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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

what can we do ? we cant take al bab with this force. Morale is down. We dont have the numbers or will to take al bab . On top of that Erdoğan changes his mind every second ! I hope we take al bab believe me but in this situation this operation is doom to fail. If assad take bab we could still take manbij anyway and we have a land connection with damascus

lf we look at El-bab, it's basically impossible to take it without giving high number of casulties.

We didn't even enter the city yet and still lost over 20 soldiers.

Once we enter the city for street fights the number of casualties might rise by 10s and 20s and that would be unacceptable.

^^ We didnt even try to siege Al-Bab. We tried to capture the city in one side, which is stupid. We didn't even surround al-bab. Al-bab is not hard to capture city, it is a city that being supplied by men, ATGM and SVBID from southern runway.

Block the runway, and city will be yours in one month.

l don't think so, look at the footage above...the city has 3-4 level apartments so this may turn out to be a Cizre or Yüksekova like we had last year but this time the enemy uses ATGM's instead of RPG's and are far more experienced in gun battles.
'Syrian' police force, trained in Turkey (LOL) says long live Turkey and Erdogan. Butbutbut... what about long live Syria.. thought t was Syrian police force.

So we need Turkey to train iraqi forces so that they have to say long live Turkey and Erdogan during graduation? Nice

if you were that influential you would've forgotten Baghdad long ago, instead Turkey has no choice but to abide and keeps attempting to reach a deal with Baghdad. This wouldn't be needed if US congress vote on bypassing Baghdad in 2015 and 2016 was approved. it means you abide by daddy USA like the rest of the region.

What i said was that Turkey violates laws all the time, that's a fact.

When we reached the end of war of indepedence our armies reached Musul, preperations meal for reached army has commenced. Armistice is offered by Brits. They did propose everyone should hold what they currently have. Each side aggreed. Brits violated armistice and attacked. They said they couldnt communucated with attacking force. Turkish forces retrated to todays Turkish land. Turkish retreated because Sheikh Said Rebellion and Nasturi Rebellions happened (British intelligence is head to head with the devil) and saved Turkey's enemies asses.. New armistice reached with the same rules.

For some Turkish speaking member who may be claim i am bullshitting Atatürk's own words:
Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın meclisteki ifadesiyle; “Mütareke akdolunduğu gün ordularımız fiilen bu hatta hakim bulunuyordu. Bu hudud İskenderun Körfezi cenubundan, Antakya’dan, Halep ile Katma İstasyonu arasında Cerablus Köprüsü cenubundan Fırat Nehri’ne mülaki olur. Oradan Deyrizor’a iner, badehu şarka temdid edilerek Musul, Kerkük, Süleymaniye’yi ihtiva eder. Bu hudud ordumuz tarafından silahla müdafaa olunduğu gibi aynı zamanda Türk ve Kürt anasırı ile meskun aksam-ı vatanımızı tahdid eder.”

Besides what Turkey already own some land in Syria and Irag was still disputed. Turkey's enemies wanted Brussels Line, Turkey wanted Misak-ı Milli. Altough it has nothing to do with League of Nations (Cemiyet-i Akvam) Brits convinced us to make peace trough League of Nations. A commitee chosen to go to disputed lands and talk locals who they wanna be with Brits or with Turkish. Brits by given security as reason didnt let talks with the ones want to join Turkey, so committee was only be able talk with the one who favour British. People wanna join Brits made a rule and they wanted to be British citizens or be under British mandate. If in the future British mandate somehow broken they would be part of Turkey again. But no care what they think. They didnt include the part what they want in detail.

Atatürk's anger towards decision regarding League of Nations:
Lozan Konferansı’nın devam ettiği, özellikle Musul Meselesi’nin tartışıldığı sıralarda da Mustafa Kemal Paşa, 25 Aralık 1922’de La Jurnal Muhabiri Paul Herriot’a ve 30 Ocak 1923’te İzmir basınına verdiği beyanatlarında iddiasında ısrarlıdır. “Musul Vilayeti’nin hududu Millimize dahil olduğunu biddefaat ilan ettik. Lozan’da elyevm karşımızda bulunanlar bunu pekala bilirler. Vatanımızın hudutlarını tayin ettiğimiz zaman büyük fedakarlıklara katlandık. Menfaatlerimize aykırı olmakla beraber sulh taraftarı hareket ettik. Artık Milli arazimizden en ufak bir parçasını bizden koparmağa çalışmak pek haksız bir hareket olur. Buna izin vermeyiz. Musul Vilayeti Türkiye Devleti’nin hududu Millisi dahilindedir. Buraları anavatandan koparıp, şuna buna hediye etmek hakkı kimseye ait olamaz. Cemiyeti Akvam ile bu meselenin ilgisi yoktur.”

