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Turkish Naval Programs

Are you Ottoman Turk? If so, stop wasting my time and go fvck yourself in the corner.
I'm guessing you are referring to my political views; does it really matter? And I'm sure you'll figure it out as I post more on this forum.
Now I'm not sure if you are trying to be funny or if it is a personality trait of yours, but you don't know me like that and I don't appreciate it.
in any case, the answer to your question : Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı
What exactly on the website do you want me to focus my attention on? I failed to find anything about SM2 or SM3 missiles.

Or are the SOM naval version missiles an alternative to the SM2/3 missiles? With same or similar capabilities?
Atatwolf, actually.

Why couldn't i pereceive that... NL flag and stupid questions
I'm guessing you are referring to my political views; does it really matter? And I'm sure you'll figure it out as I post more on this forum.
Guess we've already figured out..

I failed to find anything about SM2 or SM3 missiles.
Exactly, there's nothing Hava Savunma Grubu
Or are the SOM naval version missiles an alternative to the SM2/3 missiles? With same or similar capabilities?
SOM, is a cruise missile. SM2 and SM3 are air defence missiles. Guidance kits are different, propulsion is different, firing platforms are different, payloads are different.

We don't even have an operational low-range low-altitude SAM. We don't have anything comparable to SM1 so it's not possible for us to make a leap towards SM2 Block III equivalent. So there's no question if such an R&D project would be feasible or "economical" or not. The question is, do we have a couple of decades to focus on R&D these systems from scratch? And answer to that question is no
Why couldn't i pereceive that... NL flag and stupid questions
Guess we've already figured out..

Exactly, there's nothing Hava Savunma Grubu
SOM, is a cruise missile. SM2 and SM3 are air defence missiles. Guidance kits are different, propulsion is different, firing platforms are different, payloads are different.

We don't even have an operational low-range low-altitude SAM. We don't have anything comparable to SM1 so it's not possible for us to make a leap towards SM2 Block III equivalent. So there's no ofquestion if such an R&D project would be feasible or "economical" or not. The question is, do we have a couple of decades to focus on R&D these systems from scratch? And answer to that question is no
Now my knowledge about military systems is limited, so I know my questions may require some patience from you guys, but if you don't feel like answering then that's fine. If I end up quoting you, that doesn't mean that I expect an answer from you specifically, but from anyone who is willing to answer.

Anyway, someone in the previous page wrote that he wanted to see an SOM missile test fired from a Mk.41 VLS. Isn't the MK.41 VLS able to launch ESSM missiles and (form what I read from wikipedia just now) SM3 missiles?

And this conjured up the question on if the SOM navy version is the same or similar to SM2/3 missiles or ESSM missiles. ( I did forget to type down ESSM missiles when i asked the question though)

About the SM2 SM3 developments by Turkey, it's plausible that Turkey could develop these missiles through transfer of technology? Now I don't know how advanced Turkey R&D is, and I don't know how advanced the tech in SM2 and SM3 missiles are. So to garner this information I decided to ask you guys the question about if Turkey has any ambitions to create their own.
Now my knowledge about military systems is limited, so I know my questions may require some patience from you guys, but if you don't feel like answering then that's fine.
It's okay I was just ...skeptical. My way of meeting new people.
Anyway, someone in the previous page wrote that he wanted to see an SOM missile test fired from a Mk.41 VLS. Isn't the MK.41 VLS able to launch ESSM missiles and (form what I read from wikipedia just now) SM3 missiles?
Mk 41 can launch a variety of missiles, this way you don't need multi-role missiles like SM1 so they don't use it, USN have retired SM1s long ago. Naval SOM will be compatible with MK41. Having another launcher for it, doesn't make sense.
About the SM2 SM3 developments by Turkey, it's plausible that Turkey could develop these missiles through transfer of technology? Now I don't know how advanced Turkey R&D is, and I don't know how advanced the tech in SM2 and SM3 missiles are. So to garner this information I decided to ask you guys the question about if Turkey has any ambitions to create their own.
I believe I've already answered this in my previous post. We are very new at making anti-aircraft missiles. At this point it's not feasible for Turkey to develop this technology on her own.

