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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

It seems you know the answer, so enlighten us,but answers can change daily in ME, as you know. Yes, I am not in the position, but maybe Russia, Iran and Assad are. With a little bit help of Turkey.

You assume there are not that weapons and all is turkish propaganda?

All in all, it seems you pick up your enemy first, and gave Turkey no other choice. Let’s wait and see. Btw, you lost in Afghanistan (Taliban is back, no matter how strong your support of IS is), and you lost also Iraq to Iran. I don’t think you can handle Syria.
I don’t know the answer those are your partners, you aligned yourself with them, while they bomb not only your troops and violated your airspace in the past, and allow Kurdish forces move from manbij so your govt has to figure out with them. If they can’t not our problem.
As far as where USA operates look at the facts on the ground.
1.americans lose 5-10 soldiers in Afghanistan a year. So it’s safe to say, USA can handle Afghanistan for another 17 years:)
2. If not coalition, Isis would smash Iraq once and for all no matter how much helped Iraqis would get from shitty Iranian irgc. Coalition played significant role and has bases in Iraq. I have a feeling they will be there for a long haul.
3. Coalition partitioned Syria very effectively while Erdogan did jack shit and now got stuck in afrin. Not only he got stuck apparently his so called partner Russia shut down the airspace for Turks.
You guys can’t even operate on your backyard and you have audacity to ridicule USA who fights overseas. Lol. What fantasy world are you living? Totally out of touch with reality!

As far as weapons- where are those American atgm tow and stinger manpads in afrin? Show them to me. So far i see Iranian made crap(your partners, don’t forget, Cavusoglu yesterday was shaking Javids hand) and russian or Bulgarian made atgm. Those are the FACTS

Erdogan had phone call with Iranian President Rouhani
And Rouhani two days ago called for an end of afrin operation. Great partnership there!!!
I don’t know the answer those are your partners, you aligned yourself with them, while they bomb not only your troops and violated your airspace in the past, and allow Kurdish forces move from manbij so your govt has to figure out with them. If they can’t not our problem.
As far as where USA operates look at the facts on the ground.
1.americans lose 5-10 soldiers in Afghanistan a year. So it’s safe to say, USA can handle Afghanistan for another 17 years:)
2. If not coalition, Isis would smash Iraq once and for all no matter how much helped Iraqis would get from shitty Iranian irgc. Coalition played significant role and has bases in Iraq. I have a feeling they will be there for a long haul.
3. Coalition partitioned Syria very effectively while Erdogan did jack shit and now got stuck in afrin. Not only he got stuck apparently his so called partner Russia shut down the airspace for Turks.
You guys can’t even operate on your backyard and you have audacity to ridicule USA who fights overseas. Lol. What fantasy world are you living? Totally out of touch with reality!

As far as weapons- where are those American atgm tow and stinger manpads in afrin? Show them to me. So far i see Iranian made crap(your partners, don’t forget, Cavusoglu yesterday was shaking Javids hand) and russian or Bulgarian made atgm. Those are the FACTS

And Rouhani two days ago called for an end of afrin operation. Great partnership there!!!

Bismarck is not Turkish.

Russia has won Syria. You are stuck with a militant proxy as a last resort that has no economical or political value. Russians are at the borders of Iraq. Deep into mid east. I dont understand what you are happy about. Even Turkey is in a better situation.
If this is true, this is good new for Turkey. Already US's declare that 100 SAA's soldier died, which means this attack killed (or at least put in coma) a peace deal between Assad and SDF.
Now Russia and Assd would be more open to work with Turkey.
There was never peace deal between sdf and Assad. That area rebelled against Assad’s clan back in 2011. It’s a Sunni heartland they see what Assad does in Idlib and how Turkey betrayed sunnis in Aleppo what made you think sdf would allow loyalist back? Pure nonsense and conspiracy theory. Besides Americans run the show there.
coalition periodically slaps them around. Happened in Al tanf last summer and even shut down Syrian su-24 and Iranian drone muhajir.
The beatings will continue until morale improves. You should learn how beat regime forces and Iranian proxies senselessly maybe they will learn to respect “2nd army in NATO”. Just saying...

Bismarck is not Turkish.

