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Turkish Engine Programs

Do you know that they also supported pkk? FOught againstt osman pamukoglu?

Who published photos of ilker basbug (a clear muslim) with a tricky crying wall game?
Do you know that they also supported pkk? FOught againstt osman pamukoglu?
Do you know that european countries fought most with each other than with other countries?

Ah, those dammed traitors, members of the republic of hell, sold their souls and nationalities and created a union called European Union.. How evil and dumb they must be, letting the past go and creating friendships with decent minded old enemies.. /s
Before of all they were together against muslim world remember? ROMAN EMPIRE ... ALL. so we did. we were as strong as roman empire who ruled them.
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Before of all they were together against muslim world remember? ROMAN EMPIRE FUCKED ALL. so we did.
They were eating eachother while they fought with the muslim world.

Check all the historical wars, they fought with each other more than they fought with muslims.
I guess you don't have access to google. Let me help clearing your doubts with a simplier way for you:

@uratM brother, your posts are way off-topic. Please adhere to the rules.
I don't expect any word else from a dog of republic of hell's citizens'. I dont say this, my prophet Hz. Muhammet (S.A.V.) warned us.

Don't insult respectable and friendly members. Keep your hatred words about races/countries/religions for yourself dude. This forum is to talk military matters and This thread is about Turkish engine developments.
. .
Okay, guys. I have translated the LAHİKA-A project topics regarding to the planned gas turbine engine project.

Gas Turbine Engine
In terms of content DKTM projects (aerodynamics, metallurgy, structural and certification) divided into four main groups.
In each group's engine-related components have been indicated in parentheses.

1.1 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analyzer Development (Compressor & Turbine)
Engine manufacturers all over the world, especially in Turbomachinery design, use their own original CFD analyzer
and develop these analyzers to design competitive engines.

In the rig testing centers which will be installed prior to turboshaft engine program, all the necessary test data will be gathered to improve the analyzer. Accordingly, CFD analyzer will be developed and will be improved by the incoming data from the rig tests. Goal of this CFD analyzer is to create an analyzer which will be an alternative to the commercial code that will be used in the first stage of the turboshaft engine program. Then the use of these codes will directly take place in the future engine design activities.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. 2D RANS analyzer development: 2D RANS analyzer development (by using a commercial mesh generator )and , making a comparison of the blade profiles which will be tested for the turboshaft project.

ii. Mesh generator development

iii. 3D RANS analyzer development: 3D RANS analyzer development (by using a commercial mesh generator )and , making a comparison of the blade profiles which will be tested for the turboshaft project.

iv. Validation: Validation of the original code with data obtained from rig testing and the necessary improvements will be done.

1.2 Blade Geometry Optimization (Compressor & Turbine)
To achieve a turbomachinery design with a high performance, design parameters which will impact the overall design must be known very well. This project will help the designer to investigate the effects of these parameters. The design optimization software will be developed to enable improvement.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. 2D Blade Optimization: To reduce the aerodynamic losses of two-dimensional blade model, an optimization software will be developed. From the literature,a blade profile with the known details (eg VKI-LS89 blade profile for Turbine) will be selected for the model. The aerodynamic performance of the model will be determined by using CFD software and results will be compared with literature data. Developed software will be used to improve the performance of the selected model

ii. 3D Blade Optimization: Aim is to develop the necessary tools to optimize the performance of 3d model of the blade.
Three-dimensional geometry of a fin will be created by using the model selected as a two-dimensional optimization
The performance of this geometry will be determined by CFD software and it's aerodynamic performance aimed to improved by to be developed software.

1.3 CFD Analysis Applications (Combustion Chamber - RANS, LES, Ignition, conjugate heat transfer, Flame Stability)
In combustion modeling and numerical analysis, realistic analysis of the turbulence-combustion interaction and in terms of detailed studying of time-dependent effects, LES (Large Eddy Simulation) approach has become a powerful tool in both academic and industrial fields.LES method has a critical importance in the simulations of the events like Ignition, flame stability. As a result of this R&D work, It being expected to develop the methods and applications following below. The methods to be developed are expected to be oriented in to the actual application.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Determination of reactive LES methodology: To determine the reactive flow which occurs in the combustion chamber by using LES modeling methods with applying appropriate fuel type and chemistry. Applying the developed methodology on a actual operating conditions of a combustion chamber model .

ii. Modeling of Transient Combustion Event: Modeling of ignition, flame stability and combustion/deflation events which occurs instantaneously in the combustion chamber by LES methods.

iii. Conjugate Heat Transfer Solutions: To Identify the combustion-induced heating that occurs in the combustion chamber walls by conjugate heat transfer solutions . Determining the impact of the reactive flow solution to the wall temperature.