I can't think of any countries in the same stage with us that we can jointly invest with. No, there aren't any other options other than direct-procurement. Our needs are very specific, we need SM2.
It's okay I was just ...skeptical. My way of meeting new people.
Mk 41 can launch a variety of missiles, this way you don't need multi-role missiles like SM1 so they don't use it, USN have retired SM1s long ago. Naval SOM will be compatible with MK41. Having another launcher for it, doesn't make sense.
I believe I've already answered this in my previous post. We are very new at making anti-aircraft missiles. At this point it's not feasible for Turkey to develop this technology on her own.

I can't think of any countries in the same stage with us that we can jointly invest with. No, there aren't any other options other than direct-procurement. Our needs are very specific, we need SM2.

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Meltem II program, the contract of which became effective in September 2002, is a systems integration program, covering the acquirement of Maritime Patrol/Surveillance capability for the nine CN-235 platforms, produced at TAI’s facilities for the Turkish Naval Forces and Coast Guard Commands.

Under the program, the prime contractor of which is THALES Airborne Systems (TAS), TAI acts as the subcontractor responsible for installation of important parts on the aircraft.

Within the framework of the program, design of electrical power distribution and management system-PDMS- as well as cabin equipments and lighting system of mission systems are realized by TAI. Moreover, our Company is also responsible for production of all required detail parts, harness bundles, tools and preparing technical documentation and training within the Integrated Logistic Support scope. Modificaton of serial A/C is also performed by TAI.

Deniz Karakol ve Sahil Güvenlik Uçakları Görev Ekipmanları Tedarik ve Platformlara Entegrasyonu (Meltem-2) Projesi kapsamında ilk Sahil Güvenlik Uçağı Aralık 2012 tarihinde test – kabul faaliyetleri başarı ile tamamlanarak Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı’na teslim edilmiştir.

İlk Sahil Güvenlik Uçağı’nın Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı’na teslimi münasebetiyle 23 Ocak 2013 tarihinde TUSAŞ tesislerinde İçişleri Bakanı Sayın İdris Naim ŞAHİN ve Müsteşarımız Sayın Murad BAYAR’ın da katılımıyla bir tören gerçekleştirilmiştir.





ESSM Modernization

Under the contract signed with VSE Corporation, YALTES is responsible for the VLS SIUC (Vertical Launching System Subsystem Interface Unit Cabinet) production, engineering support and the related services to be provided for the ESSM (Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile) Upgrade Program on both the Perry and Track 2A/B class frigates of the Turkish Navy.

Current Status of the Project: The project is in production phase for the 6th - 8th ships.

An Overview on Turkish Naval Projects

By Cem Akalın

MILGEM- Patrol and Anti-Submarine Warfare Ship

The design work for the MilGem Project was started in 2004 for the in-country design and construction of anti- Submarine warfare and offshore patrol vessels. Design and configuration management of the project is under the responsibility of Turkish Navy. The Project aims the maximum and efficient use of local capabilities. Operational capabilities of the ship are focused on antisubmarine, surface and anti-air warfare, surveillance and defense against asymmetric threats.

The Prototype Ship TCG Heybeliada( F-511) was successfully launched on 27 September 2008, and the keel up ceremony of the Second Ship “Büyükada” was held on the same day. Accomplished outfitting/integration and test activities, Prototype Ship TCG-Heybeliada has gone into service under the Turkish Navy on 27 September 2011, and Second Ship TCG-Büyükada (F-512) has been launched on the same day. Outfitting/integration and test activities of the Second Ship are ongoing. TCG Büyükada (F-512) is planned to delivery Turkish Navy in 2013.

It is the first time in Turkey that the design, system integration and analysis work, including the integration of the indigenously developed combat management system (Genesis), for a warship of corvette size is conducted domestically. Currently, the local content for the first ship of the MILGEM Project is around % 65. The goal is to increase this percentage level for the second of the class, TCG Büyükada (F-512).


MILGEM corvette is a displacement type mono-hull vessel designed to meet specific requirements of the Turkish Navy regarding to speed, sea-keeping and stability. The hull form was developed by the Turkish Navy and optimized by İstanbul Technical University. Turkish Lloyd’s and national/international naval structure and survivability standards are applied for structural design of the hull.

