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Turkish court sentences top pianist accused of tweets that insulted Islam

Seth MacFarlane & South Park creators make fun of every religion & race in their cartoons, but nobody gets agitated.....so why do you guys react like this?

Remind of a episode where they showed that rapes are rampant in india? Americans have murdered millions of muslims for oil? I can make thousand questions like this, but I believe I have made my point
Well if you want talk about insulting then doesn't the fact that there is selective outrage from the right wing islamist communitie just questionable and that is why i brought up the familie guy thing and believe me , they have insulted the jewish coummunitie stereotypically and alot more including prophet noah, which we all hold in high regards as far as scripture stands. I do decry about the judgement but alot of turkie members opinion also depict the outrage and as far as funding wars, pakistan government also gets money from yank as far as aid is concerned so what is your point?
Please have a look at post #75.....do you think depicting all Muslims as terrorists is same as mocking jews as penny-pinchers?
Please have a look at post #75.....do you think depicting all Muslims as terrorists is same as mocking jews as penny-pinchers?

They are both stereotypes and familie guy even went after Qoran/bilbical figures including numerous and there was no protest, point being that selective outrage is a tad bit outdated but again my friend, if turkie people are happy with the decision then by all means there choice. I mean here we mounted pressure on Ann coulter on her comments and sent her back to yankland! Also not to divert but the bigger point is that right wing islamist have to stop being ultra sensitive and stop apply hate speech selectively.

Anyways mon ami, I need to go nap time as it is night time but it was good discussing the issue and take care or as in urdu khuuda hafiz! aur revoir!
Well if you want talk about insulting then doesn't the fact that there is selective outrage from the right wing islamist communitie just questionable and that is why i brought up the familie guy thing and believe me , they have insulted the jewish coummunitie stereotypically and alot more including prophet noah, which we all hold in high regards as far as scripture stands. I do decry about the judgement but alot of turkie members opinion also depict the outrage and as far as funding wars, pakistan government also gets money from yank as far as aid is concerned so what is your point?
@Neptune, sorry to bring you into this conversation my friend but what is your opinion regarding this contreversial issue and keep in mind that I are not insulting turkie's court judgement but rather the sentencing, where do you stand on this hehe :)

:) Well, what he did is maybe a little bit unacceptlable by the community but it doesn't require to be sentenced even with money. We're in Turkey, everyone should be free to express his opinion, just as his thoughts about islam, and muslims thoughts about atheism. But as I mentioned in post #2, we people got used to it. What the court did is, AWFUL as what they did to the heroes at Silivri. :)
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nice to see turkey implementing ileri demokrasi (forward democracy)(!)
what next? ban alcohol? fridays become holidays?!
with such a government i cannot see a mature democracy near to Turkey; Any one can say anything, no one has the right to silence anyone's thought. You just ignore them, That is all!

so now what is the difference between Turkey and Iran? both are very backwarded countries!
with such a government i cannot see a mature democracy near to Turkey; Any one can say anything, no one has the right to silence anyone's thought. You just ignore them, That is all!

so now what is the difference between Turkey and Iran? both are very backwarded countries!

...and its your first post yet.
Oke people if tommorow somebody is insulting alewites then nobody of you have the right to say something:azn:. Like mehmet ali erbil.
...and its your first post yet.

... expound it further please, should i wait till at some message point?

Oke people if tommorow somebody is insulting alewites then nobody of you have the right to say something:azn:. Like mehmet ali erbil.

if someone calls you crazy, would you stop and try to prove otherwise?

... just ignore, that much simple!
Oke people if tommorow somebody is insulting alewites then nobody of you have the right to say something:azn:. Like mehmet ali erbil.

Are you kidding? Let alone 'somebody', PM Erdogan himself insulting atheists, and none of us have right to say anything against it anyway. See post #9 for another example.

The problem is not the insult itself, atheists are not giving a damn anyway, the problem is if a muslim has right to say animal/junkie to atheists, he should be cool if atheist return the favor in same fashion.

Though it was not even the case here. What Fazıl Say said was like a compliment if you compare it with what Erdogan said to atheists.

Newest example: http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/al...head-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=45390&NewsCatID=341

Imagine what would happen if someone says "Islam is form of autism"
krølbååx;4194216 said:


Are you kidding? Let alone 'somebody', PM Erdogan himself insulting atheists, and none of us have right to say anything against it anyway. See post #9 for another example.

The problem is not the insult itself, atheists are not giving a damn anyway, the problem is if a muslim has right to say animal/junkie to atheists, he should be cool if atheist return the favor in same fashion.

Though it was not even the case here. What Fazıl Say said was like a compliment if you compare it with what Erdogan said to atheists.

Newest example: LOCAL - All autistic children are atheists and atheism is a form of autism, says association head

Imagine what would happen if someone says "Islam is form of autism"

In Turkey when a proffesor is saying something that is the truth. Dont let me copy paste marxist atheist profs bs. And nothing happens too.

In the 90 years of history republic. Muslims have listen of insulting and suppression. Its normal that they sometimes insulting atheists.

Its good to see. Look at your self. You are not capable to talk like mature. I dont want to copy paste images and laugh.
In Turkey when a proffesor is saying something that is the truth. Dont let me copy paste marxist atheist profs bs. And nothing happens too.

In the 90 years of history republic. Muslims have listen of insulting and suppression. Its normal that they sometimes insulting atheists.

Its good to see. Look at your self. You are not capable to talk like mature. I dont want to copy paste images and laugh.

Well, I want nobody to insult any religion but what you say is; It should punished when an atheist insults Islam. But when muslims insults Atheism, you say it's normal.
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