1.4 Fuel Injector Development (Combustion Chamber - Design, Analysis, Production, Testing)
One of the most important factor that is affecting the actual combustion and flow characteristics in the gas turbine combustion chamber is the fuel injector. Because of their special design fuel injectors provide at a desired diameter of fuel droplets, flow rate ,cone angle, speed, fuel outlet. Within the scope of the project, a suitable liquid fuel injector is required to be designed

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Design: Analytical methods that has been used in the design process, developed codes , implemented CFD analysis to be presented in detail and to transform the design methodology into a repeatable process.
ii. Production: The production of the designed nozzle. Submission of the production drawings and manufacturing of details of the injectors. Determining different production methods can be used.
iii. Test: produced by the injector give the desired flow rate and the target pressure range shown with a uniform atomisation test was carried out. The realization of the characterization tests carried out without burning hot and the investigation of the performance in a test environment where the injector is burning.

1.5 Impeller-Diffuser Interaction (radial compressor)
To achieve low fuel consumption in 1000-1500hp class turbo shaft engines,compressors that have high compression ratio and a high efficiency are needed. However, compressors that are simple, with less parts and easy to manufacture are being preferred in engines of this class. In helicopter applications due to the exposure of high inlet distortion, designs with high stall margin and long-lasting designs are important. In these engines, radial compressors are being preferred as they can more easily meet these demands.
In this project impeller-diffuser interaction which is one of the most important issues for the radial compressors will be investigated experimentally and numerically.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Numeric: In This study, development of the CFD analysis model, doing three-dimensional CFD analysis of the model, and comparing the CDF analysis with test results are being planned

ii. Experimental: Experimental studies will be performed in the test rig "TJ-90 turbojet engine Centrifugal Compressor Design Optimization" which will be set up within the scope of SanTez (industrial theses support program which is being supported by government). The data obtained from the experiments will be used to compare with the numerical analysis.

1.6 High Performance Blade Tip Zone Design (Turbine)
The project aims primarily to understand the physics of the flow in the turbine rotor tip. Work will begin as experimental and in line with the conclusions made, the necessary methodology will be established for the modelling of this critical region by CFD. In the later stages of the study, analysis of the geometry to reduce the aerodynamic performance losses will be done by numeric methods.
Performance results of the best model will be shown with experimental activities. Experimental work to be done under the project will be carried out using turboshaft engine program to be established within the HPT cascade test rig.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Experimental investigation of the flow in the blade tip region for different clearances: different types of geometry found in the literature will be examined and detailed flow characteristics of the selected model's tip region will be determined. Works will be performed experimentally in the HPT cascade test rig. In this way, the physics of the flow from the high-pressure region to the low pressure region is aimed to be understood.

ii. Developing methods for the tip region CFD analysis: Best methodology to reflect the loss mechanisms in tip region will be established. The CFD analysis method which will solve the experimental tests correctly, is going be studied

iii. Determination of the high-performance tip model: Alternative tip geometry will be studied by using the CFD methodology that has been developed . The model that provides the best performance increase will be determined.

iv. Experimental characterization of the new design: Performance of selected new tip region will be experimentally determined. Experimental work will be carried in the HPT cascade testing rig. The performance increase will be experimentally determined by pressure measurement at the outlet and flow visualization techniques which will be applied on the tip region.

1.7 Effective cooling of the blade tip region (Turbine)
At high temperatures, turbine end regions is one of the fastest regions get damaged . This project aims to reduce the temperature of this region and developing a cooling design which is expected to make cooling more effective by using less cooling air. Experimental work to be done will be carried out by the HPT cascade test rig which will be established within the scope of the project.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Tip cooling concept design: The cooling configurations and the cooling methods which will be applied on to the tip geometry will be determined. Effective mechanisms in these methods will be understood and the configuration to increase the cooling efficiency will be established.

ii. Aerodynamic analysis: Alternative cooling configurations can be applied to the tip region shall be determined. These configurations will be determined by the flow properties analysis method. The model of the best alternative, will be tested in the HPT cascade testing rig and analysis results will be verified.

iii. Cooling Efficiency: The analysis methodology for determining the cooling efficiency will be improved by literature information. The cooling efficiency of the specified configurations will be determined by the analysis method. The model of the best alternative, will be tested in the HPT cascade testing rig and analysis results will be verified.