MİLGEM Project enabled domestic production and development of critical ship systems such as hull mounted sonar, gun fire control system, LPI radar, stabilized gun system, degaussing system, IR signature management system and laser warning system.

With a monohull, displacement type form, the MILGEM first ship TCG Heybeliada is 99.5 m in length, 14.4 m in width with a displacement of 2,300 gross tons and a maximum speed of 30 knots. Additionally, the ship has the necessary platform, hanger and support equipment for a 10-ton S-70-B2 Sea Hawk. The Corvette’s main propulsion system comprises of one gas turbine and two diesel engines that provide 32 MW of power and a cruising speed of 30 nautical miles. An Integrated Platform Control and Monitoring System (EPKIS) provides control, command and monitoring of the main drive and propulsion system, the electrical power generation/distribution system and other ship service systems.

In order to perform the operational duties assigned to her, the Heybeliada is equipped with air, above water, underwater and electronic warfare advanced surveillance and tracing systems; guided missile and artillery systems against above water and air targets; a torpedo system against underwater targets; an electronic support and laser warning system with RF/laser guided radar and missile detection system and high- tech communications system. The information compiled from the sensors of the MILGEM CMS, managed from the combat operations center, assigns weapons and transfers the target information to other platforms. In addition, by means of an open system architecture, all types of weapons and sensors can be integrated to the CMS. The ship which can communicate underground by means of sound waves has a stealth class status. Able to detect torpedo attacks, the ship can misguide the communications system of the enemy by signal beams. The Heybeliada has a 3,500 nautical mile range without refueling and can stay at sea for 21 days with and 10 days without logistic support.

MILGEM Project cover the construction of a total of multipurpose 12 corvettes. İstanbul Shipyard Command has undertaken the design, construction and test of these three ships, one of which was already delivered. Following the delivery of these three ships, the construction and test of other ships are aimed to be realized by Turkish private shipyards. 12-ship package is planned to be completed and delivered to Naval Forces until 2028.

TF 2000

For the TF-2000 Project, which consists the acquisition of 4 Anti-Air Warfare Frigates that will provide survivability in the presence of aerial threat and also provide supportto mission functions such as command control and communication, reconnaissance, early warning, surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare and electronic warfare, the studies to determine the project model is on-going. With the realization of the project, it is intended to improve the Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) capabilities of the Turkish Navy.

At the moment, preliminary studies are conducted and configuration of the platform is being evaluated. This indigenous project necessitates high-level engineering and technology applications and also a long term realization period with novel project management processes. Meanwhile, in-country development of the main sensor, multi-function Phased Array Radar is targeted to be achieved with the aim of maximum local content contribution, in close cooperation with universities, defense industry and national research institutions.

With a similar project management approach implemented in MİLGEM, the entire realization period of the TF-2000 Project also purposes to nurture the in-country technology and engineering applications as well as the nationalization of the critical systems for the national defence industry. The outcome will surely endow high technology platforms conforming to Turkish Navy’s operational needs. Feasibility studies has been completed. After the feasibility study is evaluated, building up a project model will be started.

The New Type Submarine

The project covers the construction of 6 New Type Submarines with air independent propulsion system. The submarines will be constructed at Gölcük Naval Shipyard with the participation of local industry and through the material packages to be supplied from the contractor. Aselsan, Havelsan, Milsoft, STM A.Ş., Koç Bilgi ve Savunma, TÜBİTAK, Meteksan Savunma and IDS will took place in this Project as local contractors.

Request For Proposal was released on December 28, 2006 and revised on July 12, 2007. DCNS (France), HDW/MFI Business Partnership (Germany) and Navantia S.A. (Spain) submitted their proposals as of November 12, 2007. The evaluation of the proposals was finalized and on July 22, 2008, Defence Industry Executive Committe has decided to initiate the contract negotiations first with HDW-MFI Business Partnership. The contract was signed as of July 2, 2009. The contract entered into force on 22 June 2011.

The value of the contract is estimated as 2,5 billion €. The submarines will be built in Gölcük Naval Shipyard where 11 submarines of Type 209, were previously built. The first new air-independent but non-nuclear submarine is expected to be delivered in 2015. It will surely replace the first 4 and oldest Atılay class submarines, which will be on average 39 years old.

