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Turkish Engine Programs

I read somewere indigenous Trucks and Buses will be equippt with Diesel Engines developed by Tümosan, is this True ?

The name of project is national powerpack containing development of engine family starting from 1500hp engine+transmission. Family is going to enlarge with less powerfull engines to be used on smaller military/civilian vehicles.
The name of project is national powerpack containing development of engine family starting from 1500hp engine+transmission. Family is going to enlarge with less powerfull engines to be used on smaller military/civilian vehicles.

As far I know these Engines are 250 and 450 HP Diesel Engines and will be ready in 2015 !
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1500hp powerpack project will be signed in first part of 2015. Schedule foreseens 6 years of development.

Any word on which foreign company will be giving technical assistance ?

Also turboshaft engine will take 3-4 years to develop, with certification process can take upto 8 years.
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Bro. at the beginning they were talking about 1800 hp indigenous engine. I remember this was told before tender result. Why they decreased it to 1500 hp ?

It maybe the milage. 1800hp must be a gas guzzler. Maybe later versions / batches will have it.
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Source for that ?

Savunma sanayi için ilk yerli tank güç grubunu geliştirecek firma olma onuruna erişen TÜMOSAN, belirlenen sürede ALTAY Tankı için güç grubunun tasarlanması, geliştirilmesi, prototiplerinin üretilmesi ve ALTAY Tankına entegre edilerek kalifiye edilmesini gerçekleştirecek. ALTAY Tankı Güç Grubu dizel motor ve hidromekanik transmisyon tasarım yeteneğini kazanacak. Geliştirme süreci içerisinde TÜMOSAN 1500 BG tank motorları da dahil olmak üzere 300-1600 beygir gücü aralığında dizel motor ve hidromekanik transmisyon tasarım yeteneğine sahip olacak.

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Bro, he said "As far I know these Engines are 250 and 450 HP Diesel Engines and will be ready in 2015 !"

How do we now that these engines will be ready in 2015 ? Assumption ?

Oh sorry i thought it was about variants of engine...
Here I have a Source, but in German Language !

Source for that ?

Erster Schritt für heimisches Fahrzeug von TÜMOSAN
Yeni Safak titelt mit der Überschrift “Erster Schritt für heimisches Fahrzeug von TÜMOSAN” und schreibt, dass die Türkische Motor- und Traktor-Industrie (TÜMOSAN), die den ersten inländischen Dieselmotor in der Türkei hergestellt habe, beabsichtige 2015 Motoren auf den Markt zu bringen, die in LKWs und Busse eingebaut werden sollen. Die Motoren werden zu einhundert Prozent aus der heimischen Produktion sein, heißt es in der Meldung weiter. TÜMOSAN Generaldirektor Kurtulus Ögün sagte, dass das Unternehmen über diese Technologie verfüge und wenn das umgesetzt werde, man sich dem EU-Markt öffnen werde.

MiGAZIN - Migration und Integration in Deutschland
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Why didn't Turkey looked at Ukrainian engines they have wide variety of engines which they can offer plus why didn't you looked at the engines used by the South Koreans since this tank was JV between you guys?
Why didn't Turkey looked at Ukrainian engines they have wide variety of engines which they can offer plus why didn't you looked at the engines used by the South Koreans since this tank was JV between you guys?

We wanted cooperation with Mitsubishi which didn't come true. It is better to make your own if you can. It my take some time but the learning process is valuable in it's own right. You create a bigger value and keep your money in your pocket.
We wanted cooperation with Mitsubishi which didn't come true. It is better to make your own if you can. It my take some time but the learning process is valuable in it's own right. You create a bigger value and keep your money in your pocket.
Sure thing!
By the way I just did a scaling up from 60 tons to 65 tons of the Leopard engine and found that it should be 1600hp to give the same performance. How did the 1800hp figure come up, I have no idea. I remeber it being cited at the beginning though.

1600hp figure makes better sense when we think about the news where it is cited that Tümosan will gain capabilities of 300-1600hp engines and including 1500hp tank engines. I reckon the 1500 figure is a round, ballpark figure that defines a range belonging to a certain class of tanks. So I am tempted to believe that the Tümosan engine will have a power rating of between 1500 and 1600 hp. We can comfortably assume that when you build an engine the only difference between an engine of a certain power rating and one with just 6.7% higher should be about sizing, easy.
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