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Turkish Engine Programs

I didn't understand the "soon" part....how long is soon ? :D

Erke guys' "soon" has been 9 years. :lol:

I will personally email the guy if no news comes out in 9 months. Finally an inventor that speaks my mother tongue. Over and out.
I will personally email the guy if no news comes out in 9 months. Finally an inventor that speaks my mother tongue. Over and out.

If you really want to see a Turkish inventor...see Necmettin Erbakan's works. You would be surprised.

The engine developed by him is still being used in the agriculture fields.
Mate that primitive one cylinder engine has no applications in the defence industry.

Long time ago in 50s a turkish engineer/scientist developed an engine, with new efficiency increasing mechanism, some guys also responded same as you on that machine and finally Rolls-Royce bought patent rights of that machine to use parts of it in their own machines.

Your saying is quite similar to also some people who considers pure science studies as useless to develop technology ,but thats wrong; pure science (similar to what this man developed) is like a dough you can shape into anything. Once its asked this man how to increase efficiency ,then same parts might be employed in 8-16 V and I engines easily. In theory 1 cylinder or 24 cylinder doesnt have any differencies.
Long time ago in 50s a turkish engineer/scientist developed an engine, with new efficiency increasing mechanism, some guys also responded same as you on that machine and finally Rolls-Royce bought patent rights of that machine to use parts of it in their own machines.
So, it is a shame...If Rolls-Royce bought it, it was something worth mentioning not like this "scientific breakthrough of the century".. (also this phrase doesn't belongs to me but to inventor of this machine. You can see it in his website)

Your saying is quite similar to also some people who considers pure science studies as useless to develop technology ,but thats wrong; pure science (similar to what this man developed) is like a dough you can shape into anything. Once its asked this man how to increase efficiency ,then same parts might be employed in 8-16 V and I engines easily. In theory 1 cylinder or 24 cylinder doesnt have any differencies.

In theory a 3KN TurboJet and 330 KN low bypass TurboFan works on the same principles...but to be able produce them is a whole different matter....

And like we don't have the science to develop a piston engine.....check out Engine thread mate.

Bring me the science to produce Nickel IBR's of a TurboFan engine i would applause you.... bring me the science of an Otto engine which has been produced more than century ago..i would just laugh at you.

In a similar fashion should we congratulate the dean of Pamukkale University whom produced an indigenous car with his students ?
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So, it is a shame...If Rolls-Royce bought it, it was something worth mentioning not like this "scientific breakthrough of the century".. (also this phrase doesn't belongs to me but to inventor of this machine. You can see it in his website)

In theory a 3KN TurboJet and 330 KN low bypass TurboFan works on the same principles...but to be able produce them is a whole different matter....

And like we don't have the science to develop a piston engine.....check out Engine thread mate.

Bring me the science to produce Nickel IBR's of a TurboFan engine i would applause you.... bring me the science of an Otto engine which has been produced more than century ago..i would just laugh at you.

In a similar fashion should we congratulate the dean of Pamukkale University whom produced an indigenous car with his students ?
View attachment 187595

we have piston engine production, but if that man really brought a new shaft system to increase efficiency it is really good thing, i havent seen blueprints of that ,i dont know whether its only applicable in one piston enginer because main issue in those engines are counter acting piston.
But if its something like what he said,that really improves efficiency of fuel in the burnt than its something really good, as it seems patent is done that means they also completed experiments.

What he is done really quite different than what PAU does,or perpetual engine. He is just improving otto cycle which is still employed in diversity of large power output engines.

Additionally shaft systems are easily applied between the engine types, it doesnt matter how many cylinders you have ,its all about adjusting timing. Even while engine manufacturer offers the engines, they do it like 4/6/12/16/8 cylinder options with different power outputs. So this means you can apply the technology on other piston engine types.

