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Two explosions hit Istanbul's Atatürk Airport, 36 dead 140 injured reported

By posting such pictures,you make us look weak.
We are no crybabies,we can deal with it,as we have done for decades.
This was never the message, in fact it's a two way street. Turkey has always been there for us(Which is what i would take from the image) and has helped us a lot in tough times. It hurts us a lot to see innocent people being targeted in Turkey. Honestly speaking, people are very emotional about this issue.

On topic: RIP to the dead, may Allah grant them a place in Heaven.
RIP the dead.....
First of all i would like to pay my condolence to the unfortunate victims of the attack.

Then at the risk of getting a real long ban .. i would like to say a few things.
1.The crime of Pakistan and Turkey is that they have been in the unfortunate vicinity of these conflict zones of experimentation Syria is Afghanistan.. our PKK is BLA and TTP
Turkey wanted to rule Syria and Pakistan wanted to Afghanistan by Proxies. Now both are facing same monsters they helped to grow. India did the same in sri lanka and paid for it.
As They say raise no more devils than you can lay down.
2. All was honey and milk till talibans were plundering Afghanistan , Freedom fighters were indulged in India, ISIS and others were having merry runs in Iraq and Syria.
3. All other terrorist attack are false flags except those which takes place at home.
4. Compare this with the very first post of your which u wrote at the time pathankot attack. (another false flag by RAW)
thats all.
What is PKK to Turkey, BLA to Pakistan, kashmiri militants(too many factions to name) are to India. All these are local insurgency but influenced by foreign players.
Barbaric Act. Killing innocent people in the name of Religion.Surprised Turkey did not get Pakistan help earlier to overcome such acts' Pakistan is universally known for State Actors and Non State Actors sponsoring terrorism- Pakistan help could have thwarted such incidents
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon. My thought and prayers with my Turk brethren. We can only pray for the departed souls. May they rest and peace. May the killer burn in eternal hell fire.
The problem is we are trying to adopt Euroepan values/laws when we are positioned in a spot that's completely seperable to Europe and way tougher. We can't adopt these. We MUST crack hard down on any form of religious interference to our country.

Those two things seem to be mutually exclusive. The reason Turkey became a secular state under Kemal Ataturk was because he aggressively imposed Western ideas and structures on Turkey, from classic Western republican governmental forms, Turkish civil law, that was based on the Swiss Civil Code, the Code of Obligations and the German Commercial Code, even the Turkish language was rendered into a new Latin alphabet. Secularism, a guiding principle throughout the West, was also adopted. I know there were Ottoman influences as well, but the opponents of Kemalism, both when Ataturk was alive until today, are almost always critical of his imposition of Western ideas and values that has defined the Turkish republic.
RIP dead..... ISIS should should be wiped out from this globe - My thoughts are with all th members from Turkey
Is there any info about who were the people who did that? Names, photos, age, origin?
This was never the message, in fact it's a two way street. Turkey has always been there for us(Which is what i would take from the image) and has helped us a lot in tough times. It hurts us a lot to see innocent people being targeted in Turkey. Honestly speaking, people are very emotional about this issue.

On topic: RIP to the dead, may Allah grant them a place in Heaven.

Lets examine the picture,


They are in the centre of the picture,the French and Belgian flags look bright(full colours),the flag poles are bigger and solid made from some kind of metal(strong statement),they have cameras,a gathering of many people and they have laid down some flowers(looks like it),they have support from many people(the world cares?),their backs are turned from the Turk and the Pakistani.

Our flag poles are smaller and made from wood,barely standing,weak structure,our flags look ripped and the colours are almost gone,there is blood on the ground,theres only two of us and we are in the fvcking corner of the picture.

How does that make us look?
Are we that weak?
I know what the poster meant to say but this is not the right picture,we stand strong together,we dont need pity from no-one.

I have a feeling that the Turkish Airforce will soon be conducting strikes on Isis in coordination with the RuAF....just a gut feeling.
Mother fucking dogs .killing innocents going by there business ,this is no religious war this is pure evil .

thank you George Bush & Tony Blair for setting the world on fire .
Well, I'm looking at the dead from wiki, and apparently not many Europeans, but what is interesting is how many of foreigners are from Muslim countries!


The highest foreign dead are 5 Saudis! 2 Iraqis, and the rest are singular, Tunisia, Iran, and Jordan. The only non-Muslim countries are Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and China.

Of course, that is not to say that the world does not stand with Turkey or does not offer their condolences,

Uzbekistan is a Muslm country, 90% Muslims..
a wall won't stop ISIS, many Turks are sympathetic to ISIS and are actually ISIS sleeper agents.

Erdogan must of triggered them when he normalized relations with Israel and Russia :wave:
what an unfortunate turn of events... the happy go lucky freedom fighters are now terrorists an Turkey is your new whipping boy. while the experimentation was in its infant stages then such commentary was never made . Asad was the biggest evil ( Although he had never attacked west or Turkey.
but now he has been relegated and as per plan.. the mutated form of Al Qaeda is doing what it was meat to do .. and you guys from distance look all smug and snide .. while another dispensable ally takes the brunt of your handiwork.

Saudis and Israelis screw the Americans and the Americans take it on the rest of their "allies"

Mother fucking dogs .killing innocents going by there business ,this is no religious war this is pure evil .

thank you George Bush & Tony Blair for setting the world on fire .
the top tier of this Daesh consists of communist elements of Sadam's disbanded military..they were non-religious

Israeli witnesses describe Turkish 'inferno': We saw children crying and being trampled on

As of Wednesday morning no Israelis were known to have been harmed in Tuesday night's terror attack at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport in which at least 36 people were killed and 150 others were injured.

The airport is a common stop-over hub for Israelis traveling to international destinations on connecting flights.

Several Israelis were present at the airport during the attack in which three suicide bombers opened fire before blowing themselves up.

Gur, an Israeli who was in the terminal around 9 p.m. local time on Tuesday told Channel 10: "There was a big mess here. Shooting, and a lot of smoke. We're waiting to see what happened. I was after check-in, in the lounge. They made everyone run from place to place, but didn't tell us anything. Nobody knew what to do."

Gur described the moments when he first realized that a terror attack was taking place. "First there was shooting and then there was a very big explosion, and then another blast."

David, another Israeli who was on the scene described seeing "a stampede of thousands of people escaping from the inferno and falling down hysterically."
Another Israeli who withheld his name said that, "We arrived in a group of 10 Israelis, exactly when the incident was occurring. We saw people crying and yelling. The workers rushed everyone to the other side of the terminal. We realized immediately that it was a terror attack. It was horrific. We saw children crying and being trampled on, it was a very unpleasant sight."

The final two Israelis who had yet to be contacted were reached Wednesday morning and confirmed to be unharmed, the Foreign Ministry stated.

Some 130 Israelis were at the airport on Wednesday morning awaiting flights home.
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