To be honest, I won't force people who don't want to be part of our country to remain with us by force. If the vast majority of N.Ireland are that keen for independence/referendum to the point of taking up arms then I don't see why our government shouldn't give them the right to choose through a referendum (like the one we have them before they became part of U.K away from Ireland), same with the way we gave Scottish people the right to vote for independence through a referendum(even though our government was not under any pressure to do so), they opted to remain though.
Even the brutal Sudanese regime had to finally give the S.Sudanese people the right to hold referendum for independence after decades of fighting a senseless war.
So i personally, I believe there is no crime in a region wanting to be independent. It is not a crime at all. It should be a right to be able to choose to be honest. Afterall, there no country on earth that was created from the day one the way it is today. Countries change boundaries all the time . Not the end of the world.
Turkey should intervene in Iraq then, since they have the mandate.
As I said before there is an article for anything you want to be believe in. It depends on which one you fancy most.