an economic power. All when Greece, the cradle of Western civilization went bankrupt and EU, the mother of all that's good, started to show cracks. How dare they!

These are interesting times. And challenging nevertheless. Time is now to reach out to each other and stand shoulder to shoulder. Pakistan must go all out and hold nothing back to assist Turkey in any way possible we can or they need. We have been fighting terrorism for a long time. This experience must be shared with them immediately and fully. I propose a joint terrorism combat centre set up in either of countries where ideas, training and resources are shared freely. True that Turkey is a NATO member but they ain't going to help them here. West is in bed with Kurdish terrorist organisations remember. As Pakistanis, we can relate to Turkey. We know how it feels to go through such times. It is therefore important to fight this jointly in every way possible and do this before such acts become too frequent.
your post deserves recognition. very eloquently written
your commentary reminds me of Musharraf's Pakistan pre 9/11 and Turkey pre- Syrian/ Iraqi Debacle ..both were doing really well.
So you want Afghans to live under Taliban's barbaric Sharia Law because that way you will have a safer Pakistan... Now look who's wishing ill on others...
Afghans decide what they live under. But you will never have any decision as to how they will function. And Our safety is Afghanistan's safety!! If you have such concern for them take their refugees and wish WELL on them.
Terrible, terrible news.
I have been to Istanbul and know that tourism is a backbone of the economy. I hope this does not push tourists away as Turkey has remained the top tourist destinations around the world. Its painful to see terrorists doing this to another Isamic state after they have done the same to Pakistan. I feel affinity with the Turks and hope they find peace in the country-maybe even invade Syria to dislodge ISIS, I dunno.
This is beyond terrible. Turkey needs to put all their previous ideological bullshit aside, and join Syria, Iraq, Iran, and anyone else that is willing to help, and completely eradicate terrorism from the middle east. Erdogan needs to work with his enemies if need be, enough is enough.

I feel great pain whenever I see this happen to Turkey. I have visited Turkey several times, and I was hoping to take my family again this year, but kept delaying it because of the terrorism attacks. A few days ago, I was thinking, fck it, I'll go for Eid, how likely is it anything will happen?

But now that I hear this, and I can't risk the lives of my wife & my baby. I really hope things become better. For Iran, Turkey has always been our closest neighbors. Even when there were political conflicts, Iranians wouldn't be bothered, we'd still visit and do business.

I pray this is the last terrorism action in Turkey.
Condoleances to Turkey.

May the victims Rest In Peace.

The 4th time this was posted but I'm pretty sure that many victims are Europeans visiting Turkey and ofcourse Turks.Whatever floats your boats.....
The 4th time this was posted but I'm pretty sure that many victims are Europeans visiting Turkey and ofcourse Turks.Whatever floats your boats.....

Well, I'm looking at the dead from wiki, and apparently not many Europeans, but what is interesting is how many of foreigners are from Muslim countries!


The highest foreign dead are 5 Saudis! 2 Iraqis, and the rest are singular, Tunisia, Iran, and Jordan. The only non-Muslim countries are Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and China.

Of course, that is not to say that the world does not stand with Turkey or does not offer their condolences,
who is responsible

Why was this done
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