Because of the amount of influence wielded by Britain in the League of Nations lands became British mandate, decision has been made while Turkey isnt present in the meeting. Because Britain also wanted to soothe Turkish anger over the League of Nations decision, they gave them a portion of the oil profits. The British founded the Turkish Petroleum Company which they later named the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC). Turkey's only small prize in the resolution of League of Nations was getting 10% of the Mosul region's petrol for 25 years. Turkey's calculated money on account should be £29,520,000. However, only £3,500,000 was paid to Turkey until 1955. Turkey claimed that they had unpaid credit of £26,000,000 by their share of Mosul petrol until 1986. In 1986 this credit account was removed from the budget. Iraq owe us a lot of money with interests.


The 1920 National Part's map of Turkey includes parts of today's Armenia, Iraq, Syria, Bulgaria, and Greece.

This map doesnt only show what Turkey wants but also show areas where ethnicly Turkish or Turkish speaking people is majority at the year 1920. Syria and Iraq became to been trough fraud and deceid, wiothout any good intention whatsoever. Turkey and Iraq signed Ankara Treaty in 1926. According to chapter 3 article 17 entire chapter 2 of treaty is null today. Stop saying Turkey violates borders, Turkey have every rights to be there.

Right now there is an orgy going on Syria and Iraq. Countless countries are there. But only when Turkey drops his pants to get action it becomes problem for you. Treaties between Turkey and others have undisclosed article maybe you are afraid from that!

I can provide sources, proofs, details, pages and pages of information etc. but that requires hours and hours work if you willing to carefully read and listen i am willing to make the sacrifice for my country!
Turkey dont abide Turkey have joint interests and act depends on them. If Turkey abide USA now you were not to see the joint actions with Russia in Syria and kind of the peace talks with Iran and Iraq.

Turkey abides and therefor doesn't touch the YPG despite all the threats given that the US would not accept it. Turkey's foreign policy has been that of viewing / treating Mosul as non-iraqi land, they attempt to bypass Baghdad on these matters but they're constrained by US abided laws and lately incapable due to presence of the isf. Back in '15 and '16 US houses of congress were voting on a bill that would bypass Baghdad to arm the Kurds and seek Sunni partners to arm, this would enable Turkey to bypass Baghdad, the bill lost the vote.


When we reached the end of war of indepedence our armies reached Musul, preperations meal for reached army has commenced. Armistice is offered by Brits. They did propose everyone should hold what they currently have. Each side aggreed. Brits violated armistice and attacked. They said they couldnt communucated with attacking force. Turkish forces retrated to todays Turkish land. Turkish retreated because Sheikh Said Rebellion and Nasturi Rebellions happened (British intelligence is head to head with the devil) and saved Turkey's enemies asses.. New armistice reached with the same rules.

For some Turkish speaking member who may be claim i am bullshitting Atatürk's own words:
Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın meclisteki ifadesiyle; “Mütareke akdolunduğu gün ordularımız fiilen bu hatta hakim bulunuyordu. Bu hudud İskenderun Körfezi cenubundan, Antakya’dan, Halep ile Katma İstasyonu arasında Cerablus Köprüsü cenubundan Fırat Nehri’ne mülaki olur. Oradan Deyrizor’a iner, badehu şarka temdid edilerek Musul, Kerkük, Süleymaniye’yi ihtiva eder. Bu hudud ordumuz tarafından silahla müdafaa olunduğu gibi aynı zamanda Türk ve Kürt anasırı ile meskun aksam-ı vatanımızı tahdid eder.”

