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Turkish FM warns Israel over response to new Gaza flotilla

Absolutely right. Keeps your heads down, work hard and dont interfere in other countries internal affairs.

Ok we will go into isolationist mode like Japan did once & while we are withdrawing from all other countries affairs we will pack up our bilateral trade links with you & our efforts to a permanent peace between Pak & India.

Is this what you want?
Think clearly: why Turkey CAN'T condemn NATO attacks on innocent Afghans including children and Pakistan soldiers illegally in intrusions?

Recently Pakistan soldiers died in the hand of NATO aggressive, Turkey just sit and barking at Israel, Israel will do consquences on Turkey in return and Holocaust/genocide Armenians playing drum in media.

If we are truly guilty of the Armenian genocide then Turkey will pay for her crimes, we are prepared for that but we demand an international study group with Turkish AND Armenian archives open (remember Kurdish academic Turkyilmaz?) and if necessary Russian archives.

So you want Turkey to tell America to stop bombing Pak? Should you not be addressing this complaint to America? or to NATO command?
he think's that by keeping a mahatma gandhi avatar, he can fool us

May be he is a 'false flag' Indian--which assumes all Indians automatically support everything Israel does-- but when you Indians get a break from kissing Israeli a$$ because of your animosity toward Pakistan and Islam then you may want to look up what your own Gandhi said about the Israeli-Arab conflict many decades ago. You Indians stand out as the single most Israeli a$$ kissers in a world where, outside of media influenced Americans, there is not much love left for Israeli brutality, land theft, and arrogance. And that world includes the 'anti-Semitic' Europeans in growing number and the large continent of South America.
Ok we will go into isolationist mode like Japan did once & while we are withdrawing from all other countries affairs we will pack up our bilateral trade links with you & our efforts to a permanent peace between Pak & India.

Is this what you want?

The bolded part is one reason, why i told to put down your head and work hard. It may not apply to you, but for us we need to grow strong internally. Are you sure you want to meddle in India Pak peace process. Remember its a vortex, It will suck down any countries involved. And you may have to pick sides..It isnt easy.

As for trade and business with India, the 2 govt can decide better. Nobody is asking either turkey or India to compromise.
as i said in another thread you are always blaming your opponents but you are the most radicalized and freak people in the ME..
Hamas uses covered women and kids for terror thats a shame.

he is not only an intellectual but Foreign Policy regarded him as one of the top 100 intellectuals..
Top 100 Public Intellectuals Poll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I dont see him in this list. Also when I checked this list i found that 10 first world intellectuals are Muslims. Thats how "objective" is that list. And 11th and 12th pace take Chomsky and Al Gore :rofl: Plz spare me of that joke list. Lets go to facts: Americans laught and Turkish foreign policies and his main idea of friendship with Syria miserably failed. Even you admit it.

its not problem when he shakes hands of the "sabra and shatila butcher".but its being problem when its about bashir.:no:
Sabra anbd Shatila is product of Syria. As well as other massacres of Palestinians.

hey ovarel, this is your turkish foreign minister??? is he arab??
Thats flotilla's "peace activist". Typical AKP supporter.
BTW, I don't think any Flotilla should go from Turkey to Israel. We should all strive to cool down and work together. There are huge upheavels in the Middle East these days and, I am pretty sure, the role of political Islam is going to diminish in the age of twitter, Face Book, and Arab Spring. The region is going to realize that trade and cooperation with each other is far better than conflicts.
Also, post Mubarak the Gaza crossings are also being fully and permanently opened. So no need to get into sea routes and potential conflicts especially with Obama seems focused on the Israeli-Palestinian peace.
Hamas uses covered women and kids for terror thats a shame.

Top 100 Public Intellectuals Poll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I dont see him in this list. Also when I checked this list i found that 10 first world intellectuals are Muslims. Thats how "objective" is that list. And 11th and 12th pace take Chomsky and Al Gore :rofl: Plz spare me of that joke list. Lets go to facts: Americans laught and Turkish foreign policies and his main idea of friendship with Syria miserably failed. Even you admit it.

Sabra anbd Shatila is product of Syria. As well as other massacres of Palestinians.

