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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Wow I didnt expect much from Sozcu, but still, this has got to be the most idiotic article I have ever read. Thousands of words written with exactly 0 evidence or references. He keeps making claim after claim without explaining what he is basing his claims on.

The only thing argument that is even remotely relevant to the subject at hand is that Turkey’s EU accession talks during AKP time (which didnt even work out).

The author is basically saying “the talks started during AKP time so they must have offered something in return. What could it be? HEY maybe it is a bunch of islands?” I say, Why stop there? Why not claim akp gave away a couple of cities for starting eu accession talks? You can back it up by drawing a map, pointing to selanik with an arrow and saying this city belonged to turkey under lausanne agreement. But were given away to greece by akp in 2016 to start intra-cyprus reunification talks.

To be honest I didn't read through the article. However I've seen more than enough evidence to prove that some of our Islands are under Greek occupation. And that is not acceptable.



Actually, most of those Islands were long lost to the Italians before WW1 and we sort of never recovered them. There are some small disputed Islands and Greeks are trying to make a move on that. They also actively break some treaties as far as I'm aware by bringing weapon systems to some Islands.

Yeah most major Islands including Rhodes were lost during Abdulhamid's rule. Any of our Island's with Greek weaponry stationed on it should be dealt with immediately. I don't know why we don't act.
To be honest I didn't read through the article. However I've seen more than enough evidence to prove that some of our Islands are under Greek occupation. And that is not acceptable.



Yeah most major Islands including Rhodes were lost during Abdulhamid's rule. Any of our Island's with Greek weaponry stationed on it should be dealt with immediately. I don't know why we don't act.

Rhodes was lost under Resad and Intihatci co.

Abdulhamid II lost serbia, bosnia, egypt, tunisia, kars and a whole lot more.

Then again tunisia, egypt were not under direct ottoman rule. Cyprus was still under Ottoman administration until its annexation in 1914. British bastards were given a military base by Abdulhamid II to contain russia. We can all blame the bastard berlin conference for that.

Bosnia was lost thanks to the Berlin Conference.

12 islands were lost due to the Ineffective Ottoman Navy. Who is to blame Abdulhamid II or the Itihaticis.

In this matter it is a complex matter with many factors the Ottomans failed to keep up with naval technology also funds to the navy were cut to supply the army Abdulhamid ii also cutting down the navy believing they might overthrow him is also a factor in the islands loss to Greece and Italy.

In short Ottoman Empire regardless of Abdulhamid II or CUP was destined to fall even before WW1 a lot of lands were lost due to rebellions, wars along with interventions by the Great Powers.

When the Ottomans lost the 93 Harbi it was thanks to Western European Powers that the Ottomans lost Bosnia and Cyprus.

Now we have modern day Turkey despite conquering from the Altai Mountains to the gates of Vienna. What a shame it is indeed to lose all that stuff.

In ww1 the Arabs basically backstabbed us that has to be biggest darbe of all time. Being knifed by our so called Muslim brothers and sisters. Not just the Arabs curse the Greeks, Armenians, Jews and a whole lot of Non Turks who knifed and killed Turkish soldiers along with sabotaging our Soldiers supply lines leaving them to death or massacring them by the whole.

Turkish brothers and sisters never forget your history
Rhodes was lost under Resad and Intihatci co.

Abdulhamid II lost serbia, bosnia, egypt, tunisia, kars and a whole lot more.

Then again tunisia, egypt were not under direct ottoman rule. Cyprus was still under Ottoman administration until its annexation in 1914. British bastards were given a military base by Abdulhamid II to contain russia. We can all blame the bastard berlin conference for that.

Bosnia was lost thanks to the Berlin Conference.

12 islands were lost due to the Ineffective Ottoman Navy. Who is to blame Abdulhamid II or the Itihaticis.

In this matter it is a complex matter with many factors the Ottomans failed to keep up with naval technology also funds to the navy were cut to supply the army Abdulhamid ii also cutting down the navy believing they might overthrow him is also a factor in the islands loss to Greece and Italy.

In short Ottoman Empire regardless of Abdulhamid II or CUP was destined to fall even before WW1 a lot of lands were lost due to rebellions, wars along with interventions by the Great Powers.