I dont know about turbofan engine, even what he has done isnt related to it, but from the smallest pump engine to largest piston engine ( which 100000 bhp) uses the same the background . It doesnt mean you can produce the other once you have done it in another but they use the shared technology, means you can apply from another to other.

What you talk about is material science ,even more related to production technique. But i know different scientific devlopment ,which will help to produce advanced materials and its not like something we will consider as scientific. One more note, along material science, math is also a science , thermodynamics also, physics or mechanics also a science. I also would applause a article about differential equation, or one about phase transformation of fluid in a compressed area.

Also i laughed hard when i had seen PAU's 3 different model :) specially when dean or rector has driven them. Doesnt he tell " wth" . :D
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we have piston engine production, but if that man really brought a new shaft system to increase efficiency it is really good thing, i havent seen blueprints of that ,i dont know whether its only applicable in one piston enginer because main issue in those engines are counter acting piston.
But if its something like what he said,that really improves efficiency of fuel in the burnt than its something really good, as it seems patent is done that means they also completed experiments.

What he is done really quite different than what PAU does,or perpetual engine. He is just improving otto cycle which is still employed in diversity of large power output engines.

Additionally shaft systems are easily applied between the engine types, it doesnt matter how many cylinders you have ,its all about adjusting timing. Even while engine manufacturer offers the engines, they do it like 4/6/12/16/8 cylinder options with different power outputs. So this means you can apply the technology on other piston engine types.

I dont know about turbofan engine, even what he has done isnt related to it, but from the smallest pump engine to largest piston engine ( which 100000 bhp) uses the same the background . It doesnt mean you can produce the other once you have done it in another but they use the shared technology, means you can apply from another to other.

So can we say if it is real we can use it on ALTAY engine by TÜMOSAN ?
So can we say if it is real we can use it on ALTAY engine by TÜMOSAN ?

if they ( tumosan and SSM ) wants to, then why not? But i wont feel like they will risk the timeline of project so they wont leave the traditional line to develop.
I defend that man, but it doesnt mean i believe him , he might be having sort of trick , like the system applicable on a defined system,defined range of volume and sort of constraints.

There was also a doctor in RTE university ,he claimed he found solution to cancer ,to make a progress in healing but his way actually was causing death on the other hand :) after this kind of people emerging recently,it becomes hard to believe new coming things before than seeing it for real
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And like we don't have the science to develop a piston engine.....check out Engine thread mate.

Bring me the science to produce Nickel IBR's of a TurboFan engine i would applause you.... bring me the science of an Otto engine which has been produced more than century ago..i would just laugh at you.
View attachment 187595

Dude we are getting there, keep watching.
BTW i want to remind you something...

TÜMOSAN says "We will build an engine with most indigenous contribution" ... So it means engine will not be 100% indigenous... Am i right ?..


Türkiye’nin en önde gelen traktör ve dizel motor üreticisi Tümosan Motor ve Traktör Sanayi A.Ş. (TÜMOSAN), Altay Tankı Güç Grubu Geliştirilmesi İhalesi’ni kazandı. Savunma Sanayii İcra Komitesi, 6 Ağustos 2014 tarihinde teklif değerlendirmelerini tamamlayarak ALTAY Tankı Güç Geliştirme Projesi için TÜMOSAN ile sözleşme görüşmelerine başlanması kararı verdi. Ağustos 2011 yılından itibaren ihale çalışmaları sürdürülen proje için TÜMOSAN en kısa sürede en uygun fiyatla ve en fazla yerli katkı ile projeyi gerçekleştirmeyi taahhüt etti.
BTW i want to remind you something...

TÜMOSAN says "We will build an engine with most indigenous contribution" ... So it means engine will not be 100% indigenous... Am i right ?..

it means that,but in my opinion, as long as that non-indigenous part is something can be provided from different sources also compatible for all (such injector system pumps and others, or clutch system for gearbox ) it wont cause any problem in case of part supply embargo .