1.8 Cooling Performance Prediction (Turbine)
Determining the metal temperature of turbine blades under combustion chamber conditions and developing the code used for the determination of metal temperatures is being aimed. Design methodology's reliability is being aimed to increased, before the test of the engine.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Metal temperature prediction for cooled blade model: Temperature distribution of the inner-cooled turbine blades will be experimentally measured under similar conditions to the combustor exit temperature. Temperature levels in different regions will be determined and compared with predicted temperatures in the design. The test shall be repeated for different gas temperatures.

ii. Development of the code that calculates metal temperatures: A software that calculates metal temperatures according to the temperature distribution obtained from the tests will be developed. This software will calculate the metal temperatures, independently from the prior CFD analysis.

I will continue translating with the metallurgy part when i got free time again.

@SOHEIL @Bubblegum Crisis this might interest you.
Okay, guys. I have translated the LAHİKA-A project topics regarding to the planned gas turbine engine project.

Gas Turbine Engine
In terms of content DKTM projects (aerodynamics, metallurgy, structural and certification) divided into four main groups.
In each group's engine-related components have been indicated in parentheses.

1.1 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analyzer Development (Compressor & Turbine)
Engine manufacturers all over the world, especially in Turbomachinery design, use their own original CFD analyzer
and develop these analyzers to design competitive engines.

In the rig testing centers which will be installed prior to turboshaft engine program, all the necessary test data will be gathered to improve the analyzer. Accordingly, CFD analyzer will be developed and will be improved by the incoming data from the rig tests. Goal of this CFD analyzer is to create an analyzer which will be an alternative to the commercial code that will be used in the first stage of the turboshaft engine program. Then the use of these codes will directly take place in the future engine design activities.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. 2D RANS analyzer development: 2D RANS analyzer development (by using a commercial mesh generator )and , making a comparison of the blade profiles which will be tested for the turboshaft project.

ii. Mesh generator development

iii. 3D RANS analyzer development: 3D RANS analyzer development (by using a commercial mesh generator )and , making a comparison of the blade profiles which will be tested for the turboshaft project.

iv. Validation: Validation of the original code with data obtained from rig testing and the necessary improvements will be done.

1.2 Blade Geometry Optimization (Compressor & Turbine)
To achieve a turbomachinery design with a high performance, design parameters which will impact the overall design must be known very well. This project will help the designer to investigate the effects of these parameters. The design optimization software will be developed to enable improvement.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. 2D Blade Optimization: To reduce the aerodynamic losses of two-dimensional blade model, an optimization software will be developed. From the literature,a blade profile with the known details (eg VKI-LS89 blade profile for Turbine) will be selected for the model. The aerodynamic performance of the model will be determined by using CFD software and results will be compared with literature data. Developed software will be used to improve the performance of the selected model

ii. 3D Blade Optimization: Aim is to develop the necessary tools to optimize the performance of 3d model of the blade.
Three-dimensional geometry of a fin will be created by using the model selected as a two-dimensional optimization
The performance of this geometry will be determined by CFD software and it's aerodynamic performance aimed to improved by to be developed software.

1.3 CFD Analysis Applications (Combustion Chamber - RANS, LES, Ignition, conjugate heat transfer, Flame Stability)
In combustion modeling and numerical analysis, realistic analysis of the turbulence-combustion interaction and in terms of detailed studying of time-dependent effects, LES (Large Eddy Simulation) approach has become a powerful tool in both academic and industrial fields.LES method has a critical importance in the simulations of the events like Ignition, flame stability. As a result of this R&D work, It being expected to develop the methods and applications following below. The methods to be developed are expected to be oriented in to the actual application.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Determination of reactive LES methodology: To determine the reactive flow which occurs in the combustion chamber by using LES modeling methods with applying appropriate fuel type and chemistry. Applying the developed methodology on a actual operating conditions of a combustion chamber model .

ii. Modeling of Transient Combustion Event: Modeling of ignition, flame stability and combustion/deflation events which occurs instantaneously in the combustion chamber by LES methods.

iii. Conjugate Heat Transfer Solutions: To Identify the combustion-induced heating that occurs in the combustion chamber walls by conjugate heat transfer solutions . Determining the impact of the reactive flow solution to the wall temperature.