Russia has won Syria. You are stuck with a militant proxy as a last resort that has no economical or political value. Russians are at the borders of Iraq. Deep into mid east. I dont understand what you are happy about. Even Turkey is in a better situation.
Russia won? Loool. Is that why putin landed in kheynim and declared end of hostilities and 3 month later on December 31 russian planes were mortared on the ground? And before that a russian helicopter was shut down
Russia has a limited contingent in Syria they won shit and they know it. Russia is interested in slow conflict this way they could justify their presence. As soon as hostilities end in that part of Syria Iranian influence will overshadow Russians. And they don’t want Russians there. They want Syria for themselves. Besides they hold grudges that Putin doesn’t protect nor supports their agenda when it comes to Israel.
They only thing Russia won is an airbase and naval installation. If there is a loser its Turkey. You got Kurds on both ends and no real allies.
USA is training 30000 border guards. And has 4000 troops on the ground. And blocks Iranian route. And has another base in Al Qaim, Iraq. And has Al tanf. And has bases in Jordan. And partitioned Syria which should your zone of influence but you can’t handle it.
There was never peace deal between sdf and Assad. That area rebelled against Assad’s clan back in 2011. It’s a Sunni heartland they see what Assad does in Idlib and how Turkey betrayed sunnis in Aleppo what made you think sdf would allow loyalist back? Pure nonsense and conspiracy theory. Besides Americans run the show there.
Besides, coalition periodically slaps them around. Happened in Al tanf last summer and even shut down Syrian su-24 and Iranian drone muhajir.
The beatings will continue until morale improves. You should learn how beat regime forces and Iranian proxies senselessly maybe they will learn to respect “2nd army in NATO”. Just saying...

Russia won? Loool. Is that why putin landed in kheynim and declared end of hostilities and 3 month later on December 31 russian planes were mortared on the ground? And before that a russian helicopter was shut down
Russia has a limited contingent in Syria they won shit and they know it. Russia is interested in slow conflict this way they could justify their presence. As soon as hostilities end in that part of Syria Iranian influence will overshadow Russians. And they don’t want Russians there. They want Syria for themselves. Besides they hold grudges that Putin doesn’t protect nor supports their agenda when it comes to Israel.
They only thing Russia won is an airbase and naval installation. If there is a loser is Turkey. You got Kurds on both ends and no real allies.

Thats why Russia urged Turkey to built observation posts in Idlib. I know that they dont want a decisive victory for Assad. But the fact doesnt changes. You tried to overthrow the Assad regime, desired a puppet regime but what you got instead? Your arch rival turning Syria into its backyard. All of you have in comparison is a landlocked piece of thrash that has no industry, no friendly neighbours, no massive natural resources, no large population. You are pouring money into them because if they are gone, you are completely wiped out from Syria. And they cannot offer something in return. They cannot win and gift you anything. No political dominance towards their neighbours, no possibility of expansion through sea, no payback of money.

There is no doubt that our foreign policies were shit. But we are flexible. Sometime ago you wouldnt even guess Russia inviting Turkey to build military posts in Syria.
And i can vouch for LegionnairE.

You newbies don't know him yet. He is a valuable member of PDF


What? Legionnaire makes hillbillies look like MIT professors. Sadly there are plenty of gullible people out there who think that just because someone is being fiercely critical and has a veneer of knowledge, they must actually be knowledgeable and worth listening to. That's the fallacy charlatans like him exploit to fool people into giving them attention and camaraderie. This guy spams the forum with poorly reasoned criticism about absolutely every topic he plausibly can, acts like he knows what he's talking about, and hopes a few gullible people will take him seriously. It's a weird form of trolling where the troll is actually delusional and dim-witted enough to believe the garbage he's putting out. Trmilitary worked this out and banned him - they have many people there who have real knowledge and can tell a BS artist troll when they see one. The question is - are people here equally sensible?

I gotta say though, I'm impressed at how much spam this one human being is able to produce. I thought only Hurshid was capable of producing such quantities of BS. Legionnaire - did Hurshid train you? Are you his son come to get revenge at us banning him? Well anyway, good talk, and I hope the Large Hadron Collider is finally able to find your life.

Airspace over Afrin is closed.

Don't know if it's true but we'll find out soon -

I don’t know the answer those are your partners, you aligned yourself with them, while they bomb not only your troops and violated your airspace in the past, and allow Kurdish forces move from manbij so your govt has to figure out with them. If they can’t not our problem.
As far as where USA operates look at the facts on the ground.
1.americans lose 5-10 soldiers in Afghanistan a year. So it’s safe to say, USA can handle Afghanistan for another 17 years:)
2. If not coalition, Isis would smash Iraq once and for all no matter how much helped Iraqis would get from shitty Iranian irgc. Coalition played significant role and has bases in Iraq. I have a feeling they will be there for a long haul.
3. Coalition partitioned Syria very effectively while Erdogan did jack shit and now got stuck in afrin. Not only he got stuck apparently his so called partner Russia shut down the airspace for Turks.
You guys can’t even operate on your backyard and you have audacity to ridicule USA who fights overseas. Lol. What fantasy world are you living? Totally out of touch with reality!

