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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Bro those casualties inflicted on regime are by rebels not TAF
Maybe only the report about helicopter being hit is indeed done by turkish artillery
Yes this picture is from the Free Syrian forces. According to the tweets from the Defense Ministry, the Turkish forces have also retaliated...
But why ?? These Turkish soldiers are on another country's sovereign territory. Would you like Afghan soldiers to be on Pakistani territory and kill Pakistani soldiers ??
Yeah foreign territory my *** when turks owned this land india was turkish land also remember mughal empire ;)
There’s agreement signed by assad the animal which gives Turkey right to directly intervene
I won’t quote UN because they are useless organization controlled by 5 gangsters but even according to international law Turkey has right for incursion
Yes this picture is from the Free Syrian forces. According to the tweets from the Defense Ministry, the Turkish forces have also retaliated...
They have retaliated but they will need to kill russian bastards as well they are guilty the most for this escalation
This retaliation is not enough at least assad wife or children need to be sent in hell
I have no doubt as long as the order is given TSK will turn those into potatoes.
Buna karşı yapmamız gereken en ağır şekilde cevap vermek ama bunu da yayınlamak bir şekilde insanları görmesi lazım, psikolojik zafer daha önemli. Bak İsraile her saldırı yayinliyorlar
It's a shame to see that people here use the fact that there are martyrs today so that they can start bashing their government. It seems that most of the pro AKParty members have been banned or bullied off the forum. Where were these same anti Erdogan members - who have filled the last 10 pages with political shit - when the last operation happened and Turkey was getting a bashing. Scroll back through the thread and you will see that @cabatli_53 was at sometimes single handedly defending the Turkish operation and most of the Turkish members were silent. Frankly you people are just waiting for your own soldiers to die so that you can use it as political ammunition. This makes you a traitor to your country and you have no place having a Turkish flag on your profile.
I will speak for me
I am not pro nor against erdogan always tried not to involve in partisan issues my criticism would be the same if anyone else was president and if he’s making mistakes
I care only for Turkey and no one else
erdogan meral kilicdaroglu bahceli davutoglu imamoglu ince mansur yavas and other top politicians i would trade them right now in exchange for 13 soldiers WHO DIED FOR NOTHING
Ps: i hate really kemal kilicdaroglu from chp davutoglu and feto dog ali babacan for other mentioned politicians i feel nothing instead i JUDGE THEM FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE
My opinion was clear only erdogan can send himself in opposition thanks to idiotic chp leadership with pro pkk policy
It seems that erdogan really wants to lose elections and for that he should blame either himself or HIS CLOSEST ADVISORS WHO ARE WORKING BEHIND HIS BACK
Oh great I see a turkish convoy even destroyed.

Once again erdogan and the higher ups are all cowards.

Assad did not do that its a Russian airstrike.
That’s why i said iranian and russian observation posts should be targeted directly assad is just a pawn
I am staying untill friday from twitter and forum. See you other whis i get crazy...:-)
More to do with being a pussy or a coward. Once idlib falls erdogan should resign not to mention the Syrians will also spit on his face.

Look at twitter everybody is laughing at us along with celebrating our soldiers getting killed.

Politicians are all responsible for this they are all cowards nothing else to be said. No matter who the fck they are.

Pathetic is all can say.

Soldiers getting killed along with a convoy destroyed.

What are the politcians saying peace.
Of course I agree with what you are saying just wanted to make clear some things to other members like @Rogue1
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