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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

once we attack they might hand everything to assad but whats the endgame here?
once we attack they might hand everything to assad but whats the endgame here?

The end game is a win-win situation if they hand over everything. Highly doubt YPG will just keep handing over territory to Assad (this is because this would go against everything they fought for).

At this point you can just clearly see 100% that they're doomed, and they will come to an end pretty soon. Either get crushed by the Turks, or keep giving territory to Assad like a coward to avoid warfare until you become so weak that you eventually "kill yourself" (they will be very vulnerable).
Popular discontent widely prevails areas controlled by the Manbij Military Council after their recent decision to hand over to the regime forces villages on the contact lines with “Euphrates Shield” factions

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights learned that resentment is widely prevailing Manbij city and its surroundings, located in the northwestern countryside of Aleppo, and also in areas controlled by the forces of Manbij Military Council after their recent decision to hand over to the regime forces areas located in the contact line with areas controlled by the forces of “Euphrates Shield” operation backed by Turkish forces, and local sources informed the observatory that this decision sparkled resentment and tension in the area, also reliable sources confirmed to the Syrian observatory that this agreement was based on Russian – Turkish agreement, to deploy members of the regime forces on the villages located on these contact lines, while the sources suggested that the Russian forces and members will participate in the separation process and handing over these villages.

http://www.rudaw.net/english/kurdistan/03032017 there is a harder aproach against barzani necessar.


Suriye sınır hattı artık daha güvenli
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri tarafından başlatılan Fırat Kalkanı harekatı ile terör unsurlarından temizlenen Suriye sınırı Fiziki Güvenlik Sistemi ile de güvenli hale getirildi.

Suriye ile 169 kilometre uzunluğunda olan Gaziantep ve Kilis sınırının 90 kilometresinde modüler beton duvar inşa edildi. Güvenlik için ayrıca sınır hattına sabit duvar, akordeon, gözetleme kulesi, kafes tel, aydınlatma ve hendek kazıldı. Yapılan çalışmalarla at ve araçla kaçakçılığın neredeyse sonlandırıldığı sınır hattında, kaçak geçişlerde de yüzde 40 azalma sağlandı.

Genelkurmay Başkanlığı, Fırat Kalkanı harekatının sürdürüldüğü Azez-Cerablus hattına komşu Gaziantep ve Kilis bölgelerindeki sınır hattında güvenliği sağlayan 1’inci Hudut Alay Komutanlığı’nın sorumluluk alanında yapılan çalışmalar ile ilgili bilgi paylaştı. 1’inci Hudut Alay Komutanlığı’nda verilen brifingde konuşan Albay Alparslan Kılınç, 911 kilometrelik Suriye sınırının 169 kilometresinin sorumluluk sahalarında olduğunu ifade etti.


Kaçakçılık ve kaçak geçişleri önleyip aynı zamanda suç ve suçlularla mücadele ettiklerini anlatan Albay Kılınç, 169 kilometrelik sınır hattında 3 tabur ve 27 karakol ile hizmet verdiklerini kaydetti. Alaya bağlı karakollardan 16’sının yeni tip olduğunu anlatan Kılınç, eski tip 11 karakolun ise TOKİ tarafından bir yıl içerisinde yenileneceğini dile getirdi.


Drone’ler sınırı gözetliyor

Sınır hattında beton duvar, hendek, kafes tellerle önlem alındığını vurgulayan Albay Kılınç, ayrıca rokete dayalı kule ve kulübeler, termal kameralar ile aydınlatma direkleri ve sürekli devriye görevi yapan zırhlı araçlarla güvenliği sağladıklarını kaydetti.

14 noktada özel güvenlik bölgesi uygulama ile desteklenen güvenlik önlemleri arasında ayrıca havadan da her an droneler de dahil insansız hava araçlarıyla sınırın iki tarafının da gözetleniyor.


Duvar yüksekliği 3 metre

Suriye sınırında güvenliğin sağlanması için yapılan modüler beton duvarların yüksekliği 3 metre. Amerika- Meksika sınırında daha önce 5 ile 7 metre, yeni dönemde yapılacak olanların ise 12 metre yüksekliğinde olması öngörülürken, askeri yetkililer Türkiye sınırında 3 metre yüksekliğin yeterli olduğunu insan ile gözetleme ve nöbet takibi ile kaçakçılık ve kaçak geçişlerin mümkün olmayacağını ifade etti.


Gaziantep-Kilis sınırı 3 ayda duvarla kapatılacak

Albay Kılınç, sorumluluk alanlarındaki 169 kilometrelik sınır hattının 90 kilometresinde modüler beton duvar inşası yapıldığını kalan 69 kilometrelik bölümün de TOKİ ve yüklenici firmalar tarafından 3 ay içerisinde tamamlanacağını ve böylece Gaziantep ile Kilis’in Suriye ile olan sınırının tamamen duvarla kapatılacağını söyledi.


