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Turkish court sentences top pianist accused of tweets that insulted Islam

For all non-Turk posters, explain in which of his tweet Fazıl say insulted Islam? Make a point or just the GTFO.
In another, Say joked about the short duration of a cleric's traditional Islamic call to prayer. The tweet asked a rhetorical question to the chanting cleric: "What's the hurry? Lover waiting?" the indictment said.

Say also was convicted of retweeting allegedly offensive posts, such as, "I am not sure if you have realized it, but where there is scum, a lowlife, a thief or a fool, s/he is always an Allahist. Is this a paradox?"
Do I need to remind you that this news may be related to Turkey, but this is a Pakistani defence forum..................so kindly learn some ettiquettes.
I don't speak Turkish but didn't he make fun of the women promised in heaven and the river of wine part?

You are partly true. These were not his but a persian poet's words.

Do I need to remind you that this news may be related to Turkey, but this is a Pakistani defence forum..................so kindly learn some ettiquettes.

You came here after 89 deleted posts. Insults were directed at the Atatürk, Turkey by non-Turkish forum members whom even didn't have a clue about what Fazil Say said. If you have arrived earlier you would get my point.
You came here after 89 deleted posts. Insults were directed at the Atatürk, Turkey by non-Turkish forum members whom even didn't have a clue about what Fazil Say said. If you have arrived earlier you would get my point.
I have a post on first page....so I am sure that I got here way before those "89 deleted posts". Anyways, I have provided his 'tweets' in question and they are pretty offensive and derogatory for all Muslims.
Always thought Turkey would be an example for the Muslim world....instead they take their cues from the worst of it.
I have a post on first page....so I am sure that I got here way before those "89 deleted posts". Anyways, I have provided his 'tweets' in question and they are pretty offensive and derogatory for all Muslims.

So they are tweets, its not like he is calling a religious decree to kill people. I mean our faith is not weak and defensive as some people make it, where was the outrage when familie guy made fun of prophet jesus! Just ignore his comment and at best fine him for hate speech!
Always thought Turkey would be an example for the Muslim world....instead they take their cues from the worst of it.

Its a controversial issue my friend, in Canada we have hate speech laws and there is a very blurred fine line between intolerance and tolerance as far as society is concerned and not sure if his comment can be taken as hate speech or not and that is for the courts to determine.


Interesting cases eh!, look at it in spare time if you have interest in hate speech legislation.
So they are tweets, its not like he is calling a religious decree to kill people. I mean our faith is not weak and defensive as some people make it, where was the outrage when familie guy made fun of prophet jesus! Just ignore his comment and at best fine him for hate speech!
In Rome do as the Romans do...............simple as that.
He has been prosecuted under the law of the land and thats it.......Sorry, but family guy's analogy doesnt fit here.....If Americans have blasphemy laws then that Atheist jerk called Seth mcfartlane deserves the same..........in a recent episode of FG....they stereotyped all Muslims in America as terrorists, but would they even bother to comment on Zionist actions in middle east? I think not.
In Rome do as the Romans do...............simple as that.
He has been prosecuted under the law of the land and thats it.......Sorry, but family guy's analogy doesnt fit here.....If Americans have blasphemy laws then that Atheist jerk called Seth mcfartlane deserves the same..........in a recent episode of FG....they stereotyped all Muslims in America as terrorists, but would they even bother to comment on Zionist actions in middle east? I think not.

my friend you do not make any sense,?zionist? are you questioning israel's right to exist or something? Anyways back to the topic stop diverting the topic and I am sure people in turkie are probably outraged based on their comments and remember we are non citizen so our comment in all is just grain of salt. I apologize if my earlier comment seems a tad bit politically incorrect but I am just tired of our communitie always playing victim card and we should just mature up and simply ignore their comments but if somebody talks in public like some political commentators like Ann coulter, then we should apply pressure to discourage them from speaking in public institution like universite.
In Rome do as the Romans do...............simple as that.
He has been prosecuted under the law of the land and thats it.......Sorry, but family guy's analogy doesnt fit here.....If Americans have blasphemy laws then that Atheist jerk called Seth mcfartlane deserves the same..........in a recent episode of FG....they stereotyped all Muslims in America as terrorists, but would they even bother to comment on Zionist actions in middle east? I think not.

