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Turkish minister of foreign affairs warns Iran.

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I'm afraid this man is setting the whole region on fire. The consequences will be far wider than the South Caucasus.
He is. The majority of Armenians hate him. His supporters are mindless sheep,his cabinet is irrelevant to politics (if you've seen a thread I've made about how Armenia lost the war),the Russians are angry about him,at first he was extremely open to the borders and have a lot of trade with Turkey,he was positive to having peace with Azerbaijan,to the point that he was given Turkish nicknames by Armenians.

Now he went even more pro-Western and wants to fight.

By the way,right after the war,he won the elections with fraud. I've posted photos about that as well. After,he "won" the elections,he started becoming a dictator. He arrested Mayors,journalists,he sacked officers from the Army,he passed a law calling for the arrest of anyone insulting the president etc.
But I see Turkish Vs Irani conflict will heavily favour Greece Interests.
Of course. It would basically take them off our backs,tie them down for a period of time,no matter how long,have them lose equipment and money and see how good or bad their brand new weapons systems are.

Basically,since the economic crisis started here in 2009,the Armed Forces were neglected so much,that we were left behind. Add to that the stupid political games and indecisions of the 2000s,for example we never bought the Marder 1A3/1A5 we were supposed to buy,the 450 BMP-3 deal was cancelled,the Navy didn't order new frigates to replace the S class. There never was a serious intention to buy or develop UCAVs and we were left with a few indigenous Pegasus UAVs.

Just to let you understand the predicament of the Hellenic Armed Forces during the crisis:

"On 22 January 2009 the Hellenic Navy announced an order for six FREMM to replace an equal number of Elli-class frigates.[58] After the Greek government-debt crisis this was cut down to between two and four ships equipped with SCALP Naval, with France alleged to have offered them to Greece at no cost for the first five years. Germany objected to this deal in October 2011[59] and no deal has been signed. In February 2013 though and during the formal visit of the President of France, François Hollande, in Athens, according to press reports an agreement which includes the long-term leasing of two FREMM frigates (Normandie and Provence according to initial reports) to the Hellenic Navy has been reached.[60] On 12 January 2018 the Greek daily newspaper Kathimerini reported that the Greek government was set to enter talks with France regarding the procurement of two FREMM frigates, with an option for an additional two. Contacts between Greece and France were to begin initially at a military level, starting in February 2018.[61][62] In April 2018, Greek deputy Minister for National Defence Fotis Kouvelis stated that an agreement between France and Greece was reached for a five-year lease of two FREMM frigates, which could have been handed over as early as August 2018.[63] After a few days, on 25 April 2018 the Greek minister of Defense Panos Kammenos denied any information regarding the purchase of two frigates from France.[64] Eventually, Greece abandoned all plans for the purchase of FREMMs in 2019 and pursued with the smaller FDI Belharra multi-purpose frigates, offered by Naval Group.[65]"

So,as soon as the New Democracy government came to power in 2019 and the economy had become a bit better,they immidiately signed a deal for spare parts for the Mirage 2000,the F-16s,a lot of other airpanes and helicopters,they finally signed a deal with the Germans for the new torpedos (imagine,we had the best submarines in the region and not the latest torpedos for years). The Turkish Navy was planning to modernise and expand with new frigates,OPVs,submarines...our Navy which was the undefeated branch of our Armed forces for way more than a century,was left behind.

Everyone wanted grants. The Army wanted to upgrade the tanks,we had no IFVs (except for old ex-DDR BMP-1 Ost),they wanted UAVs,they wanted new helicopters,they wanted new AT weapons,they wanted new vehicles etc.
The Navy wanted new ships to replace all the S frigates and most of the FAC and maybe even some gunboats.

In the end,we got a deal for 24 Rafale F3R and the upgrade of some 83-84 F-16 to F-16V. The Navy got a deal for 3+1 FDI HN frigates,the Army got a deal for about 1200 M1117 Guardian from US surplus (so far we got 444) and 40 Marder 1A3 from Germany in exchange for BMP-1s for Ukraine.

In a similar way,Armenia stood and bought few modern weapons for 20 years. Of course,Armenians had a small budget,being a country of about 3,000,000 people that doesn't produce a lot,they just kept relying on old Soviet equipment.
They did buy some Iskander and some Tor-M2K,some others things too....but the majority of their arsenal was obsolete.

On the other hand...the Azeris had the money,the friends and the political will to buy so much modern weaponry. For some weird reason Armenia didn't cooperate a lot of with Iran. They could have bought so many things from Iran. I wonder if it was Russian pressure or them trying to look good to the Westerners or maybe they just thought if there was a war,Russia would protect them.
Turkey will not turn out stronger after a war with Iran thats for sure.
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