Besides what Turkey already own some land in Syria and Irag was still disputed. Turkey's enemies wanted Brussels Line, Turkey wanted Misak-ı Milli. Altough it has nothing to do with League of Nations (Cemiyet-i Akvam) Brits convinced us to make peace trough League of Nations. A commitee chosen to go to disputed lands and talk locals who they wanna be with Brits or with Turkish. Brits by given security as reason didnt let talks with the ones want to join Turkey, so committee was only be able talk with the one who favour British. People wanna join Brits made a rule and they wanted to be British citizens or be under British mandate. If in the future British mandate somehow broken they would be part of Turkey again. But no care what they think. They didnt include the part what they want in detail.

Atatürk's anger towards decision regarding League of Nations:
Lozan Konferansı’nın devam ettiği, özellikle Musul Meselesi’nin tartışıldığı sıralarda da Mustafa Kemal Paşa, 25 Aralık 1922’de La Jurnal Muhabiri Paul Herriot’a ve 30 Ocak 1923’te İzmir basınına verdiği beyanatlarında iddiasında ısrarlıdır. “Musul Vilayeti’nin hududu Millimize dahil olduğunu biddefaat ilan ettik. Lozan’da elyevm karşımızda bulunanlar bunu pekala bilirler. Vatanımızın hudutlarını tayin ettiğimiz zaman büyük fedakarlıklara katlandık. Menfaatlerimize aykırı olmakla beraber sulh taraftarı hareket ettik. Artık Milli arazimizden en ufak bir parçasını bizden koparmağa çalışmak pek haksız bir hareket olur. Buna izin vermeyiz. Musul Vilayeti Türkiye Devleti’nin hududu Millisi dahilindedir. Buraları anavatandan koparıp, şuna buna hediye etmek hakkı kimseye ait olamaz. Cemiyeti Akvam ile bu meselenin ilgisi yoktur.”

Because of the amount of influence wielded by Britain in the League of Nations lands became British mandate, decision has been made while Turkey isnt present in the meeting. Because Britain also wanted to soothe Turkish anger over the League of Nations decision, they gave them a portion of the oil profits. The British founded the Turkish Petroleum Company which they later named the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC). Turkey's only small prize in the resolution of League of Nations was getting 10% of the Mosul region's petrol for 25 years. Turkey's calculated money on account should be £29,520,000. However, only £3,500,000 was paid to Turkey until 1955. Turkey claimed that they had unpaid credit of £26,000,000 by their share of Mosul petrol until 1986. In 1986 this credit account was removed from the budget. Iraq owe us a lot of money with interests.


The 1920 National Part's map of Turkey includes parts of today's Armenia, Iraq, Syria, Bulgaria, and Greece.

This map doesnt only show what Turkey wants but also show areas where ethnicly Turkish or Turkish speaking people is majority at the year 1920. Syria and Iraq became to been trough fraud and deceid, wiothout any good intention whatsoever. Turkey and Iraq signed Ankara Treaty in 1926. According to chapter 3 article 17 entire chapter 2 of treaty is null today. Stop saying Turkey violates borders, Turkey have every rights to be there.

I can provide sources, proofs, details, pages and pages of information etc. but that requires hours and hours work if you willing to carefully read and listen i am willing to make the sacrifice for my country!

According to my treaty, your house belongs to me.

Right now there is an orgy going on Syria and Iraq. Countless countries are there. But only when Turkey drops his pants to get action it becomes problem for you. Treaties between Turkey and others have undisclosed article maybe you are afraid from that!

Sad that you have to resort to a sexual example, in which you showcase women as the less valuable and violated. No one is afraid, take Al-Bab then throw that afraid stuff at people. Besides, you keep saying Turkey whilst you have Erdogan the Georgian dictator who took a big dump all over council of the armed forces, he now controls them all, all those generals who knew what they were doing were obviously from pre-erdogan era, he replaced them with 'generals' who have shown their worth in the Al Bab operation which should be a walkover given its size.
According to my treaty, your house belongs to me.

Sad that you have to resort to a sexual example, in which you showcase women as the less valuable and violated. No one is afraid, take Al-Bab then throw that afraid stuff at people. Besides, you keep saying Turkey whilst you have Erdogan the Georgian dictator who took a big dump all over council of the armed forces, he now controls them all, all those generals who knew what they were doing were obviously from pre-erdogan era, he replaced them with 'generals' who have shown their worth in the Al Bab operation which should be a walkover given its size.