1.4 Fuel Injector Development (Combustion Chamber - Design, Analysis, Production, Testing)
One of the most important factor that is affecting the actual combustion and flow characteristics in the gas turbine combustion chamber is the fuel injector. Because of their special design fuel injectors provide at a desired diameter of fuel droplets, flow rate ,cone angle, speed, fuel outlet. Within the scope of the project, a suitable liquid fuel injector is required to be designed

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Design: Analytical methods that has been used in the design process, developed codes , implemented CFD analysis to be presented in detail and to transform the design methodology into a repeatable process.
ii. Production: The production of the designed nozzle. Submission of the production drawings and manufacturing of details of the injectors. Determining different production methods can be used.
iii. Test: produced by the injector give the desired flow rate and the target pressure range shown with a uniform atomisation test was carried out. The realization of the characterization tests carried out without burning hot and the investigation of the performance in a test environment where the injector is burning.

1.5 Impeller-Diffuser Interaction (radial compressor)
To achieve low fuel consumption in 1000-1500hp class turbo shaft engines,compressors that have high compression ratio and a high efficiency are needed. However, compressors that are simple, with less parts and easy to manufacture are being preferred in engines of this class. In helicopter applications due to the exposure of high inlet distortion, designs with high stall margin and long-lasting designs are important. In these engines, radial compressors are being preferred as they can more easily meet these demands.
In this project impeller-diffuser interaction which is one of the most important issues for the radial compressors will be investigated experimentally and numerically.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Numeric: In This study, development of the CFD analysis model, doing three-dimensional CFD analysis of the model, and comparing the CDF analysis with test results are being planned

ii. Experimental: Experimental studies will be performed in the test rig "TJ-90 turbojet engine Centrifugal Compressor Design Optimization" which will be set up within the scope of SanTez (industrial theses support program which is being supported by government). The data obtained from the experiments will be used to compare with the numerical analysis.

1.6 High Performance Blade Tip Zone Design (Turbine)
The project aims primarily to understand the physics of the flow in the turbine rotor tip. Work will begin as experimental and in line with the conclusions made, the necessary methodology will be established for the modelling of this critical region by CFD. In the later stages of the study, analysis of the geometry to reduce the aerodynamic performance losses will be done by numeric methods.
Performance results of the best model will be shown with experimental activities. Experimental work to be done under the project will be carried out using turboshaft engine program to be established within the HPT cascade test rig.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Experimental investigation of the flow in the blade tip region for different clearances: different types of geometry found in the literature will be examined and detailed flow characteristics of the selected model's tip region will be determined. Works will be performed experimentally in the HPT cascade test rig. In this way, the physics of the flow from the high-pressure region to the low pressure region is aimed to be understood.

ii. Developing methods for the tip region CFD analysis: Best methodology to reflect the loss mechanisms in tip region will be established. The CFD analysis method which will solve the experimental tests correctly, is going be studied

iii. Determination of the high-performance tip model: Alternative tip geometry will be studied by using the CFD methodology that has been developed . The model that provides the best performance increase will be determined.

iv. Experimental characterization of the new design: Performance of selected new tip region will be experimentally determined. Experimental work will be carried in the HPT cascade testing rig. The performance increase will be experimentally determined by pressure measurement at the outlet and flow visualization techniques which will be applied on the tip region.

1.7 Effective cooling of the blade tip region (Turbine)
At high temperatures, turbine end regions is one of the fastest regions get damaged . This project aims to reduce the temperature of this region and developing a cooling design which is expected to make cooling more effective by using less cooling air. Experimental work to be done will be carried out by the HPT cascade test rig which will be established within the scope of the project.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Tip cooling concept design: The cooling configurations and the cooling methods which will be applied on to the tip geometry will be determined. Effective mechanisms in these methods will be understood and the configuration to increase the cooling efficiency will be established.

ii. Aerodynamic analysis: Alternative cooling configurations can be applied to the tip region shall be determined. These configurations will be determined by the flow properties analysis method. The model of the best alternative, will be tested in the HPT cascade testing rig and analysis results will be verified.

iii. Cooling Efficiency: The analysis methodology for determining the cooling efficiency will be improved by literature information. The cooling efficiency of the specified configurations will be determined by the analysis method. The model of the best alternative, will be tested in the HPT cascade testing rig and analysis results will be verified.

