I don't think I need to hide my face as you won't really see it, sorry boys I can only post official releases. Which there's only one. I'm the one with the class president shoulder sleve insignia, unlike @
Sinan, I'm not a rambo at dress uniform
. I did not take any pics during military trainings.
Gebze yüksek tek. enstitüsüne gitmiştik. Valla adam saçma sapan bi şeyler anlatıyodu orda. Teğmen foto cekcez dinliyomuş gibi yapın dedi, ondan sonra da kimse sallamadı adamı tabii millet kafayı ordaki genç kızlara bozmuştu
from his rank and service ribbons. I can say that it's chief of staff Gen. ÖZEL
Slav Defence @
Armstrong you guys might want to check my post above