This will be the first time that Turkey includes AIP submarines in its inventory. Turkish industrial participation in the project will be worth around 81 percent of the total value of the deal. For the first time Turkey will receive 81 percent of the offset pledge in a Navy Project

HDW U-209 Submarine-Gür Class

HDW will preassemble structural and mechanical parts of the submarine in Germany, or classified elements such as the fuel cells and propulsion system. All electronic and weapon systems, including sensors, communications, and data processing systems, will be of Turkish design and production, Around 20 indigenous systems and sub-systems covering Electronic Support System, X-Band Satcom Satellite Terminal, Link11/22 data transfer software, Ship Data Distribution System, Consoles, Torpedo Countermeasure System and Underwater Telephony System will be produced by local Turkish industry and integrated into the submarines.

Coast Guard Search and Rescue Ships

In scope of the Coast Guard Search and Rescue Vessel Project, that consist the acquisition of 4 Search and Rescue Vessels by RMK Marine - a private Turkish shipyard, the contract with RMK Marine became effective on June 30, 2008 and the construction of the first Vessel has been started on March 3, 2009. Then the ship “TCSG Dost” was successfully launched on 9 July 2010. Currently construction and outfitting activities for the first three ships are in progress.

After TCSG Dost (701), TCSG Güven (702), TCSG Umut (703) and TCSG Yaşam (704) ships will be provided to the service of the Coast Guard Command within the project’s coverage. The construction of the first ship TCSG Dost (701), the Harbour Acceptance Test of the second ship TCSG Güven (702) are in progress. Third Ship “TCSG Umut” was launched on 31 May, 2011, Forth Ship TCSG Yaşam (704) was launched on 12 September, 2012. 2nd-4th ships construction/outfitting activities are ongoing.

RMK Coast Guard TCSG Yaşam

The Coast Guard Search & Rescue Vessels are to be equipped with advanced weapons and electronic systems, and the design and production of the command control system software, electro-optical director, communication systems, and gyro and operator consoles will all be carried out in Turkey. The ships, in addition to S&R tasks will also be utilized in fire fighting, environmental pollution protection and smuggling prevention operations.

The ships to be built under the project are actually at Corvette size and tonnage. The ships are to be 88 meters long, at 1,700 deadweight tons and with a cruising speed at 22 knots. With an average of 92 personnel, operations up to sea state 6 and helicopter operations can be performed up to sea state 5 by the ships.

Another important point for RMK Marine is to utilize the maximum domestic contribution where possible and that in particular with the selection of domestic sub-contractors that participate in the Milgem Project they have worked on raising the domestic rate and those in future military projects this will be their basic principle.

The New Type Patrol Boat

Through the boats that will be established according to the Acquisition of 16 units New Type Patrol Boat Project with a cost of 402 million Euros signed in 2007 between Undersecretariat for Defence Industry and Dearsan. The reconnaissance, surveillance, patrol and anti-submarine warfare requirements of Turkish Naval Forces Command will be met and the defence of base and harbors will be supported. The boats are certified by the Turkish Lloyd in terms of machinery, power design, production, construction and installation/fitting. The first boat was launched and the provisional acceptance took place in the beginning of 2011 and the boats were delivered to the Naval Forces.

Dearsan New Type Patrol Boat

Considering the purpose of improving in-country capability to design, build and integration of warships, The New Type Patrol Boat Project is deemed as one of the most important milestones by Turkish Navy.

These boats have been realized completely through domestic design. It is targeted to achieve 70 % of local content within this project. Havelsan, Aselsan, Roketsan and TUBİTAK designed and produced systems within the New Type Patrol Boat Project.

The boat is 57 meters long and 9 meters wide and 34 personnel can work on board and it has a capacity of performing and mobility at 5+ sea status with the speed that could accelerate over 27 knots in an hour. New Type Patrol Boat has 2 (2720X 2 KW) diesel main drive systems and includes OTO MELARA branded 40 mm cannonballs, DHS rockets produced by Roketsan and 2 12.7 mm STAMPS made by Aselsan as weapon systems. Boats are equipped with various radar and sonar systems and also have sensors such as Gyro and Parakeet. Aselsan is responsible in the project for the integration of the encrypted and non-encrypted communication that is capable of operating on the surface and underwater and the Combat Management System is undertaken by Havelsan and Havelsan performs design, supply/production, integration and test activities of the warfare systems of the boats.