Kaçak geçişte düşüş var

Bunun yanı sıra sınır hattında 67 gözetleme kulesi, 34 kilometre güçlendirilmiş kafes tel engeli yapılan sınır hattında146 kilometre de hendek kazılı olduğunu anlatan Albay Kılınç, “Fiziki engel sistemleri sayesinde şunu söyleyebiliriz; sınırımızdan atlı ve araçlı olarak kimse geçemez. Yasa dışı geçiş teşebbüsleri olduğunda da sınır birlikleri olarak gereğini yapıyoruz” dedi.

Sınırdaki kaçak geçişlerde de önemli oranda düşüş sağlandı. 2015 yılında 12 bin 183 kaçağın geçiş yaptığı sınır hattında geçen yıl yüzde 40 düşüş ile bu sayı 8 bin 531’e geriledi.


Kaynak: www.savunmaveteknoloji.com
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Popular discontent widely prevails areas controlled by the Manbij Military Council after their recent decision to hand over to the regime forces villages on the contact lines with “Euphrates Shield” factions

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights learned that resentment is widely prevailing Manbij city and its surroundings, located in the northwestern countryside of Aleppo, and also in areas controlled by the forces of Manbij Military Council after their recent decision to hand over to the regime forces areas located in the contact line with areas controlled by the forces of “Euphrates Shield” operation backed by Turkish forces, and local sources informed the observatory that this decision sparkled resentment and tension in the area, also reliable sources confirmed to the Syrian observatory that this agreement was based on Russian – Turkish agreement, to deploy members of the regime forces on the villages located on these contact lines, while the sources suggested that the Russian forces and members will participate in the separation process and handing over these villages.

http://www.rudaw.net/english/kurdistan/03032017 there is a harder aproach against barzani necessar.

I'm pretty sure the local Arabs would have prefered FSA control over SAA control. But its the YPG dominating SDF and making the decisions. The SDF coaltion will crumble once ISIS is defeated. There's not much in common between communist YPGs and the mostly conservative Arab/Turkmen population in those areas.
well, those tribes in hasaka and qamisli will definitive side with the government once isis is done.
The Syrian Kurds have recaptured all lost territories from the Euphrates Shield forces near al-Bab:

The Syrian government has also captured a village from the Euphrates Shield forces:

Funny, you only post here when SDF(YPG) makes a gain of some sort.

Operations haven't even started yet so don't get happy, soon we'll see who takes back what. Nah alirsiniz.
Funny, you only post here when SDF(YPG) makes a gain of some sort.

Operations haven't even started yet so don't get happy, soon we'll see who takes back what. Nah alirsiniz.

The guy in the pic has a FSA flag on his uniform, nice try kurdish girl :haha:

And the info is from another facists on twitter, also most likely fake nor do the maps even make sense. :omghaha:
Putin played Erdogan for a fool ROFLMAO.

He made Erdogan give up on Aleppo and the vast majority of rebel groups in exchange for getting the green light to strike the Syrian Kurds. But in the end, Putin made a deal with the Syrian Kurds to protect them from any Turkish attacks around Manbij.

Russia outsmarted Turkey.

Now the Turks have to contend with sharing a border with either a hostile Syrian Arab neighbor or a hostile Syrian Kurdish neighbor.

If Erdogan was smart, he would've helped Barzani's Peshmerga stooges take over Syrian Kurdistan back in 2014, but the sultan wannabe preferred ISIS to all Kurdish factions, which ironically presented the YPG with a golden opportunity to gain American support to fight against ISIS.
Do you think Turkish presence will be forever in Syria, in the end the regions of FSA will also got to SAA, the only reason why ypg is forced to retreat from those place is Turkey threatening them with war, dont try to show defeat as a victory.
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Do you think Turkish presence will be forever in Syria, in the end the regions of FSA will also got to SAA, the only reason why ypg is forced to retreat from those place is Turkey threatening them with war, dont try to show defeat as a victory.
So you're basically admitting that Turkey has betrayed the Syrian opposition and conceded defeat to Assad and the Iranians lol. So Erdogan has conceded that Syria will become Iran's backyard, which ironically goes against all the harsh anti-Iranian comments he made when he was in Bahrain a few weeks ago.

The YPG will be greatly rewarded by Assad/Damascus for making Ankara give up on the FSA. After all, Turkey would've never given up on regime change in Syria if it hadn't been for the expansion of the YPG forces along the Syria-Turkey border, which Assad/Damascus allowed to happen.

By the way, while all of this is taking place, the Iraqi PMU is now threatening to attack Barzanistan and remove the KDP from Yazidi areas.

How does all this help Turkey again?

Erdogan didn't make the right moves. He could've carved pro-Turkish regions out of northern Syria in 2014 by helping Barzani's Rojava Peshmerga against ISIS in Syrian Kurdistan. Instead, he chose to turn a blind eye to ISIS's presence until it was almost completely removed by the anti-Turkish YPG. The problem for you right now is that the YPG has good ties with Damascus and Moscow. Russia is now shaping the events in Syria, and the Russians want Assad to accept YPG autonomy/self-rule.

