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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Another airstrike this time by russians on nlf-tsk convoy some say only rebels were present others say there were also turkish personnel
This is great opportunity for war declaration on assad and pkk although i have feelings that someone intentionally wants to force Turkey to go into war
Now unless damascus is ruined just like crazy evangelicals predict nothing else will please me
^they striked a civilian convoy.

@Deliorman The problem isnt TSK´s arsenal but the mentality, they are playing by "the rules". Akar stand in front of the camera 4 months ago and was propaganding how turkey only used guided strikes or guided artillery etc. while not targeting any crucial areas, I think u know what im trying to write here for example if we compare our strikes to the ones of America or Russia or even some of the small western nations they are small, guided and a statement by MSB will always follow which states that Turkey is a nice country which doesnt target infrastructure etc.... Thats also part of the reason why TSK right now is having image issues, we know its strong but we also know that they are not engaging in the way they should engage. International audience is irrelevant and the best example here is Idlib, there are things like the ceasefire in northern syria which should have never been signed. Should have done what had to be done but lets see. The situation is foggy and lots of INFOSEC about this idlib theater in general.
Another airstrike this time by russians on nlf-tsk convoy some say only rebels were present others say there were also turkish personnel
This is great opportunity for war declaration on assad and pkk although i have feelings that someone intentionally wants to force Turkey to go into war
Now unless damascus is ruined just like crazy evangelicals predict nothing else will please me
Yes, it's either a TSK convoy and therefore TSK soldier or NLF with TR equipments and therefore their Soldiers...
But in the End... A Russian Airstrike ON Turkish vehicules... From above they striked what "Look like TSK"

or nothing of that and just civilians...
Resmi makamların açıklamalarına itimat etmezsiniz... Ama iki tane ne olduğu belirsiz, anonim çocuğu operasyon hesabının twitiyle gaza gelirsiniz, böyle sizi muhaberatın kayığına bindirirler, dolaştırır dolaştırır indirirler.

Benim daha size söyleyecek lafım yok. Elinizde tuzlukla bekliyorsunuz.
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Yes, it's either a TSK convoy and therefore TSK soldier or NLF with TR equipments and therefore their Soldiers...
But in the End... A Russian Airstrike ON Turkish vehicules... From above they striked what "Look like TSK"

or nothing of that and just civilians...
Turkish officials deny but honestly i don’t believe them anymore especially since they claimed deaths of assad soldiers which happened but those deaths were caused by rebels not TAF

This is a big problem now clowns like uae and their dog egypt will feel emboldened and who knows now they can target TAF convoys with impunity because there’s no reaction in syria which is a border country why would some expect that Turkey will retaliate in country which is hundreds of kilometers away from anatolia mainland coast
What happened in Iraq after the US 'cut off the head of the snake (Saddam)', the real shit started and never stopped which no one expected.

Your feelings, don't follow them

Its not what happened in Iraq, the US tried to put up a puppet government, same as in Afghanistan, which are bound to fail and fall. The US wanted caos and thrives on it. If you remove the dictator and let the people choose independently then things do change.
RIP Soldiers

The Imperialists have brought Muslims to this stage that 2 Muslim countries are killing each other.

This madness should stop, Turkey should realise that they're the ones who teamed up with NATO GCC and ISIS in 2013 first to fck Syria.

Some baboons here calling for full fledged war between Turkey and Syria should get a damn life for god sake. These kids have no idea how Pantagon will be laughing when this happens. Neither they know the horrors faced by the local population. This is not your call of duty going on idiots.
Turkish officials deny but honestly i don’t believe them anymore especially since they claimed deaths of assad soldiers which happened but those deaths were caused by rebels not TAF

This is a big problem now clowns like uae and their dog egypt will feel emboldened and who knows now they can target TAF convoys with impunity because there’s no reaction in syria which is a border country why would some expect that Turkey will retaliate in country which is hundreds of kilometers away from anatolia mainland coast

TR behavior will go beyond Syria... And into the Med Sea/Libya and beyond...
Where the main "Approach" will be ... "Let's move against TR with either the US or RU behind our backs, Since they can't do anything in that situation" And that will be for those with weak power...
As for those who do have some sort of power... They will just believe that a bit of pressure and TR will back down.

Bu devlet, 2228 yıllık orduya bir medeniyete tarih denilen şanlı bir ruha sahiptir. Sancakları komutanları askerleri değişen ve fakat davası değişmeyen tek devlettir . Bu yüzdendir ki, Devletinizi ezdirmeyin devletinize güvenin. Suriye'nin kuzeyinde , Şah İsmail'in Napolyonun Nikolay 'ın torunları sana tuzak kurdu ve sen büyük dev olarak hepsini yeneceksin. Nizâm-ı Âlem ilay-ı kelimetullah' a kadar şehadete devam edeceksin.
In other words it’s better for Turkey to come back as a puppet state as they used to be since they cannot stand against russia or us at least better be a puppet state in one piece rather than tough guy state without balls that will be cut into pieces
Let's hope the Majority of Turks believe that "Dying in Honor is better than Living in Humiliation" and force the current State to act.
We will see how things unfold... Inshallah with Honor.
In other words it’s better for Turkey to come back as a puppet state as they used to be since they cannot stand against russia or us at least better be a puppet state in one piece rather than tough guy state without balls that will be cut into pieces

Better to build your army up while being a puppet than talking big and doing nothing.

In my opinion we should withdraw our troops from Libya. Our enemy is clear.
Let's hope the Majority of Turks believe that "Dying in Honor is better than Living in Humiliation" and force the current State to act.
We will see how things unfold... Inshallah with Honor.
Don’t get me wrong I want assad dead and I am not certainly someone with coward mentality but I already see the big picture let’s say Turkey goes into war with assad but what will happen with libya or with cyprus and most importantly turkish defense industry or in general with the economy
I think turkish enemies want to drag Tirkey into too many fronts we already had several examples you can’t be against everyone what do you think why TR government dropped uighur issue with china???
You know what is funny Turkey has been acting tough against west regarding gas issue in med east but in syria russia called the bluff so Turkey should either strike hard or should change tactics like mending ties with israel or with us forget s400 if i had doubts now I don’t have russians won’t give any tech transfer not even minimal and most likely would obstruct turkish s400 whenever they want
Maybe F-35 can’t be used against fellow nato members(greece france etc) but definitely CAN BE USED AGAINST RUSSIA AND ASSAD
I don’t count pkk because AKINCI is enough for these peasants

Better to build your army up while being a puppet than talking big and doing nothing.

In my opinion we should withdraw our troops from Libya. Our enemy is clear.
To be honest I wouldn’t like Turkey to be puppet because during cold war it was in US interest to have strong turkish army against soviets that’s why they invested strongly
Now I don’t think west would like even strong turkish army because Turkey could once again go against them
But as i said better be puppet state in one piece rather than a shithole country...
Of course this is my option in event of worst case scenario I would rather be western puppet than to see fakestan
Actually if i had nukes I would first end human life together with this planet rather than to allow diyarbakir occupation under worthless subhumans
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