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Seems to me like my countrymen have taken leave of their senses. Stop congratulation the Turks. They just picked up 90 human corpses and you people are acting like nothing happened.
Mænd i tyrkisk militærhelikopter anholdt i Grækenland

En tyrkisk militærhelikopter med otte mænd om bord er lørdag middag landet i byen Alexandroupolis i det nordlige Grækenland.

De har alle søgt om politisk asyl i landet. Det oplyser de græske myndigheder ifølge nyhedsbureauet Reuters.

Ifølge Reuters er de otte mænd blevet anholdt af de græske myndigheder.

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Den tyrkiske udenrigsminister, Mevlüt Cavusoglu, skriver på Twitter, at han har bedt de græske myndigheder om at returnere mændene.

»De otte forrædere, der undslap med helikopter til Grækenland, skal leveres tilbage med det samme,« skriver han.

Kort forinden lykønskede Tyrkiets premierminister, Binali Yildirim, på et pressemøde sit land med at have overkommet nattens kupforsøg.

Læs også: Overblik: Det ved vi om kupforsøget i Tyrkiet

»Jeg vil gerne sige tak til alle dem, der kæmpede heroisk mod kupmagerne i nat. De martyrer, der døde i nat, vil aldrig blive glemt,« siger han ifølge CNN Türk.

Han lover samtidig, at kupmagerne vil blive straffet hårdt.

»Vores nation og befolkning har vist, at den vil kæmpe for demokratiet. Den har vist, at ingen kan trodse folkets vilje,« siger Binali Yildirim.

Læs også: Kupforsøget i Tyrkiet sætter Det Hvide Hus i alarmberedskab


source : http://www.b.dk/globalt/maend-i-tyrkisk-militaerhelikopter-anholdt-i-graekenland

Basically the article explains that 8 military personelle surrendered to greeks and seek political asylum. and they brought a chopper with them. government has asked them to be handed over immediately.

They must have some military secrets to sell if they do stunt like this.

Cabatli do you know anything or any other article on this issue ?
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I fear for Erdogan's life now.
The typical formula to overthrow him has failed and now his enemies might be looking towards the most desparate of measures in the near future to get rid of him.
Russia has as much GDP per capita as Turkey?
no the same... Russian has some more by PPP ( 25k against 21 in tyrkey which only counts, right?)... well, plus there's a double shadow economy in Russia too, so don't worry for us, we in Russia living quite ok (we still in reality economy n.5 in the world)...
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no the same... Russian has some more by PPP ( 25k against 21 in tyrkey which only counts, right?)... well, plus there's a double shadow economy in Russia too, so don't worry for us, we in Russia living quite ok (we still in reality economy n.5 in the world)...

That was a low blow - remember there was an attempted military coup in USSR in 1991 as well.

This attempted coup actually is a positive, in that it shows how entrenched democracy is now in Turkey as
citizens came out onto the street to not just to defend Erdogan but also democracy.
The people support jailing journalists who say mean things about Erdogan?
Stop introducing a red herring into this argument. A bunch of bandits within the military bombed parliament, ran people over with tanks, took the chief of staff hostage, fired upon protestors and various government buildings using attack choppers. They failed miserably, and the people of Turkey, along with its military, put down this pathetic terror cell trying to take control of the country. Alluding that it is bad that this power grab failedproves you are either a fool or another malicious foreigner that enjoys the type of bloodshed and discord that transpires yesterday.
Stop introducing a red herring into this argument. A bunch of bandits within the military bombed parliament, ran people over with tanks, took the chief of staff hostage, fired upon protestors and various government buildings using attack choppers. They failed miserably, and the people of Turkey, along with its military, put down this pathetic terror cell trying to take control of the country. Alluding that it is bad that this power grab failedproves you are either a fool or another malicious foreigner that enjoys the type of bloodshed and discord that transpires yesterday.

Or how about YOU stop being a raving Islamist and join the modern world?

Your constitution allows for the military to take control when democracy/secularism is threatened. Erdogan the Sultan who will never give up power willingly, has done everything he can to undermine secularism and democracy.

The dictator who said "Democracy is like a train: when you reach your destination, you get off"

Or how about YOU stop being a raving Islamist and join the modern world?

Your constitution allows for the military to take control when democracy/secularism is threatened. Erdogan the Sultan who will never give up power willingly, has done everything he can to undermine secularism and democracy.

The dictator who said "Democracy is like a train: when you reach your destination, you get off"

I am a Islamist because I support my people's right to freely elect its own leaders ?
Furthermore the Constitution of today is remnant of a coup similar to the one attempted yesterday. Make no mistake it will be corrected.
You do not dictate to us how we choose to be ruled, we vote for whoever we want and don't allow for assholes to point guns at us that were bought with our tax money.

Also a nice nugget of information for a clueless retard like you: all opposition parties announced they were against the coup as the the highest commanders of every single military branch. ( the Turkish people as a whole were against this, not only AKP supporters)

That's the difference between us and the Arabs you so easily deceive with stunts like this: we won't be cowed or negated to. Now keep following the news, Turkey will emerge stronger than ever thanks to the wolves in sheeps clothing making themselves known. Your dreams of chaos and military rule in Turkey ended 6 hours ago.

Now Fvck off and have a nice day
Turkey is not out of the fire yet. Turkey must behave sensibly and carefully calculate their next steps. Plan B seems to be the demoralization of the entire Turkish army which will result in catastrophe. Turkey must keep the morale high of their troops as there are many videos emerging of troops being beaten by mob while being projected as tyrannical. They must isolate the menace group from the rest of the institution and restore their prestige as soon as possible otherwise the objective which was not achieved from the coup might be achieved as a result of a broken institute of their army.
Alhamduillah nothing happened and im happy Turkish people had the guts to stand for their rights
That is not what happened. A very small and religious part of the military tried to go with the coup. The majority of the population did not go to the streets. Only a very small part of the people in a few cities went out to the streets.

The coup failed not because of anything other than the fact that the coup was not staged by the military. Very small amount of military personnel tried the coup, and naturally failed.


Nations are made by people, not by militaries. A soldier's uniform, helmet, gun and paycheck are all paid by Civilian's taxes. He / She has nothing of their own and they do not have a right to point their gun towards the civilians, no matter what the reason may be.

Any military is a subordinate institution to the civilian elected government and to the people, period. Any general or commander breaking that code of conduct and staging a coupe, should be tried for treason to damage the structure, people's will and integrity of a country. Congrats to the Turkish nation for their bravery and courage. Rest assured, this kind of behavior will never be repeated again, based on the outcome today.

I hope generals from all other nations with a history of coupes, are watching this and know this day will come for them too, should they continue to take people's right to rule over for their own purposes (under the slogan of "we are the real patriots"). The ONLY real patriots in a country, are her people!

That is definitely true of our country, I'm unsure how much that applies in Turkey, their cultural view of their military is different and the role of the military there has been different. To my understanding their military does not have a civilian leader, their president doesn't control it. Its the duty of the military there to intervene if a leader is straying from the democratic and secular vision of Ataturk.

Please correct me if i'm wrong, this is what I have often read though.

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