Yeah....because they never make fun of Jews on Family Guy.....genius.
my friend you do not make any sense,?zionist? are you questioning israel's right to exist or something? Anyways back to the topic stop diverting the topic and I am sure people in turkie are probably outraged based on their comments and remember we are non resident their. I apologize if my earlier comment seems a tad bit politically incorrect but I am just tired of our communitie always playing victim card and we should just mature up and simply ignore their comments but if somebody talks in public like some political commentators like Ann coulter, then we should apply pressure to discourage them from speaking in public institution like universite.
Allow me to rephrase my last post......You brought in Family Guy, so kindly donot blame me for diverting the topic when I used that to make a valid point. In an episode on Family Guy they depicted that its okay for Americans to have distrust in Muslims since they all are terrorists......its a satirical animation? Fine...... why dont they also talk about American taxes being used to fund Zionists and their wars? Now tell me if Muslims arent being targeted here then who is?
As for "public" thing.......Social networks are pretty much the new public platforms so when he tweeted his harangue, he isulted Muslims all over the world and he did that on a public platform. Lastly, it doesnt matter what you and I think......he violated the law of the land and hence, he is under the fire.
You brought in family guy....see post #68
In Rome do as the Romans do...............simple as that.
He has been prosecuted under the law of the land and thats it.......Sorry, but family guy's analogy doesnt fit here.....If Americans have blasphemy laws then that Atheist jerk called Seth mcfartlane deserves the same..........in a recent episode of FG....they stereotyped all Muslims in America as terrorists, but would they even bother to comment on Zionist actions in middle east? I think not.

Seth MacFarlane & South Park creators make fun of every religion & race in their cartoons, but nobody gets agitated.....so why do you guys react like this?
Allow me to rephrase my last post......You brought in Family Guy, so kindly donot blame me for diverting the topic when I used that to make a valid point. In an episode on Family Guy they depicted that its okay for Americans to have distrust in Muslims since they all are terrorists......its a satirical animation? Fine...... why dont they also talk about American taxes being used to fund Zionists and their wars? Now tell me if Muslims arent being targeted here then who is?
As for "public" thing.......Social networks are pretty much the new public platforms so when he tweeted his harangue, he isulted Muslims all over the world and he did that on a public platform. Lastly, it doesnt matter what you and I think......he violated the law of the land and hence, he is under the fire.
I'm glad we fund their wars....they put the money to good use.
Yeah....because they never make fun of Jews on Family Guy.....genius.

Kindly develop better apprehension skills to be able to hold your ground in an arguement...........Family guy stereotyped all American Muslims as terrorists, mockery is something else...Einstein!
Allow me to rephrase my last post......You brought in Family Guy, so kindly donot blame me for diverting the topic when I used that to make a valid point. In an episode on Family Guy they depicted that its okay for Americans to have distrust in Muslims since they all are terrorists......its a satirical animation? Fine...... why dont they also talk about American taxes being used to fund Zionists and their wars? Now tell me if Muslims arent being targeted here then who is?
As for "public" thing.......Social networks are pretty much the new public platforms so when he tweeted his harangue, he isulted Muslims all over the world and he did that on a public platform. Lastly, it doesnt matter what you and I think......he violated the law of the land and hence, he is under the fire.

Well if you want talk about insulting then doesn't the fact that there is selective outrage from the right wing islamist communitie just questionable and that is why i brought up the familie guy thing and believe me , they have insulted the jewish coummunitie stereotypically and alot more including prophet noah, which we all hold in high regards as far as scripture stands. I do decry about the judgement but alot of turkie members opinion also depict the outrage and as far as funding wars, pakistan government also gets money from yank as far as aid is concerned so what is your point?
@Neptune, sorry to bring you into this conversation my friend but what is your opinion regarding this contreversial issue and keep in mind that I are not insulting turkie's court judgement but rather the sentencing, where do you stand on this hehe :)
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