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Turkish FM warns Israel over response to new Gaza flotilla

The problem is if the government does stop the civilian IHH group then people and media in the Western World will complain that "oh look Turkey does not respect civilian rights, democratic freedom of expression, freedom of movement etc..", in this situation Turkey is stuck either:

1. Stop the civilian organization (a registered aid organization) from launching a flotilla intended to aid Palestinians.
2. Allow them to send the aid they collect in concert with many other charities to Palestine, like how they did in 2010.

Doing option 1 will be a PR nightmare for us & option 2 will most likely result in more cold blooded murder on the high seas. People should also be aware that "convincing" them not to do it is out of the question as that will result in scenario 1.

If Turkey is to start controlling her NGOs then the Western world should start controlling aspects of their own society such as:

1. Throwing the "civilian" (hate promoter) Let's burn a Koran day organizer disgusting American priest in jail.
2. Throw the danish cartoon artist who made a graphical representation of our prophet in jail.
3. Dethrone the pope for claiming Islam was spread by the sword.

All 3 instances above sparked condemnation by the East, ie: the West should not complain if civilian NGOs in Turkey, Pakistan or even Afghanistan start doing what they feel like because they suddenly have the capability to do so. The West cannot promote their model of a free society to the Muslim world and then expect us to reign in non Western World centric organization just because it does not flow with their global agendas and plans.
its just a coward statement, turkey did nothing before too

Are you sure they did nothing?

FYI Israel is no longer getting open skies to train her pilots, intelligence on Iran, fresh water, isolation in international issues where Turkey has political clout (case in point: demanding NATO missile shield not to target Iran specifically, see Sarkozy crying), no ally in the region that is a counter balance to hostile powers to Israel (Turkey & Israel were allies preventing an encirclement by Russia & Arab states but now Israel is alone and encircled).

The above are only confirmed negative impacts on Israel, who knows what else Turkey will do in the long run (maybe once Gokturk mil sat is up and running sell locations of Israeli nuke silo's to Iran:P). Turkish policy now is to further isolate Israel forcing her people to wake up and elect a government more open to compromise and peace.

Declaring war is not a game, the lives of the many people that will die are carefully considered by nations before such a declaration is made believe it or not but politicians (especially in military conscription nations) do understand that for every soldier who dies in a war a family is broken as a result.

The real world issue of one nation declaring war on another is not a PS3 or Xbox game and response must be on a scaled basis & frankly Turks are not Greek fanatics with dreams of grandeur of reclaiming their mythical city of Constantinopolis. The fact is a war wont be declared for the death of 9 civilians but if the entire flotilla was sunk with all hands lost then the declaration of war will not be a question.

Policy of isolation in this case to Israel's actions in 2010 are the proper course even though this may be painful to hear for our Palestinian brothers and sisters.
I hope this time turkey do something about it if anything is done to the flotilla, hopefully israel won't do nothing but lets see if anything happens.
I was really angry about the last time it happened and I wish turkey would have done something about it.
Inshallah they will get their safely anyway.
Think clearly: why Turkey CAN'T condemn NATO attacks on innocent Afghans including children and Pakistan soldiers illegally in intrusions?

Recently Pakistan soldiers died in the hand of NATO aggressive, Turkey just sit and barking at Israel, Israel will do consquences on Turkey in return and Holocaust/genocide Armenians playing drum in media.
Think clearly: why Turkey CAN'T condemn NATO attacks on innocent Afghans including children and Pakistan soldiers illegally in intrusions?

Recently Pakistan soldiers died in the hand of NATO aggressive, Turkey just sit and barking at Israel, Israel will do consquences on Turkey in return and Holocaust/genocide Armenians playing drum in media.

Absolutely right. Keeps your heads down, work hard and dont interfere in other countries internal affairs.
How can you Indians support a terrorist state like Israel? India really has to make a choice either you are friends with Israel, whose influence is falling drastically every year, or Turkey whose influence and power is growing immensely every year.

