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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Are you talking to me? I talked about marching to Raqqa, last time I checked it was flat desert.

We have the manpower, there are easy to reach objectives most obviously Tel Rifad. Yet we're not attacking them.
And we should.

Dude who the fk do you think you are? Spamming in just two days the whole topic with your so-called intelligence. The US backed terror organisation is already there for 5 years preparing a guerrilla warfare . What you expect that the army will deploy 100.000 man to defeat a terror organisation that digged dozens of tunnels and planted thousands of mines?? We are there for a operation against terror not to invade a country.

So whats the point of hurrying and making more faults because of this? The most important thing is that Turkey already entered the area with the intention not to retreat till everything is clear from terror.
They should though, why live wearing a mask? better it is to know friend from foe.

100000 soldiers? war against Iran?, War against US? Habibi you need to go take your mental illness meds and go back to sleep. You clearly dont know how the world works:omghaha:
If this is true it sends a message to Turkey that Obama era is over, different sheriff on the ground and the WH

If this is true, this is good new for Turkey. Already US's declare that 100 SAA's soldier died, which means this attack killed (or at least put in coma) a peace deal between Assad and SDF.
Now Russia and Assd would be more open to work with Turkey.
I don’t get why some people are acting like Afrin is a huge mountain. The highest mountain there is 300 meter or something. Compared to the Turkish mountains that is nothing.
It seems some people are more interested in bashing erdogan .............
Why do you think that is? This project:

Which could save the lives of many soldiers was deemed too expensive by the guy living in a multi-billion dollar palace he built for himself. These people are corrupt to the bone, they should be hanged.

I think Turkey can handle both. So no need to worry.
doesn't reduce the magnitude of the blunder
If this is true, this is good new for Turkey. Already US's declare that 100 SAA's soldier died, which means this attack killed (or at least put in coma) a peace deal between Assad and SDF.
Now Russia and Assd would be more open to work with Turkey.

If the last thing you said happened, PYD wouldn’t survive a half year. Coordination between TSK and Assad is a must.
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That goes for the US aswell. It went from 30.000 border security force to "Turkey has some legitimate concerns" in a few artillery shells.

That's why I'm saying we should level manbij and fvck those naysayers above lecturing me we can't do it.

ceterum censeo manbij delenda est

You should take it a bit further and level Washington DC, then all the problems will be solved.
One page of the primary school book which founded by US captured in Syria's Afrin distributed by YPG
ABD mali desteğiyle basılan ve Suriye Afrin'de bulunan ilköğretim kitabından bir sayfa YPG


NYTimes "If the message to Turkey was not clear already, the overall coalition commander accompanying General Jarrard, Lt. Gen. Paul Funk, elaborated. “You hit us, we will respond aggressively. We will defend ourselves.” https://t.co/6DWFbrsp93

I think it is a bluff by the Americans.

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