The final delivery of TCG TUZLA (P-1200) and TCG KARABURUN (P- 1201) to Turkish Navy Forces was realized in 29 May,2012. In addition to the final delivered 2 boats, 3 more boats were delivered provisionally and the provisional delivery of 3 more boats is planned to take place by the end of 2012. The last 2 boats will be delivered to the Naval Forces in 2015 after the provisional delivery of 6 boats in 2013 and 2014.

Landing Craft Tank (LCT)

LCT (Fast Amphibious Ship) project, the contract of which was signed in 2009 aims at rapidly landing of land forces to target coasts; assisting the seizure of the zone by an amphibious operation if required or preventing the usage of the zone by opoosing forces. The Fast Amphibious Ship, which is recognized as the fastest LCT in its own segment, is able to reach at the maximum speed of 18.0 Knots at full load displacement (7 tanks),and 20.0 Knots at light ship displacement.

Anadolu Shipyard Landing Craft Tank

Anadolu Shipyard has successfully delivered to Turkish Naval Forces Command TCG Ç-158, the Eight vessel of three years long 8 strong vessel Landing Craft Tank (LCT) project.

The first LCT of Anadolu Shipyard namely TCG Ç-151 was delivered on March 9th 2012, the second LCT TCG Ç-152 on April 17th 2012; the third and fourth LCTs TCG Ç-153 and TCG Ç-154 on April 27th 2012;The fifht LCT TCG Ç-155 on June 15th 2012; The sixth LCT TCG Ç-156 on June 1st 2012; The seventh LCT TCG Ç-157 on July 13th 2012; the eight LCT TCG Ç-158 on August 28 th 2012.

Thus for the first time a Navy project undertaken by a privately owned Naval Shipyard is completed on time and on scheduled as it was been planned to be 37 months back in July 2009.

Landing Ship Tank (LST)

The Turkish Navy also plans to acquire 2 new Tank Landing Ships (LST) The new generation Landing Ship Tank is a fast amphibious vessel of upper-intermediate size with its significant armament power. She will play the major role of power projection with transporting huge quantities of fire support elements and marines in order to conduct amphibious operations. She also acts as a flag ship and logistic support vessel.

The Contract was signed between SSM and A.D.I.K A.Ş at June 2011.

Submarine Rescue Mother Ship (MOSHIP)/ Rescue and Towing Ship (RATSHIP)

Within the scope of Submarine Rescue Mother Ship and Rescue and Towing Ship Project Tender that covers the acquisition of 1 (one) Submarine Rescue Mother Ship and 2 (two) Rescue and Towing Ships, the contract negotiations with İstanbul Denizcilik Gemi İnşa Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (ISTANBUL SHIPYARD) – the winner of the tender as per the Defense Industry Executive Committee decision dated 15 June 2010 - were finalized and Submarine Rescue Mother Ship Acquisition Contract and Rescue and Towing Ship Acquisition Contract were signed between the Undersecretariat for Defense Industry and ISTANBUL SHIPYARD on October 28th, 2011.

The Submarine Rescue Mother Ship will be capable of providing the life saving support to the disabled submarine and evacuating the crew. The Rescue and Towing Ships will be capable of towing the broken down, wrecked and ran ashore ships as well as fire-fighting. Moreover, both ships, which will be equipped by the modern rescue systems and equipment such as remotely operated vehicle (ROV), atmospheric diving suit, submarine ventilation system, emergency life support system, pressure rooms etc., can also perform the underwater repair works and wreck removal through divers, atmospheric diving suit and remotely operating underwater vehicles. In this respect, the general specifications of the ships are as follows:


Submarine Rescue Mother Ship

Rescue and Towing Ship

Length :

approx. 90 m

approx. 68 m

Width :

approx. 18 m

approx. 14 m

Displacement :

approx. 4098 t

approx. 1950 t

In addition, the Submarine Rescue Mother Ship can be defined as a unique ship, which will be available for the deployment of most preferable rescue systems; SRDRS (Submarine Rescue Diving and Recompression System) and NSRS (NATO Submarine Rescue System). The availability for the use of two different rescue concepts provides an opportunity for the cooperation with the other navies.

