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Turkish minister of foreign affairs warns Iran.

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There will be no war unlike some forum members here leadership of both states know potential risks but either way that corridor will be taken.

Nobody want that! This corridor is about creating land connection between Azerbaijan-Turkey.. Iran is not our target! And ıf Jews are realy behind this than show your superior army against them and teach them a lesson
That corridor already exists via Iran ... rail and road ... no need to occupy others' lands to make one, once corridor comes then there would be other requests and occupations ... for sure isreal is behind this.
Iran has drawn its red line clearly and I think Russia, the US and France also are all on the same page with Iran.
It's incredible how stupid the pro Turks are on this forum. Iran will crush Turkey in many ways and Iran are the best soldiers in the world. They have very brilliant minds in war strategy. In addition, Iran is armed with an incredibly powerful missile and on the ground in the Middle East with the al Quds force and their friendly militia, they are the most powerful land army in the world in fact.

The Turkish army is a loser from the start and will never win against Iran, it is completely impossible.In addition, Iranian drones are very numerous and very diverse. Poor Turks here who really lack intelligence and conscience
That corridor already exists via Iran ... rail and road ... no need to occupy others' lands to make one, once corridor comes then there would be other requests and occupations ... for sure isreal is behind this.
Iran has drawn its red line clearly and I think Russia, the US and France also are all on the same page with Iran.
And what will be Iran's reaction ıf Armenia agree to give that corridor ? You will invade Armenia too ?
Azerbademjan will never take zangezur.

that is universally recognized armenian territory that Russia is treaty bound to defend.

Its strategic to Iran as it would lose its border with armenia, and lose leverage and revenue from turkish/azeri having to use Iran for travel.

Only in wet pink panturk fantasies will such a thing happen.

But if the turks do go completely insane and try, Every single turk stepping on zanzegur will be slaughtered to the last man. At an absolute minimum

If Iran is sufficiently pissed off at turkey, it would play the kurdish card and do to turkey what it did to saddam. Make it lose conplete control of its kurdish regions.

Its ridiculously easy for Iran to split turkey into 2 if it went all out enemy.

Though no such thing will happen thankfully. As even the most aggressive pink panturk in the turkish government and military know what kind of hell awaits them if they try

If you start trying to change international borders, then Iran will annex half of azerbaijan (especially the coastline near the caspian) that was Iranian property for thousands of years until the 19th century
If Azerbaijan attacks Armenia, Iran will declare war on Azerbaijan and Turkey will declare war on Iran.

This will be a disaster for the Middle East and the Caucasus similar to disasters of WWI and WWII in Europe.

It is like if history doesnt teach you anything. There were tens of useless Roman-Persian, Byzantine-Persian and Ottoman-Persian wars in the Caucasus that were more costly and damaging than they had any benefit.

Iran is a country of 90mln people and has an army of 610.000 troops and 350.000 reserves and also 2mln Basijis can be mobilized within a month. Add to this Iran's allies in Iraq (90.000 Shia militias), Syria (150.000 troops), Hezbollah (40.000 troops) and Armenia (70.000 troops and 210.000 reserves) and Iran + its allies can field 3,5-4 mln troops.

Turkey has 410.000 troops and 350.000 reserves and Azerbaijan has 300.000 troops, so Turkey can field 1-2mln troops.

On paper Turkey has more tanks and IFVs, but this means nothing as example of Ukraine war has shown. Russia had 15 times more tanks and IFVs than Ukraine and most Russian equipment was destroyed by ATGMs, mines and artillery.

Turkey has 226 F-16s compared to 44 F-14s and 30 Mig-29s of Iran, but F-16 is a light fighter and has small combat radius of only 540kms. Turkey doesn't have anti-radiation capability and Turkey is incapable of suppressing air defences. If Russia with its powerful air force is incapable of suppressing Ukrainian air defenses and establishing air superiority over Ukraine, then Turkey has no any chances of making aircraft sorties inside Iranian territory with their small air force.

Iran is superior to Turkey when it comes to precision-guided munitions. Turkey's 1000km range ballistic missile is in the stage of testing and is not yet deployed or mass produced. Turkey's cruise missile capability is limited to 250km range SOM cruise missile and Turkey doesn't have kamikaze drones. In contrast Iran has already deployed thousands of ballistic missiles, kamikaze drones and cruise missiles. Unlike Turkey, Iran has already employed its precision-guided munitions in war-time situations against Saudi Arabia (Abqaiq attack), USA (Ain-al-Assad attack) and in Ukraine. Saying in other words, Iran has a capability to attack Baku and Ankara, while Turkey is incapable of attacking Tehran.

Entire economy of Azerbaijan will collapse if Iran destroys Azerbaijan's oil infrastructure and electricity generating capacity with Shahed-136 drones/Raad-500 ballistic missiles/Paveh cruise missiles. Azerbaijan can't defend itself against such attacks.