Thats flotilla's "peace activist". Typical AKP supporter.

you genius looking at the wrong list:lol:

here is the list:The FP Top 100 Global Thinkers | Foreign Policy

and "the sabra and shatila butcher":

I really like the idea that some Israelis comparing ME countries with Turkey and claiming that Turkey killed more children than any ME country. I mean, this superficial truth is coming from a country who were friends with Turkey until a mere 2 years ago.
I really like the idea that some Israelis comparing ME countries with Turkey and claiming that Turkey killed more children than any ME country. I mean, this superficial truth is coming from a country who were friends with Turkey until a mere 2 years ago.

also dont forget that the israeli lobby were supporting us about the so-called armenian genocide bills..look what they are saying now..what a bunch of hypocrites.
I really like the idea that some Israelis comparing ME countries with Turkey and claiming that Turkey killed more children than any ME country. I mean, this superficial truth is coming from a country who were friends with Turkey until a mere 2 years ago.
One who lives in glass house should not throw stones.
One who lives in glass house should not throw stones.
If you just wrote that because there are posts directed at Israel, this doesn't mean you have to make up facts just to respond.

If this is about Turkey, I lack to see any relevance.
If you just wrote that because there are posts directed at Israel, this doesn't mean you have to make up facts just to respond.

If this is about Turkey, I lack to see any relevance.

Look, it`s true we were once very good friends but the leadership in your country is,has and promises to to in the future to support our enemies. There are people like ovarel over there who just make it even worse spitting their hatred for Israel and you kinda lose hope that that friendship will ever come back, so you can understand why Israel is going to start paying back Turkey for this kindness.
Israel hasn`t ever recognized or even discussed the Armenian genocide up until now just a few days ago the Knesset started to discuss recognizing it, but i don`t think they will unless they are certain that all hope is lost in this once great friendship.
We were great friends with Iran once too.
i wish next time erodagon go with flotilla by his own self
and turk navy also go with him
Look, it`s true we were once very good friends but the leadership in your country is,has and promises to to in the future to support our enemies. There are people like ovarel over there who just make it even worse spitting their hatred for Israel and you kinda lose hope that that friendship will ever come back, so you can understand why Israel is going to start paying back Turkey for this kindness.
Israel hasn`t ever recognized or even discussed the Armenian genocide up until now just a few days ago the Knesset started to discuss recognizing it, but i don`t think they will unless they are certain that all hope is lost in this once great friendship.
We were great friends with Iran once too.
You blame the Turkish government which tried to mediate Israel and her "enemies" for years, but at the end of the day, who broke that mediation process and back stabbed Turkey at final stages of an agreement with Syria in early 2009? After all this efforts, should Turkey just get back to its corner and tell those negotiating parties who put their trust in Turkey, that "Sorry, we failed because Israel did this and that, we cant break any level of friendship, because, we are super cool friends with Israel and we have a big uncle that watches from up". Any self-respecting country would react the same way Turkey did.

Friendship with Iran and Israel was dictated by USA, as there was dictator King, who didn't listen any of its subjects demands. Kinda similar to what was the situation in ME. And look what's happening around the region right now.

Enemies of Israel is not gonna go away when you bomb them to the ground. With all the might of USA war machine, US had to integrate those which US called some years ago as "terrorist organizations" (excluding Al-Qaeda) in Iraq to political arena in order to establish a stability and not to marginalize those militant groups. Hamas, according to US and Israel, and several other countries, is a terrorist organization. But Tony Blair, head of ME Quartet, said that Hamas needs to be contacted for future of Palestinian state, as its and element of Palestinian society whether you like it or not. FYI, I'm not defending any of the violent acts of Hamas against unarmed Israeli civilians, but what I'm trying to say is, Hamas is more than a "terrorist" entity. There is also another side of the medallion.

PLO was a terrorist organization before 90's. What made PLO to officially not called as "terrorists" was those backdoor communications, behind the doors diplomacy. So Turkey does all of this for the stability of the region, because unstable ME economically is not that beneficial to us. This is why Turkey tried to connect those potentially problematic countries with economic ties. With economic integration, government thought, those countries would not act in a violent behavior. It is a long term goal, even if you see problems in all of those ME countries that Turkey tried to apply this policy, in the long run this will greatly effect the region. Just look at what Germany and France did after WW2.

So, it feels like a hypocrisy when you claim that Turkish government just wanted to make those "friendships" for the purpose of hindering Israel's safety or stability.
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