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Turkish Naval Forces (DZKK)

Yeah that's right. However, US is offering Aegis to TF-2000's combat management system.

@cabatli_53 bro is there any possibility whether the Aegis CMS may be integrated into CAFRAD, or being flexed into Genesis CMS?

Bro, USA offers Aegis system as a complete package which means SPY-D radar + SM series missile + Aegis CMS. Turkey is playing big and developing domestic radar section to integrate own combat management system called Genesis. It is What Norway+Spain+S. Korea didn't achieve to apply for their warship projects. If Turkey accepts USA offer, It is directly going to mean that No need development of Genesis Advent+CAFRAD.

so Turkey is going to cooperate with Lockheed/Rayheon (?) to integrate SM-2 Block IV to Genesis CMS. Actually, USA wasn't willing to sell sole SM missiles seperately from Aegis package in past but Europen missile manufacturer MBDA revealed an alternative to them and integarated own missile system into own networks so It suddenly became possible to lose seriously big markets thanks to that package policies so Today, It is easier to get advanced SM missiles seperately from Aegis I think.
More from Joint Warrior 15 in United Kingdom;

(Guys why the heck Royal Navy is using filters on these photos?)

Sailors of TCG Göksu;







EX. JOINT WARRIOR 151- US VENOM 511 landing on flight deck of TCG GOKSU - 14 MAR 2015 photo by WO C.ARTIGUES (HQ MARCOM).




Memorial for TCG Dumlupinar aboard Type 209/1400 submarine to honor the sailors died in the accident.

TCG Gediz In Hong Kong

When PLAN ships were passing through the Turkish Straits, a Turkish frigate was visiting China to return the favor.

TCG Gediz arrived in Hong Kong on 15 May and will stay there till 18 May. The visit of a Turkish warship to a Chinese port is equally rare as Chinese warships passing through the Turkish Straits.

The Turkish navy is paying a rare visit to Hong Kong and mainland waters this week, in a four-day trip that analysts describe as a shrewd move by the European nation to show its traditional allegiance to the West, but also its desire to build ties in Asia, particularly with China.

Last night, Turkey’s top diplomat in Hong Kong, Haldun Tekneci, hosted a reception aboard the frigate TCG Gediz, which docked on Friday in the country’s first naval visit for four years.

“We are super happy and we are so proud to see this warship because it has travelled so far,” he said, adding that the visit was a sign of growing relations with China and the East Asia region.

There was also a meeting at the People’s Liberation Army’s Hong Kong garrison – a courtesy call, Tekneci said – before they head to Qingdao , Shandong , tomorrow.

The TCG Gediz is making Asia the focus of a 122-day tour that started on April 1, taking in 14 nations with 18 stops in the region.

The China stops come at a sensitive time as Turkey’s planned purchase of a long-range missile defence system is still in limbo. It angered fellow Nato members over a 2013 deal to buy from a Chinese firm and has since agreed to look at versions offered by other countries while putting the Chinese deal on hold.

Nevertheless, Ankara’s relations with Beijing have grown significantly in recent years. In 2012, then vice-president Xi Jinping travelled to Turkey, resulting in deals worth US$4.3 billion across industries including finance, renewable energy and mining.

TCG Gediz In Hong Kong |
TCG Gediz In Hong Kong

When PLAN ships were passing through the Turkish Straits, a Turkish frigate was visiting China to return the favor.

TCG Gediz arrived in Hong Kong on 15 May and will stay there till 18 May. The visit of a Turkish warship to a Chinese port is equally rare as Chinese warships passing through the Turkish Straits.

TCG Gediz In Hong Kong |

''Turkish Frigate in Hong Kong! Reception aboard TCG Gediz.'' Photos by Harbour Times



I think TCG help them to go to Greece. :lol:

Lol i recently watched a video where supposedly Turkish coast guard(or navy, dont remember) got caught helping getting some immigrants across into Greece. Laughed my arze off :D
Uvex :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

Even if they are just Marine VBSS, they shouldn't have these.
Uvex :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

Even if they are just Marine VBSS, they shouldn't have these.
I haven't seen these UVEX goggles in use other than navy,even commando brigades adopted more sturdy ones.

They could use some proper BDU's too.

(EDIT)Coast guard uses them too.
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