The YPG will allow a number of government-sanctioned Syrian border guards take over the demarcation line between the Kurds and the Euphrates Shield forces. In other words, if this deal gets finalized, then Turkey won't be able to attack the Kurds of Manbij without first attacking Syrian government forces. And if Turkey does that, then the Russians will blow the Euphrates Shield jihadists to smithereens.

None of this is good for Turkey. It only proves that Turkey wasted its time entering the Azaz-Jarabulus corridor, especially since the latest Russian-brokered deal between the YPG and Damascus will allow the Kurds of Afrin to trade with the Kurds of Manbij and the other cantons.
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Putin played Erdogan for a fool ROFLMAO.

He made Erdogan give up on Aleppo and the vast majority of rebel groups in exchange for getting the green light to strike the Syrian Kurds. But in the end, Putin made a deal with the Syrian Kurds to protect them from any Turkish attacks around Manbij.

Russia outsmarted Turkey.

Now the Turks have to contend with sharing a border with either a hostile Syrian Arab neighbor or a hostile Syrian Kurdish neighbor.

If Erdogan was smart, he would've helped Barzani's Peshmerga stooges take over Syrian Kurdistan back in 2014, but the sultan wannabe preferred ISIS to all Kurdish factions, which ironically presented the YPG with a golden opportunity to gain American support to fight against ISIS.

So you're basically admitting that Turkey has betrayed the Syrian opposition and conceded defeat to Assad and the Iranians lol. So Erdogan has conceded that Syria will become Iran's backyard, which ironically goes against all the harsh anti-Iranian comments he made when he was in Bahrain a few weeks ago.

The YPG will be greatly rewarded by Assad/Damascus for making Ankara give up on the FSA. After all, Turkey would've never given up on regime change in Syria if it hadn't been for the expansion of the YPG forces along the Syria-Turkey border, which Assad/Damascus allowed to happen.

By the way, while all of this is taking place, the Iraqi PMU is now threatening to attack Barzanistan and remove the KDP from Yazidi areas.

How does all this help Turkey again?

Erdogan didn't make the right moves. He could've carved pro-Turkish regions out of northern Syria in 2014 by helping Barzani's Rojava Peshmerga against ISIS in Syrian Kurdistan. Instead, he chose to turn a blind eye to ISIS's presence until it was almost completely removed by the anti-Turkish YPG. The problem for you right now is that the YPG has good ties with Damascus and Moscow. Russia is now shaping the events in Syria, and the Russians want Assad to accept YPG autonomy/self-rule.

The YPG will allow a number of government-sanctioned Syrian border guards take over the demarcation line between the Kurds and the Euphrates Shield forces. In other words, if this deal gets finalized, then Turkey won't be able to attack the Kurds of Manbij without first attacking Syrian government forces. And if Turkey does that, then the Russians will blow the Euphrates Shield jihadists to smithereens.

None of this is good for Turkey. It only proves that Turkey wasted its time entering the Azaz-Jarabulus corridor, especially since the latest Russian-brokered deal between the YPG and Damascus will allow the Kurds of Afrin to trade with the Kurds of Manbij and the other cantons.
A lot assumptions, we will see whos on the shorter end, if you really think that Assad is gonna leave chunks of Syria to Kurds then you are dead wrong.
So you're basically admitting that Turkey has betrayed the Syrian opposition and conceded defeat to Assad and the Iranians lol. So Erdogan has conceded that Syria will become Iran's backyard, which ironically goes against all the harsh anti-Iranian comments he made when he was in Bahrain a few weeks ago.

The YPG will be greatly rewarded by Assad/Damascus for making Ankara give up on the FSA. After all, Turkey would've never given up on regime change in Syria if it hadn't been for the expansion of the YPG forces along the Syria-Turkey border, which Assad/Damascus allowed to happen.

By the way, while all of this is taking place, the Iraqi PMU is now threatening to attack Barzanistan and remove the KDP from Yazidi areas.

How does all this help Turkey again?

Erdogan didn't make the right moves. He could've carved pro-Turkish regions out of northern Syria in 2014 by helping Barzani's Rojava Peshmerga against ISIS in Syrian Kurdistan. Instead, he chose to turn a blind eye to ISIS's presence until it was almost completely removed by the anti-Turkish YPG. The problem for you right now is that the YPG has good ties with Damascus and Moscow. Russia is now shaping the events in Syria, and the Russians want Assad to accept YPG autonomy/self-rule.

The YPG will allow a number of government-sanctioned Syrian border guards take over the demarcation line between the Kurds and the Euphrates Shield forces. In other words, if this deal gets finalized, then Turkey won't be able to attack the Kurds of Manbij without first attacking Syrian government forces. And if Turkey does that, then the Russians will blow the Euphrates Shield jihadists to smithereens.

None of this is good for Turkey. It only proves that Turkey wasted its time entering the Azaz-Jarabulus corridor, especially since the latest Russian-brokered deal between the YPG and Damascus will allow the Kurds of Afrin to trade with the Kurds of Manbij and the other cantons.
the show has not begun yet you should wait and see how your communist donkeys are blown up

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