1.8 Cooling Performance Prediction (Turbine)
Determining the metal temperature of turbine blades under combustion chamber conditions and developing the code used for the determination of metal temperatures is being aimed. Design methodology's reliability is being aimed to increased, before the test of the engine.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Metal temperature prediction for cooled blade model: Temperature distribution of the inner-cooled turbine blades will be experimentally measured under similar conditions to the combustor exit temperature. Temperature levels in different regions will be determined and compared with predicted temperatures in the design. The test shall be repeated for different gas temperatures.

ii. Development of the code that calculates metal temperatures: A software that calculates metal temperatures according to the temperature distribution obtained from the tests will be developed. This software will calculate the metal temperatures, independently from the prior CFD analysis.

I will continue translating with the metallurgy part when i got free time again.

@SOHEIL @Bubblegum Crisis this might interest you.

I had several days of forum outage due to a computer meltdown...

I quickly went through the text and I would recommend a study and R&D of active tip clearance technologies which is one of the latest R&D subjects of turbine technologies.
I had several days of forum outage due to a computer meltdown...
I quickly went through the text and I would recommend a study and R&D of active tip clearance technologies which is one of the latest R&D subjects of turbine technologies.

Wanna explain "active tip clearence"? a general explanation, pros and cons will be good.--


Anyone remeber "Inci Project" ? Development of Titanium Casting Technologies.

It seems like project have been finished and Gür metal acquired the capability to cast titanium. Also, in 2016 Gür metal will start casting Nickel alloys.... which reminds me Tubitak's nickel based single crytal superalloy project which started in 2012.

Gür Metal'in yeni yatırım projeleri de hızla devam etmektedir. Gür Metal’in yeni projeleri Titanyum ve Nikel alaşımların hassas döküm yöntemi ile üretilmesidir. Titanyum vakum döküm 2015 yılı itibari ile devreye girmiş olup Nikel alaşımların dökümü için 2016 yılı hedeflenmektedir. Gür Metal vakum döküm projeleri için 9.000 m2'lik yeni bina inşaatini bitirmişti
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Wanna explain "active tip clearence"? a general explanation, pros and cons will be good.--


Anyone remeber "Inci Project" ? Development of Titanium Casting Technologies.

It seems like project have been finished and Gür metal acquired the capability to cast titanium. Also, in 2016 Gür metal will start casting Nickel alloys.... which reminds me Tubitak's nickel based single crytal superalloy project which started in 2012.


Tip clearance is the clearence between the tip of an axial compressor turbine engine's compressor blade tip and the casing that encases the compressor assembly. The clearing size is critical in that you want the clearing as small as possible for the best efficiency to avoid unwanted airflow that may cause inenficiencies in the flow of air between stages. Those unwanted flows may cause blade stalls in which case the engine may loose power to the degree that the engine may have to be restarted if the loss of power effects many stages, imagine this happening during a dogfight. There is a trade off between designing this clearance too tight and having best efficiency and risking the blade tip rubbing against the casing when thermal changes during operation and centrifugal forces causes the blades to elongate in which case you may cause a catastrophic failure altogather. Basicly you want the best efficiency for the entire engine power profile. How you manage the trade off is the art of fight in this modern age comparable to the cutting age swordmaking of the olden times.
Guys i sent this post to T/F-X thread but what do you think about metallurgy side of thrust vectoring nozzles ?.. This nozzles should have very high temperature resistance... Can we make such a thing with our capacity or with projects going on ?..

I think our jet must have thrust vectoring nozzles...

And i think PAK FA's nozzles are far better... F-22 has only 2 way nozzles (up & down) but PAK FA has 360 degrees nozzles... With this nozzles our jet will have a superb agility...

Guys i sent this post to T/F-X thread but what do you think about metallurgy side of thrust vectoring nozzles ?.. This nozzles should have very high temperature resistance... Can we make such a thing with our capacity or with projects going on ?..

I believe this issue is not so critical because marginal deformation in the structure of the nozzles won't really affect its operation. Well, this is a comperative assesment comparing to more critical parts of the plane and engine. You want the minimal weight and maximum performance which I believe will be the only criterion in this case.
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