Also, while Turkey's military hasn't fought a major war since WWI, Iran has experience of Iran-Iraq War and many Iranian officers and generals have experience of conflicts in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

Also there is an issue of Kurdish separatism that can do much more damage to Turkey than to Iran. For example, Iran can easily establish ties with Syrian Kurds, arm and support them.

If Russia enters the conflict, it can cease supply of natural gas to Turkey and Russian gas is 1/4 of Turkey's energy balance. If Russia ceases gas supplies, while Iranian attacks paralyze oil supply from Iraqi Kurdistan and Azerbaijan, Turkey will be left without energy and its economy will collapse with billion of dollars of damage.

Turkish economy is heavily integrated into global economy. If there is a war and mass mobilization, there might be huge capital flight and economic crises in Turkey.

Also democracies like Turkey have much less tolerance for casualties, economic pain and total mobilization than dictatorships or unique, mixed political systems like Iran. It will be very hard for Erdogan to sell total war, economic pain and full mobilization to the Turkish people -probably anti-war demonstrations will paralyze Turkish state.

Anyway, it will be a disaster if there is a TOTAL WAR of massive scale in the region with mobilization of millions of troops because of small piece of rock in southern Armenia.

Three major powers of the Caucasus: Russia, Iran and Turkey should agree to maintain status quo in the region for the purpose of preserving peace and preventing World War I style escalation with catastrophic consequences for everyone.
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If Azerbaijan attacks Armenia, Iran will declare war on Azerbaijan and Turkey will declare war on Iran.

This will be a disaster for the Middle East and Caucasus similar to disasters of WWI and WWII in Europe.

It is like if history doesnt teach you anything. There were tens of useless Roman-Persian, Byzantine-Persian and Ottoman-Persian wars in the Caucasus that were more damaging and costly than beneficial.

Iran is a country of 90mln people and has an army of 610.000 troops and 350.000 reserves and also 2mln Basijis can be mobilized within a month. Add to this Iran's allies in Iraq (90.000 Shia militias), Syria (150.000 troops), Hezbollah (40.000 troops) and Armenia (70.000 troops and 210.000 reserves) and Iran + its allies can field 3,5 mln troops.

Turkey has 410.000 troops and 350.000 reserves and Azerbaijan has 300.000 troops, so Turkey can field 1-2mln troops.

On paper Turkey has more tanks and IFVs, but this means nothing as example of Ukraine war has shown. Russia had 15 times more tanks and IFVs than Ukraine and most Russian equipment was destroyed by ATGMs, mines and artillery.

Turkey has 226 F-16s compared to 44 F-14s and 30 Mig-29s of Iran, but F-16 is a light fighter and has small combat radius of only 540kms. Turkey doesn't have anti-radiation capability and Turkey is incapable of suppressing air defences. If Russia with its powerful air force is incapable of suppressing Ukrainian air defenses and establishing air superiority over Ukraine, then Turkey has no any chances of making aircraft sorties inside Iranian territory with their small air force.

Iran has superior precision-guided munitions. Turkey's 1000km range ballistic missile is in the stage of testing and is not yet deployed or mass produced. Turkey's cruise missile capability is limited to 250km range SOM missile and Turkey doesn't have kamikaze drones. In contrast Iran has already deployed thousands of ballistic missiles, kamikaze drones and cruise missiles. Unlike Turkey, Iran has already employed its precision-guided munitions in war-time situations against Saudi Arabia (Abqaiq attack), USA (Ain-al-Assad attack) and in Ukraine. Saying in other words, Iran has capability to attack Baku and Ankara, while Turkey is incapable of attacking Tehran.

Entire economy of Azerbaijan will collapse if Iran destroys Azerbaijan's oil infrastructure and electricity generating capacity with Shahed-136 drones/Raad-500 ballistic missiles/Paveh cruise missiles. Azerbaijan can't defend itself against such attacks.

Also, while Turkey's military hasn't fought a major war since WWI, Iran has experience of Iran-Iraq War and many Iranian officers and generals have experience of conflicts in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

Turkish economy is heavily integrated into global economy. If there is a war and mass mobilization, there might be huge capital flight and economic crises in Turkey.

Also democracies like Turkey have much less tolerance for casualties, economic pain and total mobilization than dictatorships or unique, mixed political systems like Iran. It will be very hard for Erdogan to sell total war, economic pain and full mobilization to the Turkish people -probably anti-war demonstrations will paralyze Turkish state.

Anyway, it will be a disaster if there is a TOTAL WAR of massive scale in the region with mobilization of millions of troops because of small piece of rock in southern Armenia.