When the Ottomans lost the 93 Harbi it was thanks to Western European Powers that the Ottomans lost Bosnia and Cyprus.

Now we have modern day Turkey despite conquering from the Altai Mountains to the gates of Vienna. What a shame it is indeed to lose all that stuff.

In ww1 the Arabs basically backstabbed us that has to be biggest darbe of all time. Being knifed by our so called Muslim brothers and sisters. Not just the Arabs curse the Greeks, Armenians, Jews and a whole lot of Non Turks who knifed and killed Turkish soldiers along with sabotaging our Soldiers supply lines leaving them to death or massacring them by the whole.

Turkish brothers and sisters never forget your history

To sum it up, centuries of not making any progress was the reason for losing all that land. While Europe tossed religion to the side and started focusing on science and technology, we just continued on our path to nowhere. Thinking back at what happened in the early 20th century, it should be a clear reminder that religion does not matter when it comes to brotherhood. Our own "Muslim brothers", the Arabs, stabbed us in the back. When you realize just how dire the situation was your appreciation and respect for Ataturk and the men he led grows exponentially. Enemies from every direction had believed that we would be defeated. That's how weak the Ottoman empire became. Everyone wanted a piece of the pie. It's a true miracle that we defeated them at Galipolli and in the war of independence.
To sum it up, centuries of not making any progress was the reason for losing all that land. While Europe tossed religion to the side and started focusing on science and technology, we just continued on our path to nowhere. Thinking back at what happened in the early 20th century, it should be a clear reminder that religion does not matter when it comes to brotherhood. Our own "Muslim brothers", the Arabs, stabbed us in the back. When you realize just how dire the situation was your appreciation and respect for Ataturk and the men he led grows exponentially. Enemies from every direction had believed that we would be defeated. That's how weak the Ottoman empire became. Everyone wanted a piece of the pie. It's a true miracle that we defeated them at Galipolli and in the war of independence.

Dont forget Gaza, Kut and Baku victories too.

Modernity hit the Ottomans hard just like it hit most of the world. Ottomans failed to adapt due to number of reasons.

I always been critical of ultra conservatism due to ultra conservatism that science and technological progress gets killed off.

Not just the Ottoman Empire you can see examples in India, China and Japan. But Japan out of most non western countries was the most successful due to Emperor Meiji throwing out the Samurai and other ultra conservatives who prefer living the feudal ways.

Central Asia is even more behind hence why Industrialised Russia blitzed Central Asia in the 1800s well into the 1900s. The Soviets even used tanks against nomadic warriors.
Even more interesting is the 'Government position bombed in Qamishli by Turkish or Us Aircraft'. What's happened there I wonder?
We need to hurry the f*ck up with this operation. Every day we wait YPG tries to further legitimize itself to the international community.

Does anyone know if our M60s with Pulat APS are ready? Pretty sure I saw some being shipped to the border a while back but now there is news that the Pulat tests have only very recently been completed.

Ideally all our tanks being sent in should have both APS and ERA. I hope we don't send naked tanks in again. Especially after waiting this long.
they again sent like 300 trucks of weapons for the pkk

We should strike these f*cking trucks. Seriously why are we just standing around. As soon as they try to enter Syria they should get hit. Some idiots will say "you can't do that! US troops are embedded in the convoys".. This mentality is the one of a coward.

If a US soldier dies well then oh well. He shouldn't be a convoy full of terrorists in the first place. We should stand our ground. Right now we are getting walked over. Enough is enough.
you a right but i think the cowards are afraid of economic retalation if us troops are hit. BUT even if they are afraid they should at least follow the trucks and their destination and where they are distrubiting , if we begin operations whe should first hit those with precision strikes.

then again my opinion is they should hit when they enter syria
We should strike these f*cking trucks. Seriously why are we just standing around. As soon as they try to enter Syria they should get hit. Some idiots will say "you can't do that! US troops are embedded in the convoys".. This mentality is the one of a coward.

If a US soldier dies well then oh well. He shouldn't be a convoy full of terrorists in the first place. We should stand our ground. Right now we are getting walked over. Enough is enough.
More than 100 HGK-84 had been delivered to Air Force Command.

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