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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

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Like i said,its no use to get angry or whatever,just go with the flow and hope that by some miracle,we will get out of this in one piece

Syria looks like Turkey is next then

thats what I say all the time and there had been ppl saying this >20 years ago.. and some ppl said when syria falls than turkey will be a target..

and I think we will see some day a big scale war against us.. in the long term iran will be like iraq or mostly less than iraq.. but I think we will lose a big war against us..

thats why we should prepare and generate a new special unit in turkey wich do not fight like conventional war and dont use conventinal weapons..

iraq was the key for further destruction our leaders didnt learn from it, they didnt learn not to take the west as their allies.. than syria happened and they did the same what they did in iraq.. and they wont learn maybe because they are one of them and everybody who is against them will disapper or fall from the skies with a helicopter..
I think TSK is preserving its reputation really well. When I look at them I see that they understand this is real life and not a video game. I see that they don't risk the lives of their soldiers by rushing just because some people on the internet are impatient.
You need to understand that at this point Al-Bab is the third most important city for ISIS and they are sending their best to the city. Taking it before the US-YPG take Raqqa, or Iraqi Army - US take Mosul will be a large success.

People keep saying this based solely on media attention given to towns, there are many towns larger and more important than Al-Bab held by ISIL, the media doesn't give attention to them as there's no operation against these towns yet.

Such as:

- Tal Afar (200K+ people). Last major IS stronghold after Mosul in Nineveh.
- Hawijah district (400K+). Another core IS town like Fallujah.
- Al Qaim ( 150K). Holds one of the largest phosphate reserve in the world.

That doesn't include Syria yet.
People can talk all they want, but Al-Bab was heavily fortified and reinforced numerous times. Al-Bab was not any city but a city of high importance to the organisation, since its foreign operations were led for there.

Plus, that there is no rush to get the city, the Operation has fullfilled its goals. YPG split, ISIS no longer able to shell Turkish cities.
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People can talk all they want, but Al-Bab was heavily fortified and reinforced numerous times. Al-Bab was not any city but a city of high importance to the organisation, since its foreign operations were led for there.

Plus, that there is no rush to get the city, the Operation has fullfilled its goals. YPG split, ISIS no longer able to shell Turkish cities.

True but our idiot politicians made the city an issue so we're gonna get hit with criticism if we don't take it, as it will be seen as a failure. Not taking Bab would be interpreted as not taking Manbij.

Three Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) bomb-makers have been caught in a police operation in the Black Sea province of Samsun.

An operation was conducted in Samsun after police in the northwestern province of Sakarya obtained information on ISIL during an investigation carried out by the Sakarya Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Police officers in Sakarya have determined that three brothers of Iraqi origin, who were tasked to make bombs for the jihadist group, entered Turkey illegally two months ago with bomb-laden cars. The militants were then sent to Samsun to carry out attacks on behalf of ISIL.

The three brothers were detained in a house raid by the police. They were then taken to police headquarters in Sakarya for interrogation. It was determined that the militants produced the bombs in a factory they set up in Mosul in Iraq.

The police said that many suicide attacks, which were being planned by ISIL, were foiled after apprehending several jihadists in operations.

The brothers underwent health checks in the Yenikent State Hospital and were sent to court early on Jan. 27 under intense security.

Meanwhile, six people have been detained in the southern province of Adana for being members of and making propaganda for ISIL.

Special forces police had carried out raids in pre-determined addresses with armored vehicles. The detained suspects were taken to police headquarters.

TSK’dan yapılan açıklamada, El Bab’ta bulunan sivil halkın DEAŞ’ın tüm tehditlerine rağmen göç etmeyi başardığı ancak şehirde halen 15-18 bin civarında sivil halkın bulunduğu belirtildi.

El Bab’taki son durum ile ilgili yapılan açıklamada, su, elektrik gibi temel hizmetler ve asgari yaşam koşullarının yok denecek seviyelere indiği ve bu nedenle sağlık sorunu yaşayanların hayatlarını kaybettikleri kaydedildi. TSK, şehirdeki sivil halkın ayrılmaması için DEAŞ terör örgütü mensuplarının propaganda yaptığını ve böylece insanların şehirden kaçmalarına engel olmaya çalışıldığına dikkat çekti.

Açıklamada, DEAŞ terör örgütünün savunma hatlarını kuvvetlendirmek ve karşılaştıkları kuvvetlere azami kayıp, hasar verdirmek amacıyla El Bab’ta yaptıkları istihkam çalışmalarına devam ettiği ve özellikle El Bab-Kadiran yolunda Al-Albi mezrası yakınlarında sürekli istihkam çalışmalarının yürütülmekte olduğu belirtildi. TSK’nın DEAŞ terör örgütünün Bab’taki askeri durumuna yönelik bölgedeki güvenilir kaynaklardan temin ettiği bilgilere göre son zamanlarda Tunuslu muhacirlerin El Bab’da yoğunluk gösterdiği, DEAŞ terör örgütünün tüm karargahlarını ve merkezlerini Tadif bölgesine taşıdığı ve morallerinin son derece düşük olduğu kaydedildi. Diğer yandan, Kabasin ile ilgili alınan son bilgilerde DEAŞ’ın şehirde döşediği el yapımı mayın ve bombalı tuzakların yerlerini bilen ve bizzat döşeyen kişilerin hava taarruzunda hayatlarını kaybettiği, bu ölen teröristlerin ellerindeki haritaya da ulaşılamadığı, bu yüzden bazı terör örgütü mensuplarının mahsur kaldıkları ve hareket alanlarının kısıtlandığı, hatta bazılarının kendi bombalarıyla öldükleri istihbaratının alındığı ifade edildi. TSK, DEAŞ terör örgütünün TSK’nın yürüttüğü kararlı harekattan dolayı ümitlerinin ciddi şekilde kırıldığını ve El Bab’dan çekilmeye hazırlandığı bilgisinin edinildiğini açıkladı.

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