Three major powers of the Caucasus: Russia, Iran and Turkey should agree to maintain status quo in the region for the purpose of preserving peace and preventing World War I style escalation with catastrophic consequences for everyone.
It would be interesting to see who would produce the most drones and use artillery and ballistic missiles better.

It would also have been the chance to see how good their AA systems are. For both countries. That would put Turkey's brand new Hisar,Siper,Korkut and all of MMM-E's systems to the test and also reveal if Iranian AA alchemies work.

The thousands of Iranian kamikaze drones or the Turkish "sophisticated" UCAVs with their new bombs? Turkmen and Syrian and Libyan militias vs Basij and Hizbollah?

It's as interesting as seeing modern UK and France fighting or Poland vs Belarus.
And what will be Iran's reaction ıf Armenia agree to give that corridor ? You will invade Armenia too ?
For now it is Azarbayegan threatening to occupy and create the so-called corridor through military force supported and armed with israel a well-known occupier .. the point is no one would willingly hand out its territories to others that's why we see military build up with Baku.
And if the drama resulted in Iran geopolitically suffocation yes we would do whatever it takes to prevent it ... you want corridor? there is a corridor right now as it's been for decades via Iran .... remember Mr Erdogan promised you all to say prayer in Omavi Mosque something that never happened and will not so does this one.
As we supported Azarbayegan back in 1988 to 1994 to liberate its lands up to now, we would stand against any changes in international borders by Azarbayegan too. unfortunately Azarbayegan has turned to a tool in the hand of isreal as isreal's drone attacked Iranian nuclear facilities from it or coordinating terrorists attacks inside Iran and so on.
Iran's red line is clear.
For now it is Azarbayegan threatening to occupy and create the so-called corridor through military force supported and armed with israel a well-known occupier .. the point is no one would willingly hand out its territories to others that's why we see military build up with Baku.
And if the drama resulted in Iran geopolitically suffocation yes we would do whatever it takes to prevent it ... you want corridor? there is a corridor right now as it's been for decades via Iran .... remember Mr Erdogan promised you all to say prayer in Omavi Mosque something that never happened and will not so does this one.
As we supported Azarbayegan back in 1988 to 1994 to liberate its lands up to now, we would stand against any changes in international borders by Azarbayegan too. unfortunately Azarbayegan has turned to a tool in the hand of isreal as isreal's drone attacked Iranian nuclear facilities from it or coordinating terrorists attacks inside Iran and so on.
Iran's red line is clear.
Azerbaijan already occupies some km of Armenian land and hasn't left already.

Azerbaijan is occupying parts of the Syunik and Gegharkunik provinces adjacent to the Armenia–Azerbaijan border: between 50-215 square kilometers of Armenian territory [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
To all the fucked iranians, turks will **** u in a million ways!!!! that's it, no need to explain

If Azerbaijan attacks Armenia, Iran will declare war on Azerbaijan and Turkey will declare war on Iran.

This will be a disaster for the Middle East and the Caucasus similar to disasters of WWI and WWII in Europe.

It is like if history doesnt teach you anything. There were tens of useless Roman-Persian, Byzantine-Persian and Ottoman-Persian wars in the Caucasus that were more costly and damaging than they had any benefit.

Iran is a country of 90mln people and has an army of 610.000 troops and 350.000 reserves and also 2mln Basijis can be mobilized within a month. Add to this Iran's allies in Iraq (90.000 Shia militias), Syria (150.000 troops), Hezbollah (40.000 troops) and Armenia (70.000 troops and 210.000 reserves) and Iran + its allies can field 3,5-4 mln troops.

Turkey has 410.000 troops and 350.000 reserves and Azerbaijan has 300.000 troops, so Turkey can field 1-2mln troops.

On paper Turkey has more tanks and IFVs, but this means nothing as example of Ukraine war has shown. Russia had 15 times more tanks and IFVs than Ukraine and most Russian equipment was destroyed by ATGMs, mines and artillery.

Turkey has 226 F-16s compared to 44 F-14s and 30 Mig-29s of Iran, but F-16 is a light fighter and has small combat radius of only 540kms. Turkey doesn't have anti-radiation capability and Turkey is incapable of suppressing air defences. If Russia with its powerful air force is incapable of suppressing Ukrainian air defenses and establishing air superiority over Ukraine, then Turkey has no any chances of making aircraft sorties inside Iranian territory with their small air force.

Iran is superior to Turkey when it comes to precision-guided munitions. Turkey's 1000km range ballistic missile is in the stage of testing and is not yet deployed or mass produced. Turkey's cruise missile capability is limited to 250km range SOM cruise missile and Turkey doesn't have kamikaze drones. In contrast Iran has already deployed thousands of ballistic missiles, kamikaze drones and cruise missiles. Unlike Turkey, Iran has already employed its precision-guided munitions in war-time situations against Saudi Arabia (Abqaiq attack), USA (Ain-al-Assad attack) and in Ukraine. Saying in other words, Iran has a capability to attack Baku and Ankara, while Turkey is incapable of attacking Tehran.

