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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

So many wrong and inaccurate statements in your comment. Even at the height of the Ottoman Empire, Turkse where looked at as peasents. Arabic was dominant during the empire, and Turks where the poor class nobody looked at or cared for. Even the Sultan did not identify himself as a Turk.
The part about it being bad that Turkey changed its alphabet is not even worth an answer.

How is it inaccurate when is the last time Turks even used their own alphabet??

By the way latin does not count as our alphabet neither does arabic.
Europe will go to hell if that happens
Yep, combine that what an economic crisis with rising oil prices ,..
The EU will definitally fall apart when the US and Iran go to war.
And I believe that this will be in the interest of the UK. Thats why they are seizing iranian tankers etc, to build up the pressure,..

How is it inaccurate when is the last time Turks even used their own alphabet??

By the way latin does not count as our alphabet neither does arabic.
The Latin alphapet is finetuned to answer to the needs of the Turkish language. In a way, the new Latin alphabet we use is a Turkish alphabet. What benefits would it yield to us if we introduced the obsolute Turkish alphabet again?
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Yep, combine that what an economic crisis with rising oil prices ,..
The EU will definitally fall apart when the US and Iran go to war.
And I believe that this will be in the interest of the UK. Thats why they are seizing iranian tankers etc, to build up the pressure,..

The Latin alphapet is finetuned to answer to the needs of the Turkish language. In a way, the new Latin alphabet we use is a Turkish alphabet. What benefits would it hield to us if we have introduced an obsolute Turkish alphabet again?

Switching to latin was the logical step just like switching into arab and persian at its time.

It was just a natural evolution. Interesting how the ruling classes of various Turkic Empires spoke different languages even at times mixing it with their own.

But this did not really spread into the people they ruled hence why if you lived in some rural place you wont understand Ottoman Turkish.

Timur spoke Persian most of the time while the people he ruled spoke Chagatai.
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My money is on Abu Amara's special unit. They were quite active in latakia past days. First they blow up regime officer meeting place in Latakia mountains, then they target for assasination Mihrac Ural, and now this. And month before that they blow up some importan regime colonel in middle of Aleppo. Its long rumored, something like an open secret, that these guys are connceted to turkish MIT, including training and inteligence. They were dormant for months, but as soon as Idlib offensive started which Turkey opposes, sudently they came to life and started doing some impresive behind the lines shit.
Yeah, I believe you are a peaceful nation and never has harm anybody. Lets talk about present, I don't care incident which were 70 ago.

Oh bullcrap the past how many times white people or westerners bring up the past so many times just to use it against the Turks or Muslims or whoever it is.

Even today you guys say we have moved on but still attack and act bias against Turkey.

Relax the Ottoman Empire is no more and neither is the Turkish boogeyman going to invade Europe but if Europeans love pissing off Turkey you better hope they dont open the flood gates where millions of refugees will invade Europe.

Europe can easily get conquered by a few alpha male refugee studs when most Euros have become soyboys.
US is building bases on border towns to Turkey, talks with them will end without an agreement.

They did not only build a PKK safe haven, no they supplied them with weapons, they trained them, and know protecting them by building bases with US soldiers.

What is Turkey waiting for?
US is building bases on border towns to Turkey, talks with them will end without an agreement.

They did not only build a PKK safe haven, no they supplied them with weapons, they trained them, and know protecting them by building bases with US soldiers.

What is Turkey waiting for?

What do you think? Who do you think made Erdogan successful? It was CIA. This is why the US helps islamists. Once an Islamist becomes a ruler in a country it becomes an US colony.
What do you think? Who do you think made Erdogan successful? It was CIA. This is why the US helps islamists. Once an Islamist becomes a ruler in a country it becomes an US colony.



Typical dumb Abdulhammit supporter. Pull your head out of your as$. Abdulhammit sold Cyprus to Britain and now Erdogan is more or less doing the same.

It's funny how you worship the worst leader we've possibly ever had. Like tbh even Erdogan is more preferable to Abdulhammit. We've only lost 16 islands under Erdogan's rule. But under Abdulhammit we lost like half of the land we had.
Typical dumb Abdulhammit supporter. Pull your head out of your as$. Abdulhammit sold Cyprus to Britain and now Erdogan is more or less doing the same.

It's funny how you worship the worst leader we've possibly ever had. Like tbh even Erdogan is more preferable to Abdulhammit. We've only lost 16 islands under Erdogan's rule. But under Abdulhammit we lost like half of the land we had.

Honestly expect an empire that is weakening and declining to be able to keep that land. If people have the audacity to critique Abdulhamid II i hope people do the same and critique the CUP who lost world war 1 and gave us so many defeats which led to the collapse of the empire and vital lands.

Nowadays there seems to be a lot of Abdulhamid and Itihat fanboys. Neither deserve the praise they get.
Honestly expect an empire that is weakening and declining to be able to keep that land. If people have the audacity to critique Abdulhamid II i hope people do the same and critique the CUP who lost world war 1 and gave us so many defeats which led to the collapse of the empire and vital lands.

Nowadays there seems to be a lot of Abdulhamid and Itihat fanboys. Neither deserve the praise they get.

Every Abdulhamid fan I've ever met has been mentally handicapped. I just don't understand how out of all the great leaders in Turkish history they choose Abdulhamid. It's baffling. I think they see Erdogan as the new Abdulhamid because he has put us into a state of decline.
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