Bollywoodreamers are supporting Israel simply because Israel is selling its latest military hardware, technologies and WMD to India. Thats the reasons while India is supporting Israel. All Indian Government is keen to purchase all the military stuff of the World, in the 80's it was Russian military equipment, now it is Western and Israeli military equipment.
Bollywoodreamers are supporting Israel simply because Israel is selling its latest military hardware, technologies and WMD to India. Thats the reasons while India is supporting Israel. All Indian Government is keen to purchase all the military stuff of the World, in the 80's it was Russian military equipment, now it is Western and Israeli military equipment.

i can understand being in good relations with israel in int politics..but indians here acting like more pro-israel than the israelis..they have a good reputation in the eyes of world because of various reasons but they are killing it despite they will need it when they decide to be more effective in the world..
Turkish FM is confused as usual. This is what they said not long time ago:

Turkey to Israel: Flotilla Not Our 'Concern'

His policy of kissing up to Syria miserably failed:



Now they send another procotaion flotilla with expired medicines to Gaza while civilians in neighbour Syria are being slaughtered. Pathetic..
No, Turkey won`t engage Israel militarily. I`m pretty sure they`ll just go to UNSC or cut diplomatic ties permanently. Though we both would lose about 1.5 Billion dollars if they also cut import/export ties, but i don`t see that happening, Turks and Israelis like good business no matter the politics.
Are you sure they did nothing?

FYI Israel is no longer getting open skies to train her pilots, intelligence on Iran, fresh water, isolation in international issues where Turkey has political clout (case in point: demanding NATO missile shield not to target Iran specifically, see Sarkozy crying), no ally in the region that is a counter balance to hostile powers to Israel (Turkey & Israel were allies preventing an encirclement by Russia & Arab states but now Israel is alone and encircled).

The above are only confirmed negative impacts on Israel, who knows what else Turkey will do in the long run (maybe once Gokturk mil sat is up and running sell locations of Israeli nuke silo's to Iran:P). Turkish policy now is to further isolate Israel forcing her people to wake up and elect a government more open to compromise and peace.

Declaring war is not a game, the lives of the many people that will die are carefully considered by nations before such a declaration is made believe it or not but politicians (especially in military conscription nations) do understand that for every soldier who dies in a war a family is broken as a result.

The real world issue of one nation declaring war on another is not a PS3 or Xbox game and response must be on a scaled basis & frankly Turks are not Greek fanatics with dreams of grandeur of reclaiming their mythical city of Constantinopolis. The fact is a war wont be declared for the death of 9 civilians but if the entire flotilla was sunk with all hands lost then the declaration of war will not be a question.

Policy of isolation in this case to Israel's actions in 2010 are the proper course even though this may be painful to hear for our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

mr tyab erdogun actually thought of sending his naval battle ships to protect the flotilla and to react to any attacks
Ovarel's dictionary: not sucking to Arabs = suck to Israel.

he is pointing to the fact many indians come here in an israeli flag and appearing as israeli, their posts usually bust them out..
turks and pakistanis are a hand in hand in all difficult times turkey will go ahead if anymore turks killed or wounded and pakistan should give turkey 10 -20 nukes for a nuclear umbrella against israel in case of conflict
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Turkish FM is confused as usual. This is what they said not long time ago:

Turkey to Israel: Flotilla Not Our 'Concern'

His policy of kissing up to Syria miserably failed:



Now they send another procotaion flotilla with expired medicines to Gaza while civilians in neighbour Syria are being slaughtered. Pathetic..

first off,dont confuse our intellectual FM with your bouncer FM..second off,you are the pathetic since you have to defend your child-murderer country..

now about the syrian dissent..despite everything essad is a very important dynamic in syria and he also has many supporters..turkish policy-makers believe essad must be more successful in the reform process,he unfortunately failed..there are many radicals in the baath regime and essad is the most moderate..without essad there will probably be a major civil war sunnis,shias,and kurds..that would be a nightmare for syria and for Turkey because many people would die and hundreds of thousand people would go inside of our borders..and to be honest we dont want the usa and israel takes advantage of this dissent and involve in syria..turkey isnt jumping into the wagon of the west and israel..go cry somewhere else.
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