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Turkish Naval Programs

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1.MİLGEM Projesi ile TF-100 Fırkateyn Projesi birbirlerinin devamı ve ikamesi olmayan iki ayrı projedir.------------
neden bu site"İ" sınıfını TF 100 olarak tanımlıyo zaten bu 2 korvet bittiğinde özel tersaneye vermeyeceklermi diğer 4 gemiyi zaten
yani "İ" SINIFI TÜM GEMİLERİ ÖZEL TERSANEDE YAPILACAK BU SİTENİN YAPTIĞI AÇIKLAMA ÇOK KAFA KARIŞTIRICI "İ" sınıfı yapılırken TF-100'e başlayacak özel tersane tasarım dizayn 3boyutlu testler falan derken 1 gemiyi yapacaklar istanbul tersanesinde onunda diğer 3 gemisini verecekler özel tersaneye ----------
2. MİLGEM Projesi 8 gemi + 4 gemi opsiyon olmak üzere toplam 12 gemilik bir proje olarak belirlenmiştir.
3. Uzun süreli gemi inşa projelerinde gelişen ihtiyaçlar kapsamında gemilerin konfigürasyonunda değişiklikler yapılabilmektedir. MİLGEM Projesinde de gelişen ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda konfigürasyon değişikliği yapılması planlanmıştır.
If I class frigate meets the range/firepower requirements of What Navy envisaged for TF-100 role, Why would industry proceed on a new frigate project ? Atmaca missiles, ESSM Block-2, Torpedo defence, self protection CIWS, Electronic warfare and many others were what we wanted to integrate on TF-100? It seems that All those are now going to be installed on I class frigates which is actually bigger Milgem.
If I class frigate meets the range/firepower requirements of What Navy envisaged for TF-100 role, Why would industry proceed on a new frigate project ? Atmaca missiles, ESSM Block-2, Torpedo defence, self protection CIWS, Electronic warfare and many others were what we wanted to integrate on TF-100? It seems that All those are now going to be installed on I class frigates which is actually bigger Milgem.

Bro. i'm confused...

We were talking like...

Ada class is Blcok I 99, let's say 100 m...
İ class Block II 110 m..
TF-100 Block III more then 110... we were expecting something like 130m...

Sure no problem if İ class fulfills the requirements.... But i try to understand current situation...

4 MİLGEMs 100 m
4 İ class(TF-100) 100 m
4 MİLGEM but which MİLGEM. Is it same 100 m ship ?..
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Bro. i'm confused...

We were talking like...

Ada class is Blcok I 99, let's say 100 m...
İ class Block II 110 m..
TF-100 Block III more then 110... we were expecting something like 130m...

Sure no problem if İ class fulfills the requirements.... But i try to understand current situation...

4 MİLGEMs 100 m
4 İ class(TF-100) 100 m
4 MİLGEM but which MİLGEM. Is it same 100 m ship ?..

Bro, Most probably, Navy/Officials were making discussion over project model details in times when we were talking about those and magazines also issued about those possibilities but All of considerations was an option. It was not even known whether TF-100 will be a bigger Milgem or completely new design. New designed TF-100 option was even considered as stronger option but It seems that more realistic/feasible project model is accepted and schedule is applied for earlier dates because TF-100 was planned to take action after TF-2000 in past but With new model, Both TF-2000 and I class will proceed simultaneously.

In past pesentations, TF-100 budget is not given a place into the list of Naval projects because It was considered as a completely new design which is going to replace Meko Track 2A/B as a long term project but Barbaros + 4 Perry class frigates received extensive upgrade package from VLS to radars so Today, It seems that It is Yavuz class frigates that is going to be replaced by four I class frigates. @Neptune
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i-class is the new naming of the project formerly known also as Milgem-G / TF-100

I don't think so... First time i heard MİLGEM-G was this article... Batch II was MİLGEM-G but TF-100 was Batch III

Turkey to expand MilGem Batch II corvette role, capability

Publication:Jane's Navy International
Author:Alex Pape, Istanbul
Last posted:2014-05-29

The Turkish Naval Forces Command is to give the MilGem Batch II corvettes an expanded role and increased combat capability.

Speaking at the MAST 2014 conference in Istanbul on 20 May, Mustafa Seker, head of naval projects at the Turkish Defence Industries Undersecretariat said that work on the previously planned TF-100 project for a light frigate to replace some of the older MEKO 200 frigates had been stopped as "this role will now be covered by the Batch II MilGem."

The MilGem Batch II (also known as MilGem-G) ships are now to be lengthened by around 10 m, and integrated with the Evolved SeaSparrow Missile to provide a local area air defence capability. A vertical launch system, possibly Lockheed Martin's Mk 41, and the Thales STIR 1.2 electro-optical fire-control radar are expected to be fitted. The Batch II ships will also feature further combat system upgrades. "We will have an enhanced combat management system, and additional network centric warfare capability," noted Mr Seker.

Other possible changes which have been noted previously include modification of the propulsion system with new diesel engines.