Entire economy of Azerbaijan will collapse if Iran destroys Azerbaijan's oil infrastructure and electricity generating capacity with Shahed-136 drones/Raad-500 ballistic missiles/Paveh cruise missiles. Azerbaijan can't defend itself against such attacks.

Also, while Turkey's military hasn't fought a major war since WWI, Iran has experience of Iran-Iraq War and many Iranian officers and generals have experience of conflicts in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

Also there is an issue of Kurdish separatism that can do much more damage to Turkey than to Iran. For example, Iran can easily establish ties with Syrian Kurds, arm and support them.

If Russia enters the conflict, it can cease supply of natural gas to Turkey and Russian gas is 1/4 of Turkey's energy balance. If Russia ceases gas supplies, while Iranian attacks paralyze oil supply from Iraqi Kurdistan and Azerbaijan, Turkey will be left without energy and its economy will collapse with billion of dollars of damage.

Turkish economy is heavily integrated into global economy. If there is a war and mass mobilization, there might be huge capital flight and economic crises in Turkey.

Also democracies like Turkey have much less tolerance for casualties, economic pain and total mobilization than dictatorships or unique, mixed political systems like Iran. It will be very hard for Erdogan to sell total war, economic pain and full mobilization to the Turkish people -probably anti-war demonstrations will paralyze Turkish state.

Anyway, it will be a disaster if there is a TOTAL WAR of massive scale in the region with mobilization of millions of troops because of small piece of rock in southern Armenia.

Three major powers of the Caucasus: Russia, Iran and Turkey should agree to maintain status quo in the region for the purpose of preserving peace and preventing World War I style escalation with catastrophic consequences for everyone.
the most funny thing is this **** head thinks they don't have anti radiation missiles, o u son of a bitch, TB2s with koral ew will **** away all the AA iranian systems and keep in mind the article 5 of nato, u son of bitch!!
from istanbul tha pawaa erdogan lava

^ literally this thread
Turkey and azarbaijan want cut our border with Armenia. Then we can't trade with northern countries like russia.

Its a jews plan to isolate Iran and jewish bitch(baku) is actress

That will never happen, most likely Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia will reach an agreement to use the border area for trade and economical development. Russia and Armenia will never agree and even if Azerbaijan takes it by force, the western nations will never accept it and sanctions will follow etc.

Regarding Azerbaijan or Turkey having relations with Israel, well Iran maintains relations with India despite Indian anti Muslim stance and having close relations with USA and Israel. Turkey just wants land access to all Turk nations.
Azerbaijan already occupies some km of Armenian land and hasn't left already.

Azerbaijan is occupying parts of the Syunik and Gegharkunik provinces adjacent to the Armenia–Azerbaijan border: between 50-215 square kilometers of Armenian territory [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
Iranians are very patient as our handicraft "carpet" ...it takes time but outcome is outstanding.
isreal is seeking engaging Iran in wars and Iran knows it very well and would do whatever it takes to address issues through diplomatic ways ... remember in Syria they were about to take Damascus airport and its runway was on direct fire ..
For sure Azarbayjan is after occupation of Armenia lands but Iran would not let it happen due to its consequences for Iran.

Iran dismisses ‘baseless’ reports on troop deployment on Azerbaijan border​

Iran has dismissed as “baseless” reports about the deployment of its troops on the northern border with Azerbaijan under the current tense circumstances in the South Caucasus.

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces for International Cooperation Brigadier General Mohammad Ahadi addressed the allegations during an interview to Azerbaijani Press Agency (APA) on Sunday. The senior military official, leading an Iranian military delegation, was in Baku to participate in the Azerbaijan-Iran Joint Commission meeting.

These are “completely groundless” reports, he said, playing down suggestions that Iran sought to dispatch forces for engagement in a possible war between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Iran and Azerbaijan enjoy “very good” relations, he said.

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Baqeri and Azeri Defense Minister Colonel General Zakir Hasanov recently held a phone conversation over the situation in the region.

On Saturday, the Azerbaijani defense minister received the Iranian delegation and discussed the reconstruction work undertaken in the liberated territories under the leadership of Azerbaijan's President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev and the operational situation on the Azerbaijani-Armenian conditional border and in the Karabakh economic region.

There will be no war unlike some forum members here leadership of both states know potential risks but either way that corridor will be taken.

Not by force because its Armenian territory. It will lead to disaster for all surrounding nations, and Turkey wants economic development and trade, war is not good for economy. They will reach agreement with Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran to establish a joint economic zone for all nations. Iran certainly wouldn't have any objections.
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