The design, construction, outfitting and integration of the Submarine Rescue Mother Ship and Rescue and Towing Ships will be performed by ISTANBUL SHIPYARD. In this scope, the total industry participation and offset percentage of 65 % will enable the utilization of Turkish industry capabilities through the acquisition of the construction material and services as well as most of the systems to be integrated on the ships.

Seismic Research Vessel

The contract for the procurement of the Seismic Research Vessel to make seismic researches required for offshore petroleum and natural gas explorations was signed between the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), Undersecretariat for Defense Industries and ISTANBUL SHIPYARD

The vessel will be designed having an overall length of 86 meters and a width of 22 meters and have the capacity of performing three dimensional seismic researches even at oceans. With its two and three dimensional seismic research capacities, it will perform research projects in earth sciences and other related sciences by making geophysical, geological, geotechnical, bathymetric, hydrographic, oceanographic and hydro acoustic researches. It will also give support to the determination of petroleum, mine, natural gas and geothermal resources. Weighing 4500 tones, the vessel will accommodate 70 crews. It is stated that the new vessel, to be constructed at İstanbul Shipyard, will be equipped with modern propulsion and motion control systems and have geophysics, geology, sedimentology, wet-and-dry, XRD-XRF, physical, chemical, oceanographic and biological laboratories. It will also have a night and day landing and take-off platform for helicopters appropriate to international standards.

The value of the contract is estimated as 100 million Euro. The vessel will be equipped with the state-of-the-art technology and the data can be monitored and tracked in real time. Seismic Research Vessel is expected to be delivered in 2014.


Other Projects

Turkish Navy has formed her force structure in order to accomplish assigned tasks in current defense conjuncture which is a result of political and military developments. In order to sustain this force structure, Turkish Navy has the following planned/ongoing modernization projects added to the aforementioned ones;

The fleet air arm, i.e. the Naval Aviation Group will be more capable to perform given tasks with the completion of ambitious aircraft procurement programmes. In MELTEM project, sixteen aircraft will be integrated with the systems to convert them into maritime patrol and surveillance aircraft. Meanwhile in order to reach Turkish Navy’s force structure goals, a contract was signed for the procurement of seventeen S-70B SEAHAWK helicopters and retrofitting of seven existing helicopters. These new helicopters will replace the current AB-212s in the inventory.

Events over the last decade have demonstrated the need for forces that are mobile and versatile, able to react quickly and capable of operating in crisis, disaster relief and humanitarian assistance operations. The continued need to deploy forces at long distances has led the Turkish Navy to consider the acquisition of Landing Platform Dock (LPD) type amphibious ship combining the features of a good aviation capability, protected berthing and a large internal volume for the transport of personnel and material. The LPD project will also include the procurement of Landing Craft Mechanics (LCM), Amphibious Assault Vehicles (AAV), Landing Craft Personnel Vehicles (LCVP). The new generation LST will be fast amphibious vessel of upper-intermediate size with significant armaments.

In order to have a quick reaction capability for amphibious warfare, Landing Craft Air Cushions (LCAC) are planned to be procured, which will embark on LPD. In support of deployed national and multinational task forces, Turkish Navy also has a Auxiliary Oil Replenishment Ship project, that the tender is expected to be made in coming years.
We have a long way to take over. But after that, I bet noone would be able to resist against our armed forces. :)
Objective: Acquisition of anti-air warfare
frigates that will provide
survivability in the presence of
aerial threat and also support
mission functions such as
command control and
communication, reconnaissance,
early warning, surface warfare,
anti-submarine warfare and
electronic warfare.

Scope: Procurement of anti-air warfare
frigates in order to meet the
Turkish Navy requirements.

Project Model: --

Prime/Sub Contractor: --

Contract Date: --

Status: Feasibility studies has been
completed. After the feasibility
study is evaluated, building up a
project model will be started.

TF 2000 Project

Last Updated : 26.02.2013 13:47

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