As far as weapons- where are those American atgm tow and stinger manpads in afrin? Show them to me. So far i see Iranian made crap(your partners, don’t forget, Cavusoglu yesterday was shaking Javids hand) and russian or Bulgarian made atgm. Those are the FACTS

And Rouhani two days ago called for an end of afrin operation. Great partnership there!!!
us is losing few soldiers in afghanistan but US proxies are losing hundreds every week. by this ratio US cant keep afghanistan in control for 17 more years. Eventually taliban will capture kabul too. they are currently preent in 70 percent area and are gaining more.

for US its just divide syria and break trkey for israel.
for turkey its war against people who want to break turkey in pieces. US just want an observation post in syria, and want the chaos to increase so that greater israel dream may be materialized.
Thats why Russia urged Turkey to built observation posts in Idlib. I know that they dont want a decisive victory for Assad. But the fact doesnt changes. You tried to overthrow the Assad regime, desired a puppet regime but what you got instead? Your arch rival turning Syria into its backyard. All of you have in comparison is a landlocked piece of thrash that has no industry, no friendly neighbours, no massive natural resources, no large population. You are pouring money into them because if they are gone, you are completely wiped out from Syria. And they cannot offer something in return. They cannot win and gift you anything. No political dominance towards their neighbours, no possibility of expansion through sea, no payback of money.

There is no doubt that our foreign policies were shit. But we are flexible. Sometime ago you wouldnt even guess Russia inviting Turkey to build military posts in Syria.
Wait, wait, wait. USA tried to overthrow Assad? Correct me if I am wrong I think it was Erdogan who went on verbal offensive against Assad despite having warm relationship. And also if I am not mistaking Asad shut down Turkish F-4.
How quickly could you forgive and forget.
As far as Great Satan no need to worry. We are at your backyard pocking our fingers at Iran, regime forces(today) and those left over Isis savages. It doesn’t cost us that much to equip sdf. They could always rely on our overwhelming and precise firepower. And our economy is booming, we could afford to have some shitheads on our payroll
In the meantime do something with Afrin already....
Wait, wait, wait. USA tried to overthrow Assad? Correct me if I am wrong I think it was Erdogan who went on verbal offensive against Assad despite having warm relationship. And also if I am not mistaking Asad shut down Turkish F-4.
How quickly could you forgive and forget.
As far as Great Satan no need to worry. We are at your backyard pocking our fingers at Iran, regime forces(today) and those left over Isis savages. It doesn’t cost us that much to equip sdf. They could always rely on our overwhelming and precise firepower. And our economy is booming, we could afford to have some shitheads on our payroll
In the meantime do something with Afrin already....
lol, Toppling sadam who was your guy to replace him with this pro-iran regime worked out so well. There would be no Iran influence here if it wasn't for America.

And last time you put some shitheads on your payroll you ended up with 9-11. You learned nothing.

I can't wait for china to rise and take you down you fvkin morons.
us is losing few soldiers in afghanistan but US proxies are losing hundreds every week. by this ratio US cant keep afghanistan in control for 17 more years. Eventually taliban will capture kabul too. they are currently preent in 70 percent area and are gaining more.

for US its just divide syria and break trkey for israel.
for turkey its war against people who want to break turkey in pieces. US just want an observation post in syria, and want the chaos to increase so that greater israel dream may be materialized.
Few hundred? Why not hundreds every day. :)
Or how about few thousands a week!
Or even better tens of thousands a day!!!!lol
We are in Afghanistan get over it. You should be thankful because our precision strikes in waziristan allowed you to pacify the region.
As far as Turks concerned I don’t mind at all. There are no American interest in afrin nor our troops. But freaking Russians, Turkish partners in deescalation game, shutdown the airspace.

lol, Toppling sadam who was your guy to replace him with this pro-iran regime worked out so well. There would be no Iran influence here if it wasn't for America.

And last time you put some shitheads on your payroll you ended up with 9-11. You learned nothing.
Yeah those were fun times. And 10 years later Iran spent so much on our adventures that they completely ignored their economy which led to recent demonstrations. And that’s just the beginning.
As far pushtun mujahaddeen. Yeah we neglected them after the war but main target was humiliated and defeated. And soon collapsed. I am talking about USSR.
Just like Iran will collapse one day.
China is too smart to go against USA. They are not like Turks or Russians or Iranians. They know how and when to curb their ambissions.
In the meantime you can’t even progress over some shitty hills. Concentrate on your problems
Can someone write and ask this idiot Mete Sohtaoglu or whatever his name is, how introduction of new Russian air defence system stop Turks even temporarily fly over afrin. It doesn’t make any sense. This is your area of influence you should be able to fly and do anything you want whether Russians installing another S400 or Putin banging some Natasha

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