According to project management and engineering company STM, design work on the Batch II is continuing with the final configuration to be confirmed later in 2014.

"The Request for Proposal for the Batch II ships is now expected to be issued by the end of 2014," Mr Seker said.
The MilGem (drawn from the term Milli Gemi, or National Ship) project was initiated in the 1990s to cover the local design and build of up to 12 corvette to light frigate-sized warships for patrol and anti-submarine tasks. The first two 2,032 tonne full load displacement, 99 m long ships TCG Heybeliada and TCG Büyükada were completed at the Istanbul Naval Shipyard at Pendik and were commissioned in September 2011 and September 2014 respectively.

The next batch of six vessels was to be built by a private Turkish shipyard, and RMK Marine was selected in January 2013. However, negotiations were halted in mid-2013 to allow for a review of the bidding process; the tender was terminated in September 2013.

The decision was subsequently taken to build a further two vessels at the Istanbul Naval Shipyard to the same design as the first pair, and then to open a new tender for ships five to eight to be built at a private yard. Design changes had been planned but were expected to be limited in nature, with a third batch (ships 9 to 12) to feature the more extensive modifications and become known as TF-100 to replace the Yavuz-class.

This process now appears to have been brought forward, although it means an overall reduction of vessels procured unless further MilGem or alternative medium frigates are acquired in the 2020s. The realignment may also reflect the need to adequately resource the flagship TF-2000 air defence frigate project which is expected to go into Phase 1 design during 2014 following completion of a development and build strategy ahead of the construction of a prototype vessel and three series production units in the 2020s.
@ Cabatli_53 abi şimdi TF100 sınıfı fırkateyn TF2000 den sonramı gelicek
Eger TF 2000 den sonra gelirse TF 2000 ufaltılmış Bir modelinimi yapacaklar?
@cabatli_53 bro. btw i tagged you for brochures but you didn't give a signal like pressing thank button... Did you see them ?

Also which foreign forums i should follow... As you know mp is closed and that themess is not active...
@ Cabatli_53 abi şimdi TF100 sınıfı fırkateyn TF2000 den sonramı gelicek
Eger TF 2000 den sonra gelirse TF 2000 ufaltılmış Bir modelinimi yapacaklar?

Mert, Önceleri TF-100 uzun dönem projesi olarak kabul ediliyordu anlaşılan ve tamamen yeni bir dizayn üzerinde üretilmesi düşünülüyordu. En azından benim bildiğim/okuduğum buydu. Hatta bir ara TF-100 rafa kaldırıldı falan dendi çok ötelendi, bütçe falan listelerde yoktu. Öncelik sırası Milgem (8) + TF-2000 (4) + TF-100 (4) idi. İlgililere sorulduğunda söylenenler de bu şekildeydi röportajlarda. Akıllarda muhtemelen envanterde mevcut güncel fırkateynlerin yerini alabilecek yepyeni bir dizayn düşünülüyordu fakat son gelişmeler, bazı üyelerin proje ile ilgili fuarda birinci ağızdan aldıkları bilgiler doğrultusunda, TF-100'ün Milgem-G dediğimiz 110m'lik mevcut modeli üzerinden şekillendirildiği yönünde. TF-2000 ise bu projeden bağımsız kendi ajandası ve dizaynı var ve bu ajanda CAFRAD ile beraber yürüyor ve 2020'ler gibi muhtemelen inşa aşamasında da belli olgunluk seviyesine ulaşmış şekilde görebileceğiz, kritik tasarım biter ve bu aralar bir imza töreni olursa. Hayırlısı...
Dear Kul, your own article says it already: "with a third batch (ships 9 to 12) to feature the more extensive modifications and become known as TF-100"
The Milgem-G = i-class frigate
third batch with more extensive modification (TF-100) = i-class track II
@cabatli_53 bro. btw i tagged you for brochures but you didn't give a signal like pressing thank button... Did you see them ?

Also which foreign forums i should follow... As you know mp is closed and that themess is not active...

Bro, It is in IDEF thread ? I will check them now.
BTW, I don't know whether There is any other English forum different than PDF that can be joined into.
Dear Kul, your own article says it already: "with a third batch (ships 9 to 12) to feature the more extensive modifications and become known as TF-100"
The Milgem-G = i-class frigate
third batch with more extensive modification (TF-100) = i-class track II

According to that article MİLGEM-G(Milgem Batch II) and TF-100(Milgem Batch III) are different ships but you said "formerly known also as Milgem-G/TF-100" i just wanted to point out this... Nevermind it was past...

BTW are you the nutuk @ WAFF ?..

i-class is the new naming of the project formerly known also as Milgem-G / TF-100

Raytheon Reinforces the Turkish Navy


The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) approved the sale of Phalanx MK 15 Block 1B Close-In Weapon Systems for Turkish Navy requirement. The deal, which is valued $310 million, involves the purchase of four such systems as well as upgrade, overhaul and procurement of control station for pre-existing Phalanx MK 15’s. This purchase takes place within the framework of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Program and will be realised through Raytheon.

Raytheon Reinforces the Turkish Navy

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