Do you prefer man istead? Please discuss internal politics of Turkey on the thread where it is dedicated to. This one is about operation ES. What i wrote previously is related to this thread arguable how it is close to the subject.
Do you prefer man istead? Please discuss internal politics of Turkey on the thread where it is dedicated to. This one is about operation ES. What i wrote previously is related to this thread arguable how it is close to the subject.

i'm discussing ES and related operations/deployments, look at my initial post, you started talking about orgies. What i wrote is close to the subject as well. Looks like you don't want to answer but that don't matter.
We simply dont have military , or finance or political leaders to dictate our goals in Syria. Everybody laugh at us. My uncle was a veteran from cyprus he was a paratrooper even he thinks Taf is failed

europeans say turkish military action in n cyprus was a disaster too and showed the incompetence of turkish military.. you can read it in some magazines on internet.. but currently turkey relies on fsa that means turkey is giving them support but we dont take real action..

in my opinion I would not waste my time with IS I would go for ypg and PKK rats that is what matters and what should be the goal..
i'm discussing ES and related operations/deployments, look at my initial post, you started talking about orgies. What i wrote is close to the subject as well. Looks like you don't want to answer but that don't matter.

I made an analogy which you dont like. I will give another one when needed which does not cause for contraversy. Also was there question? I did refreshed the page and still couldnt see any. What is it that i am not answering?
europeans say turkish military action in n cyprus was a disaster too and showed the incompetence of turkish military.. you can read it in some magazines on internet.. but currently turkey relies on fsa that means turkey is giving them support but we dont take real action..

in my opinion I would not waste my time with IS I would go for ypg and PKK rats that is what matters and what should be the goal..

Yeah that should be the main point of this whole operation but so far we did nothing against them.

We are probably going to take Menbij (if possible of course) after El-bab OP. is done and then end the operation.

Eastern part is history by now and Afrin seems very unlikely.
europeans say turkish military action in n cyprus was a disaster too and showed the incompetence of turkish military.. you can read it in some magazines on internet.. but currently turkey relies on fsa that means turkey is giving them support but we dont take real action..

in my opinion I would not waste my time with IS I would go for ypg and PKK rats that is what matters and what should be the goal..

Al Bab will be freed by pkk/ypg of by FSA/Turks. Which option would you prefer?
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Al Bab will be freed by pkk/ypg of by FSA/Turks. Which option would you prefer?

I would prefer the part of destroying ypgpkk and see them beheaded by IS on other parts where we are not involved.. if you understand what I mean :)
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Turkey abides and therefor doesn't touch the YPG despite all the threats given that the US would not accept it. Turkey's foreign policy has been that of viewing / treating Mosul as non-iraqi land, they attempt to bypass Baghdad on these matters but they're constrained by US abided laws and lately incapable due to presence of the isf. Back in '15 and '16 US houses of congress were voting on a bill that would bypass Baghdad to arm the Kurds and seek Sunni partners to arm, this would enable Turkey to bypass Baghdad, the bill lost the vote.


According to my treaty, your house belongs to me.

Sad that you have to resort to a sexual example, in which you showcase women as the less valuable and violated. No one is afraid, take Al-Bab then throw that afraid stuff at people. Besides, you keep saying Turkey whilst you have Erdogan the Georgian dictator who took a big dump all over council of the armed forces, he now controls them all, all those generals who knew what they were doing were obviously from pre-erdogan era, he replaced them with 'generals' who have shown their worth in the Al Bab operation which should be a walkover given its size.
When YPG fails and when Assad together with Russia and Turkey fvcks them up you will see if Turkey abide. You will see if Turkey abide by testing the combat skills of Hashdi Shaabi in Tal Afar.
SAA should take it

I don't trust Assad would not make a deal with PKK/YPG. His father has done it in 1998, and he retire his support to PKK only because Turkey menace to go to war against Syria (which has provoc the creation of YPG. )

Turkey should either has some territory to negociate with Assad or make sure Syria become one eternel chaos.
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