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. . .
What I see is the missile launched from the back of the ship possibly MK-29 launchers, either RIM7 Sea Sparrow or RIM162 ESSM.

Seems kinda odd to use a surface-to-air missiles for attacking a boat. If this is the case then apparantly the navy is in dire need of a Anti-ship missile.
Seems kinda odd to use a surface-to-air missiles for attacking a boat. If this is the case then apparantly the navy is in dire need of a Anti-ship missile.

Maybe the first one a deception :D
Second missile hitting the boat perhaps the Atmaca.
Its taller and bigger.

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@cabatli_53 @Combat-Master @ozi2000 @Neptune @isoo

Guys now tell me what is this ?.. Atmaca ?..


And this is the other one...


Guys go and download HD pics from TSK flickr account... I can't upload them here... There are 4928x3280 quality pics which can be download from Download button at right bottom when you open the pic.

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Here i tried to post with biggest size under 2mb... The picture that we think includes ATMACA...



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The one launched from TCG Yavuz is Sea Sparrow Rim-7
The other one looks like an anti-ship missile. So the possibility of Atmaca.

Sea Sparrow causes black smoke

Anti-ship causes big flame first
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The one launched from TCG Yavuz is Sea Sparrow Rim-7
The other one looks like an anti-ship missile. So the possibility of Atmaca.

Sea Sparrow causes black smoke

Anti-ship causes big flame

I also think it is ATMACA...

Which foreign anti ship missiles do we have ?.. We have Harpoon... Any other ?..

I think this doesn't look like...


This... It looks like this one has bigger wings and top of it is round when it's compared to Harpoon...

We cant trust Turkish Media, but i read this news??

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Denizkurdu 2015 Tatbikatı'nı izledi - Güncel
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Denizkurdu 2015 Tatbikatı'nı "başkomutan" sıfatıyla tatbikatın sancak gemisi TCG Salihreis'ten takip etti. Tatbikatta Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığınca ilk defa hareketli hedefe Hellfire güdümlü mermi atışı yapıldığı bildirildi.
Benim bu haberi kopyalamamin sebebi "ilk defa Hellfire" kullanilmasi. Kafadan mi uydurdular bu Hellfire kismini? Tatbikatlarda gemiye atilan muhimmatlardan biri Hellfire veya LUMTAS olabilir mi?
Benim bu haberi kopyalamamin sebebi "ilk defa Hellfire" kullanilmasi. Kafadan mi uydurdular bu Hellfire kismini? Tatbikatlarda gemiye atilan muhimmatlardan biri Hellfire veya LUMTAS olabilir mi?

İlk defa hareketli hedefe diyor ama ne derece doğru onu ben de bilmiyorum.

LUMTAS mı onu da bilmiuorum ama anladığım kadarıyla değil. O fotolar arasında LUMTAS lançeri görmedim. Bi de bi fotoda HELLFIRE bilgileri var. Atarım birazdan fotoları.
Bro, It seems both impact is caused by Sea sparrow. The smokes and fire looks quite similar. Photo angel and closeness of one may indicate first one bigger.
Bro, It seems both impact is caused by Sea sparrow. The smokes and fire looks quite similar. Photo angel and closeness of one may indicate first one bigger.

Bro. i don't think so... These 2 are different IMO...


This is...


Exactly this but 1st one looks different...


Also ozi compared them in the same photo... The one on the left is much bigger..


But i'm not sure if left one is ATMACA or Harpoon ?.. But again it looks like this 1st photo is different then Harpoon...

And photo angle is almost same, at the center...

Benim bu haberi kopyalamamin sebebi "ilk defa Hellfire" kullanilmasi. Kafadan mi uydurdular bu Hellfire kismini? Tatbikatlarda gemiye atilan muhimmatlardan biri Hellfire veya LUMTAS olabilir mi?



Maybe i'm wrong about ATMACA issue... :(

Şu da var tabi. O ATMACA olsaydı medya coşmuştu. :D


We will build a Sea Test Range like Denel Overberg :enjoy:

Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı


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