What is 100 percent indigenous,so we can expect this engine to be 100 percent indigenous? If something is provided cheaper than we can produce and its easily accessible part,then its not a problem. For further example, a seal needed for milgem, one well known turkish company gave a price like 3 times more than a foreigner company, includes the rule " to supply that part only from them along the project" while a foreigner supplier sold much cheaper, also with additional bonus packages and immadiate delivery and warranty included :)
it means that,but in my opinion, as long as that non-indigenous part is something can be provided from different sources also compatible for all (such injector system pumps and others, or clutch system for gearbox ) it wont cause any problem in case of part supply embargo .

What is 100 percent indigenous,so we can expect this engine to be 100 percent indigenous? If something is provided cheaper than we can produce and its easily accessible part,then its not a problem. For further example, a seal needed for milgem, one well known turkish company gave a price like 3 times more than a foreigner company, includes the rule " to supply that part only from them along the project" while a foreigner supplier sold much cheaper, also with additional bonus packages and immadiate delivery and warranty included :)

We want to see fast results. We can always go back and make design changes to accomodate more and more indigenous components. We can't let small hurdles to set us back. It is not a one time thing developing a range of products. We will keep improving our designs over time. The projects are not only procurement projects but capability acqusition projects. So sooner or later we will achieve the goal of technological freedom from foreign sources. The best leverage we have in this feat is that we have a domestic market large enough to absorb a big portion of the cost and a sizable circle of influence to back it up. We can sell our final products so we can start making them.
Turkish Companies working on Battery Technology for eletric Cars and they have Know - How in the Area of electric Motors ! Companies like Rolls Royce for example working on electric Fan Technology for Future Airliners. Are in Turkey similar Projects in Progress ?

eConcept - EADS's Hybrid-Electric Airliner
Jun 25, 2013 by Graham Warwick in Things With Wings

Anxious to assure us it is not entirely anchored in the now by Airbus, EADS at Paris unveiled a distributed hybrid-electric propulsion concept it is working on with engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce. The idea is similar to the turboelectric distributed propulsion (TeDP) work under way at NASA. EADS Innovation Works has incorporated the initial E-Thrust distributed propulsion configuration into its eConcept vision for a 2050-timeframe airliner.

eConcept - EADS's Hybrid-Electric Airliner | Things With Wings
Turkish Companies working on Battery Technology for eletric Cars and they have Know - How in the Area of electric Motors ! Companies like Rolls Royce for example working on electric Fan Technology for Future Airliners. Are in Turkey similar Projects in Progress ?

eConcept - EADS's Hybrid-Electric Airliner | Things With Wings

I have been watching recently interviews of this Elan Musk guy who is the brainfather of Paypal, Solarcity, Hyperloop, Tesla Cars, SpaceX initiatives and he says "All modes of transport will become electric, with the ironic exception of rockets. There’s no way around Newton’s third law". Well, he is damn right. The trace amount of matter in the outer space doesn't provide enough grounds to push against so we need rocket power in that case, otherwise sooner or later all modes of propulsion and locomotion will be electric.

Putting this aside the mobility industries in general in Turkey is in the process of coming to be before starting the process of catching up. So, I don't expect initiatives to turn everything to electric to have started yet by major players. I remember calling up a professor who is leading a team in building a two place transport aicraft to ask opinion about my personal intent of an electric one or two seat plane and the conversation stalled quickly after it started as the professor was like he was taliking to an elien species 'cos what I was telling looked too outlandish to him. I was simply starting to talk about a battery powered electric plane.

While I pesonally don't know of an initiative in this department I am pretty sure there are some people exercising the idea. I can count myself as one. And I have met some people at the recent MUSIAD tradeshow who have gotten their hands dirty in the field with smaller initiatives. Cryogenic propulsion is also of interest as an emerging new option
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1500hp powerpack project will be signed in first part of 2015. Schedule foreseens 6 years of development.
I read somewere indigenous Trucks and Buses will be equippt with Diesel Engines developed by Tümosan, is this True ?
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